Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 140: The second main mission is released


"Orchid, where is she!"

Brela looked in pain, as if she was trying to break free from some restraints, and stared at Xiao Ran with both eyes. ≤

Xiao Ran did not answer Brela's words, but continued to ask the same question: "You are not controlled now."

"I said, I have never been controlled." Brela gritted her teeth and stood up holding on to the wall: "I just obey orders. No one can control me no matter what I want to do. I want to see Lanhua, tell me, where is she."

Xiao Ran took a deep look at Brela and rubbed his head. In his memory, whether it was the theater version or the TV version, Brera was controlled in the plot, but at that time it was also obvious that it was because of the headdress. At this time, the headgear had been removed and Brela had gone through all aspects of inspection. Xiao Ran was not afraid that Brela would be controlled.

Xiao Ran looked at Ozma and nodded slightly to Ozma, who sighed and nodded. Xiao Ran pondered for a moment and said to Brela: "Tell us everything you know about Gaxy, and we will reunite you with Lanhua. I can also tell you that Lanhua has been raised by Major Ozma for so many years. Growing up, Lanhua also regards Major Ozma as her biological brother. As for the relationship between you and Lanhua, I also hope that you can be more cautious."

Brela looked up at Ozma, who had been lonely for a year, opened her lips and finally uttered a few words: "Thank you."

Ozma shook his head, smiled with his teeth, walked up to Brela and patted his shoulder: "Lanhua is my most precious sister, and you are his brother, so you are also my brother."

After saying this, Ozma's face suddenly became serious again, and he said in a deep voice: "But all this is based on your sincere treatment of orchids. You will do everything to protect orchids. You will do everything to protect orchids." Orchids are more happy. And you must know which side you should be on and what to do. If you can't do it to my satisfaction, I won't let you see the orchid no matter what."

"Just to prevent the orchids from losing you again after they have you."

Brela stared at Ozma blankly, and the hand covering his head unconsciously dropped down. Pictures of his childhood flashed through his mind, where he played the harmonica, Orchids sang, and his mother Sit aside. Flashing back to the last meeting with Orchid, he reminded Orchid that she must not tell anyone. Vajra appeared because of Orchid's singing.

Look at the seriousness and sincerity on Ozma's face. Brela's body trembled: "I will, I will protect the orchids, I promise you, Ozma... brother..."

Ozma's serious expression became relaxed, and she gradually smiled. She nodded lightly to Brela: "From today on, you are my brother."

Xiao Ran looked at Ozma dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Ozma could be so good at talking. He managed to defeat Brela in just one conversation, although he didn't know if it was complete or not. But it seems like Brela can give everything for the orchid.

"Thank you." Brela was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at Xiao Ran: "I will tell you everything I know."

Xiao Ran and Ozma looked at their opponents, and both nodded. Ozma even took out a recording device and placed it aside. "Say it. Brela."

"Grace has a research result that builds a thinking network that can transmit information between people throughout the galaxy without delay, but the premise is to modify the human body. The space crystal generated in vajra's body is implanted In the body, people in this network no longer have any secrets, but later someone discovered that they could abandon their bodies and let their spirits live forever in the thinking network. As long as the main body of the network exists, they will never die, so The real senior staff of the gagy ship group have gradually carried out such transformation."

"This network is the result of Grace's research on vajra. The power of vajra fascinates Grace and the senior management of the Gaxy Ship Group. They believe that the development model of vajra is the ultimate direction of human evolution. But after so many years, Grace We were unable to decipher more information about vajra, so we started looking for ways to control the bugs, looking for a human who could act as an intermediary to communicate with the bugs, and Shirley Lu was her test subject."

Hearing this, Xiao Ran's fists clenched tightly. Ozma also glanced at Xiao Ran worriedly. The latter forced a smile and shook his head to express that he was fine. Then he heard Brela continue to say: "Shirley is an experiment." Originally, this ship group was the last stop for Grace Shirley as a test subject to test whether Shirley's singing could attract vajra. Unexpectedly, I found another one here who was also Grace's original experimental target. I also I didn’t expect that this target would be an orchid.”

Brela clenched her fists and then loosened them, saying with an indifferent expression: "Grace probably wants to use the singing of orchids to attract vajra to attack the fleet, to plunge humans and vajra into a war, and to let vajra show more things, before fighting The vajra battleships that appeared are like this. Although I have never been clear about their real purpose, I can also guess some. The mother queen who controls vajra comes to gain the power of vajra and force all mankind to be under her control. 'evolution' in the direction she wishes."

Xiao Ran snorted coldly: "I thought I had a long life like a god and could replace my old and broken body at any time, but I didn't have the power or followers of a god."

"After gaining power, he will lead human evolution like a god." Ozma also frowned deeply: "If everyone is in a thinking network, will human beings still be human after such evolution? .”

Brela did not answer the two people's words and just continued: "Grace also has another goal, which is the planet Gallia 4. It seems that Vajra's fleet was discovered there. According to the plan, Grace will soon send this fleet Attracted."

Ozma immediately raised her voice and looked at Brera in disbelief: "Vajra's fleet is on Gaul 4?"

Xiao Ran nodded. There was this plot in the animation. Grace was so awesome that she used an unknown bomb to destroy the entire planet. Thinking of the power of that kind of bomb, Xiao Ran couldn't help but shudder. If it was used in on the earth. I'm afraid the whole earth will disappear.

"Gaul 4... is the place where I brought Orchid back." Ozma turned to look at Xiao Ran, his eyes full of disbelief: "But how could there be a fleet of insects there, and why was there no news about the advance fleet sent? .”

Xiao Ran was also stunned for a moment, and a destroyed Macross battleship on the planet Gaul 4 appeared in his mind. He also remembered that in the original plot, after the SMS in Lyon and Mishima became the president of the fleet, everyone decided that there was no shortage of ships left. They found a large piece of the planet Gaul 4, and it was there that they found Grace's identity and some information, and speculated on Grace's purpose. It was also where the 117th Investigation Team was buried eleven years ago. The place.

Now that Grace's conspiracy has been exposed because of Xiao Ran's involvement, she didn't expect it to be bypassed. Xiao Ran looked at Ozma and frowned and asked, "I heard that there seems to be some problem with the advance fleet over there."

Ozma nodded: "Yes, the advance fleet is basically composed of Geralds. Some people are clamoring for independence and to restore the glory of the Geralds. Now it's troublesome. If Grace unites with those people, maybe they will Do something."

Xiao Ran frowned, looked over and asked, "Has Leon Mishima been in contact with you?"

Brela replied: "That person has been conducting transactions with Grace, revealing a lot of information to Grace, and has been monitoring the surviving members of the 117th Investigation Team for Grace, but he has never known Grace's true plan. But Grace promised him that she could help him become president."

Ozma cursed: "It's true! That bastard!"

"Ding, the mandatory side mission is completed. Eliminate the unstable factors in the 25th Fleet and destroy the conspiracy of the unstable factors against the 25th Fleet. The successful mission will reward you with 10,000 combat points, and you have obtained the complete blueprint of VF-27. The favorability of the entire 25th Fleet towards you has been greatly increased, and you will temporarily obtain the highest command of the 25th Fleet's defense unification force in this mission world."

"Ding, the unrest factors of the 25th Fleet have been eliminated, and the 25th Fleet's camp has been merged. The 25th Fleet's unified defense force camp has been merged, and the gay defense force's camp has been merged into the 25th Fleet's camp. The new camp is Camp for the 25th Fleet."

"Ding. The mandatory side mission is completed and Luca Angelo is safely rescued. The success of the mission will reward you with a VF-25 transforming fighter plane (you can bring back Prometheus and you can choose freely). The overall favorability of SMS will increase slightly."

"Ding, main mission two is triggered. Arrive at Planet Gaul 4 within three days, prevent Grace and the Gaxy camp from launching the Dimension Devourer, and prevent the Vajra camp from attacking the No. 25 Ship Group. If the mission is successful, 10,000 combat merit points will be awarded. If the mission fails, the combat merit will be deducted. 50,000 points, insufficient battle points, obliterated."

"Damn it, fifty thousand points! I can't make up the money even if I sell it!" Xiao Ran jumped up after hearing a few voices popping up in his mind. He couldn't even care about the pain of the injury on his body, and slapped him hard. Thigh: "This is simply fatal!"

Ozma and Brela immediately looked at Xiao Ran with stunned eyes. Xiao Ran took a deep breath and said: "Ozma, no matter what is on Gaul 4, we must stop Grace's conspiracy. I Now go to the President, you go back to SMS, we have to go to Gaul 4. If a battle breaks out this time, it may be very dangerous. We will face simultaneous attacks from Vajra and Gaxy at the same time. Let everyone be prepared. This This mission is voluntary for SMS, if you don’t want to go, don’t force it.”

Ozma nodded and looked at Xiao Ran: "I will go. I want to find out what all this is about, and I also want to defeat Grace's conspiracy."

Xiao Ran glanced at Ozma: "It will be really dangerous this time. If we fail, no one will be able to organize Grace's conspiracy. We also need the power of Lanhua and Shirley, Ozma. Please prepare the stage for them, let them sing in the universe and convey our goodwill to vajra."

Xiao Ran glanced at Brela: "And you, if you are willing to fight with us, go there with Ozma."

Brela nodded decisively: "For the orchid, I am willing." (Please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster updates!

ps: It’s the second chapter, vote, vote, vote! As for Chapter 3, as usual, come later.