Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 142: Main mission 2 of other camps


Although Xiao Ran was officially given three days for the second main task, Xiao Ran really had to wait for the time to pass. He absolutely believed that he would be the unlucky one, and there were many things that needed to be coordinated in all aspects before and after the army's trip. It's a headache. If Xiao Ran hadn't been exposed to these things in the Gundam Seed world, he would never be able to handle the position that the president asked him to take today.

In these three days, Xiao Ran could only prepare for a whole day at most. At least one third of the time would have to be spent on the road. The last third of the time would be dealing with the advance fleet on the planet Gaul 4. , in addition to setting up defense lines, etc., so every minute and every second now must be particularly important. If you can leave one minute in advance, you will have one more minute, and if you can leave one hour in advance, you will have one more hour. Time is not enough at all. The urgency of use also made Xiao Ran a little breathless.

However, although Xiao Ran was anxious, things had to be done one by one. He endured the physical pain and arranged everything one by one with Brigadier Perry. It was not until he received the materials and weapons shipped from i that Xiao Ran The rest was left to Commodore Perry, and he ran back to his home in the Twenty-fifth Fleet alone.

He took out the medical emergency robot purchased at Prometheus from the storage column. He looked at the palm-sized robot floating and scanned himself first, and then began to deal with his body. Xiao Ran also felt something in his heart. A weird feeling. However, the effect is quite good. At least the pain has dissipated a lot, and there is no big problem in moving the body.

Although time was urgent, Xiao Ran was also anxious, but at least he was watching the preparations being processed one by one. He knew the time arrangement in his mind, and he just hoped that he could speed up the preparations and buy more time.

But the other participants who were also classified as the No. 25 Ship Group were different. They also received the same mission as Xiao Ran. This desperate mission, which rewarded 10,000 points for success but deducted 50,000 points for failure, basically turned them all into ants on a hot pot. They almost didn't hijack the battleship they were on and flew directly towards the destination of the mission.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran did not forget these participants. President Glass did not forget the two or three guys hiding in the original galaxy battleship who showed strange expressions when they captured Grace and Leon Mishima. As soon as they decided to go to war, these guys were rushed into the battleship by hundreds of soldiers and crushed to the ground. Then they were sent to a separate holding chamber and hung outside the universe, with a long Tethered to iron chains and floating in the universe.

This was done entirely out of fear that these participants would self-destruct like Grace. As for whether they would self-destruct, Xiao Ran didn't know, but he very much agreed with President Glass's plan to find a safe place to detain these people, and Made some small suggestions.

The other participants also became honest after seeing this situation, under the announcement of a major. Automatically signed up to participate in the mission to Gaul 4. Xiao Ran thought that two or three participants had been detained and there were not many remaining participants. However, when he saw the list, he was shocked to find that there were still ten participants in the original galaxy battleship. There were so many of them, but they didn't participate in the previous battles entirely because their machines were destroyed.

Adhering to the principle of humanitarianism, Xiao Ran used the rights he now had to provide new mobile units, VF-19 transforming fighters, to those participants who did not have mobile units, and also prepared micro-missile launchers for other participants who also had MSs. The device, that thing is usually tight anyway. Just hang it anywhere on the machine body and connect a wire to use it. As for whether it should be used properly, Xiao Ran had no idea. If it doesn't work, those participants can only actively drive VF-19 to fight.

In fact, even Xiao Ran didn't expect this task to be like this at all. He originally wanted to trick the participants from other camps, no... I should say all the participants except him, but he never expected that even himself would be involved. After getting into the trap, if it were replaced by a normal main mission, Xiao Ran's second main mission should be to resist the insect fleet coming from Gaul 4 in the mission, and main mission three would be to win the final battle or something like that. .

Otherwise, how could it be possible that basically all newcomers, who are currently in the third mission world at most, would receive such an arrogant and unreasonable main mission? Not to mention that Xiao Ran couldn't get it out of 50,000 points, but the whole camp. Xiao Ran already had the most combat points, more than 40,000 points were not deducted. Not to mention the other participants.

So Xiao Ran triggered the mandatory side mission and created such a main mission. It really tricked a lot of people. Of course, it wasn’t just participants from one’s own camp who were deceived, participants from the enemy camp were also deceived.

Especially the participants in the gay camp were also fooled by the second main mission. Moreover, they received the mission a few days later than Xiao Ran's camp received it. It was after Grace obtained a new mission. The body was then triggered when it appeared in front of these participants.

"Ding, the second main mission is released. Use the Dimension Devourer to detonate the planet Gaul 4. If the mission is successful, you will be rewarded with 10,000 combat points. If the mission fails, 20,000 combat points will be deducted."

As for the vajra camp, there are also participants, and the number is more than thirty. These are the participants who chose to jump to the vajra home planet at the beginning of the mission. At this time, they all joined the insect camp. , and no one who joined this camp died due to fighting.

Their mission was also very surprising, and it was only received after Xiao Ran and the others arrived at Gaul 4.

"Ding, the second main mission is released. Find Shirley Nomu and Orchid Li in the human fleet and bring them back to their home planet. If the mission is successful, 10,000 combat points will be awarded. If the mission fails, 20,000 combat points will be deducted. There is no time limit."

The mission of Xiao Ran's camp is: to arrive at Planet Gaul 4 within 3 days, to prevent Grace and Gaxy's camp from activating the Dimension Devourer, and to prevent the Vajra camp from attacking the No. 25 Ship Group. If the mission is successful, 10,000 combat merit points will be awarded. If the mission fails, the combat merit will be deducted. 50,000 points, insufficient combat points, obliterated.

Judging from the three tasks, it seems that as long as the bug camp is willing to give up the habitat of Gaul 4, it can completely cooperate with the people of the gay camp, because from the perspective of tasks alone, the tasks of the three camps have some conflicts with each other, and They can join forces in pairs. The fleet camp can unite with the insect camp to deal with the gay camp, and the bug camp can unite with the gay camp to deal with the fleet camp.

But obviously, it is impossible for Xiao Ran to give up Shirley Lu and Orchid, the mother queen of insects cannot give up the habitat of Gaul No. 4, and the galaxy camp must destroy Gaul No. 4, so it will eventually evolve into A melee between the three camps.

However, in Xiao Ran's hands, Shirley Lu and Lanhua will also be an absolute trump card. As long as this trump card exists, no one can say clearly how the situation will develop. Only Xiao Ran can Roughly judge the final direction.

Twenty hours passed in a hurry. Xiao Ran stayed in the Tonghe Army Macross-class battleship after coming out of home. It was not until Angelo called to tell him that the body had been restored that Xiao Ran hurried to the SMS battleship. He was also stunned for a moment after seeing his body.

Xiao Ran pointed at the two extra thermonuclear furnace engines at the angle on the Lightning Shield armed thruster and turned around and asked blankly: "What's going on?"

Angelo wiped the sweat from his head with a tired look on his face. It could be seen that Angelo had not rested in the past twenty hours. He said: "There is not enough time. If you want to replace it directly on the body, For thermonuclear energy, we have to re-create suitable energy transmission pipelines, and the utilization rate of energy conversion is also a problem, so we can only temporarily find a suitable place to add two thermonuclear furnace engines, and install two energy devices directly facing each other. The body's battery energy pack is recharged cyclically.

"Although we broke a battery energy pack during the test, all the problems were solved after adjustment, and your battery energy pack was also improved." Angelo patted Xiao Ran's shoulder and said with confidence. : "With two thermonuclear energy engines supplying power, there is no need to worry about the energy of the body. It only takes a few minutes to fill up the remaining 10% of the body's energy."

"It's equivalent to carrying a charger with a thruster function?" Xiao Ran rolled his eyes, but he also knew that this was the result of i's best efforts. Xiao Ran was not dissatisfied with this result. He could have had two more Each thruster can be charged at any time, so there is no need to worry about energy consumption.

"But, will you have no problem installing the micro-missile launchers in those places?" Xiao Ran looked at the four micro-missile launchers on his shoulders and thighs, as well as the large-scale missile launchers hanging on the left and right sides of the tactical composite armor. The micro-missile launcher could not help but twitch at the corner of its mouth. At first glance, it was clear that it was a product made in a hurry. Although it was quite strong, it had no unified feeling at all, as if it was placed on Zaku's head. There is an inexplicable sense of contradiction in Gundam's body.

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems after we pass the simulation test, and it will not affect the deformation of the aircraft." Angelo smiled at Xiao Ran and said: "Because your aircraft body itself is larger than the fighter plane, the launcher has also been increased, and the missile capacity has also been increased. It has reached 300 rounds, but because we do not have permission to modify your body's system, and we have not installed a multi-locking system module, we also took the time to get one for you. All external devices have been taken care of. You have to debug the system yourself for the rest. .”

Xiao Ran patted Angelo's shoulder and said sincerely: "Thank you."

"Don't talk about this. I'm also bringing technicians here. Let's get it done right now." Angelo shook his head and smiled. He turned to look at the purple machine that had been chopped into sticks in the hangar and raised his eyebrows: "That machine is mine. Pull him away first?"

"Okay, let's repair it by the way." Xiao Ran also turned to look at the VF-27 that he destroyed, shook his head and smiled before climbing into the cockpit of the Lightning Shield. ()

ps: This is the first chapter. It’s a bit late. I’ll take a break for the second chapter. Monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Why do I feel like I’m getting less and less drunk