Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 146: advent


The four fighter planes transformed into G-form in the sky above the frontline base. Michelle and Moses each drove their own aircraft to slowly circle in the sky and gradually descend. Music was played from the loudspeaker pod, allowing everyone at the frontline base to The waiting Gerardians all looked up to the sky.

Xiao Ran and Brela operated the machine to circle around the two machines driven by Moses and Michelle, guarding against any possible situation.

The canopy of the aircraft driven by Moses and Michelle was opened, and the first one to stand up was Shirley Lu. She covered her long hair that was blown by the wind with one hand, and held the microphone in the other hand, pointing high and far towards Jela who was on the ground. The Teijin Marines waved their hands!

"It's Miss Shirley! It's really Miss Shirley!"

"Miss Shirley Lou is here to sing for us!"

"I'm so touched. I'm really touched to see Miss Shirley Lu!"

… … … … … … … …

Seeing the excited expressions of the Gerardians on the ground, Shirley raised the corners of her mouth and said loudly into the microphone in a commanding tone: "People below, listen to my singing!"

Just as Shirley Lu's words fell, a song sounded, and the four loudspeaker pods equipped with the Moses machine and Michelle machine once again erupted with a louder sound. Shirley Lu's singing voice and music were integrated into one. The sound from the loudspeaker pod spread out far away. Shirley completely let go of herself. She stood in the cockpit of the Moses machine and waved one hand towards the Gerardians on the ground. The other hand held the microphone in front of her. Her long hair was blowing in the wind, making everyone look like they were seeing an angel.

Some of the Gerardians who were already holding weapons unconsciously dropped their weapons. They covered their faces with their hands and stared obsessively at Shirley who was gradually landing on the fighter plane.

"Miss Shirley Lu is really amazing." Lanhua, who had not stood up, held her head in her hands and looked at Shirley Lu on the other fighter plane with envious eyes.

"I believe you will be as good as her." Michelle turned her head and smiled at Orchid: "What are you waiting for? Didn't you see that Miss Shirley has already waved to you again? Before taking it out Come with the courage. I think Captain Ozma, Art, is also waiting for your performance from afar."

Lanhua stood up slowly, looking down from the sky and suddenly feeling a little dizzy. He quickly raised his head and closed his eyes.

"Lanhua, you can do it." Brela's voice sounded in Lanhua's ears through the communicator.

"I know. Brother Brela." Lanhua took a deep breath and opened her eyes to look at Shirley Lu. The first thing she saw was Shirley Lu's encouraging smile towards her. Lanhua seemed to hear it. Shirley whispered in her ear: "Just like last time, come on, Orchid."

"Well, thank you, Miss Shirley Lu." Lanhua slowly opened her mouth, when Lanhua sang the first sentence. The whole person's mental state suddenly underwent a huge change. He no longer shrank like a little girl like before, but became as confident as Shirley Lu.

The sound coming from Orchid's mouth is equally pleasant. Perhaps Orchid is not as good as Shirley in terms of technique, but it is more natural without a trace of smoke, and has the same feeling that fascinates the Gerardians.

The singing voices of Orchid and Shirley echoed in the frontline base, and Luca relayed the facts obtained from Michelle to everyone in the universe, even the outer planet of Gaul 4. In the battleship in the universe, everyone who heard Shirley Lou and Orchid's singing unconsciously became calmer. Those who were doing things became more powerful, and those who were not doing anything were deeply immersed in it when they saw the pictures and songs broadcast.

"This is impossible..." The leader of the rebel army watched everyone around him throw away their weapons, and looked at Shirley Lu and the unknown little girl in the two fighter planes spinning overhead with a fascinated look on their faces. appearance. Seriously, he showed an expression of disbelief: "It's just singing, it's just a song, it disrupted my plan, it's unforgivable, it's unforgivable!"

This Gerardi glanced at the two fighter planes in the sky hatefully, turned around and walked towards the combat capsule on the side, but this scene did not escape Xiao Ran's eyes, which had been observing the situation on the ground. He saw Xiao Ran operating The body once again transformed into a fighter plane, and its thrusters suddenly exploded and rushed straight down from the sky. It fell quickly like a meteor, and it wasn't until it flew above the head of the Gerardi that it transformed into a human form. The machine's legs sprayed out blazing flames and slowly fell to the ground, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the Gerardian.

"Stop. They who heard the singing will no longer rebel with you." Xiao Ran looked at the Geraldians on the screen and said calmly: "Whether it is human beings or Geraldians, we are all the same now. Living together for the same goal, you think that the two races cannot live together, but have you noticed that humans and Gerardians have become one family, and the mixed blood of humans and Gerardians has also become More and more."

"Those who are willing to intermarry with humans are traitors of the Geraldians! Culture? Singing, haha, only fighting is the blood of the Geraldians!" The Geraldians sneered and rushed directly to the VF-25 driven by Xiao Ran. Mass production machine: "But as long as I kill you and these two women, things will develop as I think. The war between humans and the Geraldians will break out again, and the final winner will definitely be the Geraldians. The emperors are the race that is truly suitable to live in this world!"

"Really..." Xiao Ran shook his head, sighed slightly, and gently pulled the operating lever. The machine quickly retreated under Xiao Ran's control, and the muzzle of the Gatling cannon that had been aimed at the opponent also sprayed. Out of flames.

"No matter how big the universe is...it cannot accommodate two different races..."

Looking at the Jerati who fell in front of him with his eyes wide open, Xiao Ran exhaled softly and felt a little uncomfortable. Although this was not the first time to kill people, Xiao Ran had destroyed many machines with his own hands in the seed world, but It was the first time that he watched a man fall in front of him with bullet holes all over his body.

After taking a look at the Geraldians around them, I didn't know whether to say that these Geraldians were too nervous or what. After hearing the singing, they decisively forgot about their previous affairs. The two parties were clearly in a hostile situation a few minutes ago. At this time, everyone stood together, cheering for Shirley Lu and Orchid's singing.

Xiao Ran shook his head, and while no one was paying attention, he operated the machine to grab the huge body of the Gerald and slowly dragged it to a dark corner. Moses and Michelle also moved the machine under Xiao Ran's instructions. When they reached the ground, Shirley Lu and Lanhua also got off the fighter plane and stood together and held hands.

The two people's singing made everyone present feel a resonance, and exploded with a force that could not be ignored and echoed far away.

The inexplicable rebellion ended inexplicably with the intrusion of singing.

"Dip, drip."

Xiao Ran, who was listening to the singing of Shirley Lu and Orchid, connected the communication. As soon as the connection was connected, Luka's anxious voice rang in Xiao Ran's ears: "General, there is a space jump reaction in the universe. The fleet has already gone to intercept it. On the planet There was also a strong shock reaction! We must leave quickly!"

"Everyone gathers, protect the Moses machine and the Michelle machine and go to the battleship!" Xiao Ran was startled, and directly turned on the full-frequency broadcast, drove the machine directly into the air, and stayed in the G form next to Shirley Lu and Orchid. Above: "I am Brigadier General Xiao Ran, the supreme commander of the integrated defense force of the 25th Ship Group. Unknown enemies have appeared in the universe and the planet. I order everyone to immediately clear the weapons depot and board the ship to evacuate the frontline base. Moses, Michelle, generals They brought back the macross battleship!"

As Xiao Ran's words fell, a sharp and piercing alarm sounded instantly in the entire frontline base. The Jeradi warriors who were still immersed in the songs of Shirley Lu and Orchid woke up, looked at each other, and immediately started doing what Xiao Ran said. Taking action, the Gerardians driving combat capsules rushed directly into the weapons depot. Several of them rushed towards holding large reactive warheads. Those who were not driving combat capsules took what they had at hand and used all their strength. He salvaged all available supplies and ran towards the Gerardi warship parked in the base.

Moses and Michelle quickly grabbed Shirley Lu and Lanhua, whose expressions had changed, back into the cockpit. As soon as the cockpit cover was closed, they rushed directly towards the sky. Brela followed closely behind, and there were more than 20 people in the distance. A fighter plane also flew over quickly, protecting the two fighters in the middle. In the blink of an eye, only small dots could be seen and then disappeared from the field of vision.

Xiao Ran's order came suddenly, and the alarm sounded extremely suddenly, but there was no confusion among the Gerardi warriors. Everyone did what they could, and quickly emptied the weapons depot and brought everything they could. All the supplies carried were put into the battleship.

As the battleship took off, the frontline base became empty. Each battle capsule protected the battleship and flew towards the universe in an orderly manner. Xiao Ran also operated the fighter planes under his seat to leave first in the fighter formation. Chase in the direction.

"Orchid, Shirley Lou, if your singing attracts insects again, don't be afraid, don't have panic and hatred, no matter what happens, you must use your singing to tell the insects that we are not enemies, tell them that it is because The differences between people are why we have joy, happiness, and so many emotions.”

"Your singing will sing the future of mankind and bring true understanding to humans and insects!" ()