Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 149: Changes in Vajra


At this time, the group of participants who had broken away from their own defense line also broke through to the front of the fleet cluster at the cost of one participant's life. The Lightning Holy Shield's rapid return after destroying three battleships happened to be from this team. Flying past, the two sides passing each other made Roger, the pilot on the Air King Gundam, firmly remember this black machine silhouette.

"This machine... is it the one that left at the beginning of the mission?" Roger frowned slightly as he looked at the Lightning Shield disappearing on the screen, but the enemy was right in front of him, and Roger didn't have time to think too much and organized The participants attacked the local fleet cluster, and as this group of participants broke in, more than a dozen fighter jet formations followed.

Xiao Ran drove the body to dodge quickly, listening to the beeping beeps that kept ringing in his ears, and also turned on the repair feedback and previous records of the atomic-level repair robot. As soon as he opened it, he saw several red lights on the energy delivery pipe of the body. After clicking, two or three red lines, and the logo next to it, Xiao Ran suddenly slapped the keyboard angrily: "Angelo, this bastard!!"

"The energy pipeline is abnormal, the vps armor energy supply interface is abnormal, and high-intensity attacks have affected the vps armor power supply. It has been repaired by an atomic-level repair robot."

Xiao Ran gritted his teeth and was furious. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for more than twenty micro-missiles to cause any damage to the body. But when something went wrong, these missiles actually caused more than 40% damage to the body. Fortunately, the plug-in Atomic Level Repair Robot that I picked up in the seed world was used on the Lightning Holy Shield, which gave the body a completely new look.

After squeezing it with both hands, Xiao Ran finally sighed: "Forget it, I can't blame him."

Originally, all the energy pipes of the Lightning Shield were dismantled in order to replace the Lightning Shield with a new energy system, but something happened suddenly. Angelo had people put it back together in less than a day, and installed multiple systems of external equipment on the body, including a thermonuclear engine and an energy conversion and charging device. There was so much work in the day and no time for testing, but Angelo still had responsibilities. But more is indeed credit.

Xiao Ran was just shocked by the attack just now, so he couldn't control his anger, but the anger came and went quickly. As for why he left the enemy's fleet cluster, it was because Xiao Ran discovered that there were only thirteen battleships in Gaxy, but the mission indicated that there were fifteen Dimension Devourers, and there were only two short of one on each ship. , I don’t know where the two dimension devourers and those galaxy participants who have not appeared so far are, just in case the dimension devourers on that ship are activated. By then he wouldn't be able to run away even if he wanted to.

Not long after Xiao Ran's communication was sent to the new Macross-class battleship, a factual communication was quickly returned. Commodore Perry's anxious voice also reached Xiao Ran's ears: "General Xiao, you just said that there are dimension devourers on all those ships. ?”

"That's right, this fleet must be blocked. We cannot let them include us and Gaul 4 in the engulfing range. We must keep them out of the engulfing range."

"I know, but now we simply can't dedicate more troops to stop their advance." Brigadier General Perry was a little embarrassed: "Now two-thirds of the insect's troops are attacking us, and more than a dozen fighter formations have passed by. This is the limit of what we can send.”

"Is their singing useless?" Xiao Ran asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes, it is very useful. But it should take a while." Brigadier General Perry smiled bitterly and replied: "Originally, we only used to resist less than half of the insect troops, but now it has exceeded two-thirds. But the insects It seems that it was also affected by the singing, and the intensity of the attack has also been reduced a lot. The attacks on other warships have been much less, and instead they all rushed towards our own ship."

"At this rate, according to calculations, it will take at least ten minutes to half an hour for the insect attacks to gradually stop."

"It's working..." Xiao Ran's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about ways to deal with the current problem, and suddenly he said with a flash of inspiration: "Wait a minute, we still have reaction bombs!"

"Yes, that's right. The advance fleet of Gaul 4 is equipped with large reaction warheads for them!" Commodore Perry's voice suddenly rose a little higher, and his tone became a little more relaxed: "I understand. I will arrange it. The fighter jet formation launched all reaction bombs towards the galaxy fleet."

Xiao Ran nodded and said: "You arrange it immediately. In addition, since the singing has already had an effect on the bugs, you also try to communicate with the bugs. The purpose of the galaxy fleet must be to bring us, these bugs, and Gaul together." Destroy No. 4 together, these bugs are intelligent, maybe they can understand what we are going to say."

"Also, don't worry about the bugs. First gather all the troops to attack the GAXY fleet with all your strength. Leave a quarter of the fighter formation and the skeleton squad as maneuvers. Send the MACROSS battleship to the front and use the cannon with the SMS battleship. If you can capture one, it counts as one.”

"And the targets of these bugs should be the two singers. When the battleship passes, the bugs will definitely follow them. Maybe they can lend their hands to help us and tell the two singers about this. Now we can only trust them. Two people can work miracles.”

"I'll arrange it immediately." After Perry finished speaking, he cut off the communication. Soon a wide-area signal wave was sent out from the new Macross class battleship. Xiao Ran also touched the necklace around his neck: "Shirley Lu , you and Lanhua need to feel your true power."

On the stage of the new Macross-class battleship, Shirley Lu and Lanhua looked at each other in astonishment after hearing the announcement. The hands they held could not help but tighten, and the next second, their ears Xiao Ran's whisper seemed to appear at the same time.

"True power, our power."

Shirley Lu and Lanhua stopped singing, and Lanhua looked at Shirley Lu with a smile on her face: "Although I don't know what power Mr. Xiao Ran is talking about, I will sing with my heart, no longer afraid, no longer afraid."

Shirley Lu also laughed: "Just like last time, let our singing help them."

"Yeah." Lanhua nodded heavily.

It seems that only each other is left in the world between the two of them, and everything around them has turned into nothingness. Even if they close their eyes, they can see another person beside them. There is no secret in the thoughts of both parties at this moment. The two opened their mouths at the same time and sang the same song without any communication, a song called aimo.

Xiao Ran's eyes flashed. At this moment, he seemed to see two girls holding hands standing in front of him, singing the most touching song. The song seemed to be heard throughout the entire battle area without any transmission medium, and everyone's movements couldn't help but pause for a moment.

He seemed to hear the most sincere words in the hearts of the two girls: Stop, we are not enemies, stop, we are here for you, we can understand each other and live together, but we need to work together to face the enemy in front of us. .

"Insects! The insect attack has stopped!"

Xiao Ran was brought back to his senses by a communication call. Hearing the voices of the two singers in his ears, he pressed the communication again: "Brigadier General Perry, what did you say?"

"The bugs are no longer attacking us, they have all stopped!"

Xiao Ran looked at the screen and enlarged the picture displayed on the screen. Countless insects stopped attacking. Even though they had appeared in front of the fighter plane and could kill the VF-17 fighter in their hands in the next second, they stopped and moved around. looking around.

"Notify the entire army that everyone should stop attacking the bugs and hit the fleet attacking Gaxy with all their strength!"

Ten seconds later, our own fighter planes left the battlefield where they originally fought against the bugs. They gathered together and turned into countless meteors flying towards Gaxy's fleet. The stopped bugs also began to slowly change their direction. Under the leadership of a bug battleship, they quickly gathered together and began to attack Gaxy's fleet.

Seeing this scene, countless people in the fleet were dumbfounded. They had no idea that the enemies who were fighting just now would actually become friends under the singing, which suddenly made their concepts collapse.

But when a fighter plane was about to be attacked by a galaxy fighter plane, a bug suddenly appeared in front of the fighter plane and was eventually shot into pieces by the galaxy fighter plane. This scene immediately shocked the fighter plane. A completely indescribable feeling arose in the hearts of the divisions. They were moved, shocked, or something else. They only felt a strong fighting spirit, and roared towards the Gaxy fleet and started the most powerful attack.

The melee between the three parties turned into a two-on-one fight in the blink of an eye. The Gaxy fleet, which was outnumbered in strength, suffered a devastating blow. The number of VF-27 was rapidly shrinking. Two Macross battleships also moved forward. In Shirley Under the singing of Lu and Lanhua, they began to transform. The countdown to the launch of the macross cannon resounded in the battleships, and the main guns of each battleship also began to gather energy.

Shirley Lu and Lanhua looked at each other, with smiles on their faces at the same time. The idea of being able to communicate with bugs also came up in their minds. They nodded, separated their holding hands, and pointed forward. of galaxy fleet.

Just under this action, all the bugs and their own deformed fighters that had already rushed into the front of the Gaxy fleet quickly dispersed to both sides. All the bugs' warships opened their mouths and gathered energy.

Just as Shirley and Orchid were singing, counting down the last seconds in their hearts, countless beams of light suddenly erupted from the ship fleet and the insect fleet, and the light beams that penetrated the universe spurted away from the galaxy fleet. ()