Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 153: The second main task is over


The Heavy Gunner Gundam was defeated, and without the opponent's only firepower to suppress it, the pressure on the fighter formation and the skeleton team was reduced by more than two levels. At present, the opponent's remaining C-class airframes are only a few. It was just a Torusky that was tightly entangled. Among the remaining aircraft, whether it was Leo, Duras, or the larger numbers of Jim and Zaku, they were basically not as fast as the VF series fighters. Without the ability to compete with the heavy gunner's Gundam, without the high firepower of the heavy gunner, without the Gundam alloy, which was extremely happy with both beams and live ammunition, the enemy soon began to suffer losses.

Without the Heavy Gunner Gundam, the battlefront of these participants has lost the most important link, and it is natural for them to begin to suffer losses. This is also the result that Xiao Ran wants to achieve after analyzing the situation. The other link is the one that is currently being used. Trosky held back by Ozma and Brela.

Xiao Ran also set his target on Torusky. Starting from the shot released by Torusky before, he almost got killed by three consecutive hits. However, thanks to the precise cooperation of the opponent's team, he was able to kill him. Xiao Ran really has a different view on a team.

Maybe Xiao Ran, a team composed of 4 D-level pilots driving 4 D-level airframes, still has the possibility of victory. If it can be replaced by 4 C-level airframes and qualified pilots, then Xiao Ran has no chance of victory no matter what. The most likely possibility is that the Lightning Shield was broken and the opponent was unharmed. After all, he was not Kira and did not have such a strong ability.

The battle just now was that Torusky was held back by Ozma and Brera, who had the best piloting skills in the fighter formation. This gave the Lightning Shield the possibility of one-on-one combat with the Heavy Gunner Gundam, but if there was no Skeleton Team, Woolen cloth

An ordinary fighter formation cannot be the opponent of these two aircraft, not to mention that there are Leo and Duras behind Torusky and Heavy Gunner Gundam to cooperate, and there are other participants. If there is no Skeleton Team, With multiple constraints, the VF-17 fighter formation will definitely be suppressed. Even if Xiao Ran joins in, it will be the same. Facing Torusky is enough for him, so how can he find the time to deal with other MS? .

But things didn't work out, the heavy gun Gundam had also been defeated. Xiao Ran drove the Lightning Holy Shield towards Torusky. Although the high-energy beam cannon and the combined beam gun kept firing, none of the attacks could hit the high-speed moving Torusky. Xiao Ran also knew very well. At Torusky's speed, even if he uses quick lock, Torusky can dodge the beam the next second.

The same situation exists for Torusky's pilots. Regardless of whether they attack the VF-25 or the Lightning Shield, they will still be dodged. The entanglement between them is better to say that you shoot me, I dodge, and I hit you. You dodge for a moment. Anyway, the purpose of the Torusky pilots is to hold back these fighter formations, so it doesn't matter if you waste some time.

But now the situation has changed. Although Torusky and the participants of the gay camp have indeed achieved their initial goals, they cannot hold up the fleet camp and the insect camp. There are too many troops, except for those who are fighting with them now. Except for the fighter planes, everyone entered the Gaul 4 and began to search for the five small landing ships entering the Gaul 4. At this time, three of them had been discovered, and they had been intercepted in the air, and the other two landed. The ship was also found to be at war with the fleet and the insect army.

The advance fleet carrying large reaction bomb warheads is rushing in that direction. Within a minute, dozens of large reaction bombs will be spread all over the entire area where the five small landing ships are located.

Now on the battlefield, the participants in the gay camp headed by Pilot Trosky no longer want to delay here. They want to enter Gaul 4 and quickly activate the Dimension Devourer and then retreat. But the key is what they think. , but Xiao Ran would not let them go.

Seeing the messages flashing on the communication screen, Xiao Ran felt a lot more relieved. He concentrated on speeding up and rushed towards Torusky. After getting close to Torusky, he transformed into an MS form and his arms popped out. The beam saber intercepted Torusky.

When Torusky's pilot saw the Lightning Shield appearing in front of him, he raised his hand and fired a cannon. He also drew his beam saber and rushed towards the Lightning Shield.

When the beam was deflected by the energy deflection armor, Toruski also rushed to the Lightning Shield and waved his right hand. The Lightning Holy Shield raised its left arm to hold Torusky's beam saber. He swung the beam saber in his right hand and slashed towards Torusky, but Torusky's reaction was also very fast, and the thruster behind him lit up. The machine body suddenly shot out and jumped up to dodge the attack of the Lightning Holy Shield, and kicked the Lightning Holy Shield on the head. Just as he was about to change the beam sword into a beam cannon to attack the Lightning Holy Shield, the two A VF-25 fighter plane also appeared again, bringing with it two fire snakes, which forced Torusky to retreat again.

"Bang." Xiao Ran felt the body vibrate and hummed softly. He pushed the operating lever and stepped on it with both feet to catch up with Torusky. The two machines held beam sabers and collided back and forth in the battlefield. It brought countless collision sparks and dazzling wakes.

At this moment, dozens of huge light explosions suddenly appeared in the shadow side of Gaul 4, and dense formations of insects and fighter planes also flew towards the universe from Gaul 4, and Xiao Ran's ears rang again. There was a voice: "The current number of dimension devourers remaining in the enemy camp: 1/15."

"Is there another one?" Xiao Ran frowned immediately, and Torusky on the cockpit screen also turned as if to leave the battle.

Ozma's communication came over: "All five small landing ships have been destroyed, and the enemy has begun to retreat."

Xiao Ran did not pursue Torusky. Instead, he operated the machine and began to turn around and look at all the machines in the gay camp. His eyes widened, and his eyes flashed across the machines. Suddenly, one machine behind him suddenly A backpack machine suddenly appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes, which immediately gave Xiao Ran a bad premonition: "Backpack Jim?"

"No! That's not right! Order all troops to stop the machine with the backpack regardless of losses!" Xiao Ran had already activated his mental burst, and directly operated the machine to transform and rushed towards the machine, using high-energy beam cannons and joint beams. The gun fired beams of light towards the machine body.

But this aircraft, which was not noticeable just now, showed astonishing maneuvers at this time, dodging the beam shots behind it without haste, and did not panic at all when faced with the attacks of several VF-17 fighters. As soon as he raised his right hand, the beam rifle suddenly sprayed out a beam of light. It then flashed over a fighter plane and brought up a ball of fire. Xiao Ran's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. He stepped on his foot and pushed his left hand to the end. But it can't speed up the Lightning Holy Shield again.

Although the Jim was flexible, it did not move forward too much despite the obstacles and attacks of countless fighter planes. Instead, it would step back from time to time to avoid it. In contrast, the Lightning Holy Shield had no obstruction and gradually increased its speed. But he quickly came closer.

In a state of mental outburst, all the senses seemed to be slowed down. All the actions of Jim were drawn into a line in Xiao Ran's mind, and his eyes were fixed on the Jim. Jim with a backpack.

The tactical backpack behind the Lightning Holy Shield had been taken off at some point. He held a high-energy beam cannon in his left hand and a tactical composite weapon in his right hand. The two beam guns were also raised horizontally, and the Kraken on his chest was The phase energy cannon flashed with light.

"Quickly lock... fire!" When the five locking frames firmly locked the Jim, the light in Xiao Ran's eyes became even more dazzling. After slightly adjusting the muzzle of the weapon, four beams and one beam flashed with different lustres. The fire snakes sprayed at the Jim at the same time. Facing the attack of the Lightning Holy Shield, Jim also wanted to dodge, but as soon as he turned sideways, a huge red energy beam completely blocked this direction. In the next moment, three beams The beam and the dense fire snakes hit the head, hands and waist of the machine one after another. Bullet holes also appeared on the backpack Jim was carrying, instantly turning Jim into a fireball and then scattered into fragments.

He didn't hear the sound he wanted to hear, and Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly bulged: "No! Where is it!"

Turning his head and eyes quickly to scan the screen, he once again discovered that the four MSs were rushing towards the Gaul No. 4, and had already flown far away because there were no fighter planes to block them.

"Oops!" Xiao Ran was shocked. He suddenly saw hundreds of beams and electromagnetic energy cannons flying from the direction of Gaul No. 4. He immediately passed through the four MSs flying towards Gaul No. 4. Next In an instant, four MSs turned into four balls of sparks.

"The current number of dimension devourers remaining in the hostile camp: 0/15."

"The second main mission is completed, and you will receive 10,000 combat merit points as a reward."

"The third main mission begins. Lead the No. 25 fleet to the vajra home planet, and decide the outcome together with vajra on the vajra home planet. If the mission is successful, you will be rewarded with 5,000 combat points. If the mission fails, 10,000 combat points will be deducted."

"Huh... Huh... Huh..." Xiao Ran breathed heavily. The sound he heard in his ears made him feel relaxed and he collapsed on the chair. He took off the helmet with difficulty and found that his hair was completely wet at this time. Through, a little bit of sweat floated in the middle of the cockpit with a flick of his head.

"Thank you." Xiao Ran looked at the bug fleet and the participants in the vajra camp that appeared on the screen, and showed a tired smile.

"How can I complete a mission with 3,000 combat merit points? What do you think?"

Sterling's laughter sounded in Xiao Ran's ears.