Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 156: The battle-damaged MACROSS battleship of the 117th Regiment


Ten minutes later, Xiao Ran walked into the dimly lit bridge, rubbing his red cheeks, and sat down next to the captain's special seat. At this time, Commodore Perry was already resting on the bridge. He shouldn't be back in a few hours. Xiao Ran came here naturally to let Brigadier General Perry, who can be considered an old guy, take a good rest and come over to take over his duties.

Sitting on the chair, he smiled bitterly and shook his head when he remembered how he had just kissed Shirley, but was driven out by the other party holding his face with both hands.

After seeing Xiao Ran, an adjutant in the bridge quickly ran over and saluted a military salute in front of Xiao Ran: "General."

Xiao Ran nodded and became serious: "How is the recovery of the battle-damaged aircraft and the wounded?"

"All have been contained."

"How many people were sacrificed and what were the losses?" Xiao Ran turned to look at the adjutant.

"The entire fighter fleet lost 86 people and injured 125, of which 14 were seriously injured. 324 fighter planes were lost, 160 of which could be repaired after recovery. One battleship was sunk, two high-speed attack ships were sunk, and another 13 battleships suffered minor damage. A total of 418 fleet members were killed and 256 injured."

Xiao Ran listened to the numbers reported by the adjutant one by one, closed his eyes, leaned on the backrest, and exhaled deeply. The battle in a short period of time could be so long, wind, literature, and science, ▲♂≌ t's loss, he shook his head and was silent for a while before slowly saying: "The treatment of the injured must be kept up, and there must not be more casualties. List the names of the sacrificed soldiers. They are all heroes of the fleet. , heroes of mankind, shall be subsidized to the highest extent possible.”

"Yes, after the statistics are completed, I will send the list to the unified army headquarters."

Xiao Ran rubbed his temples and asked, "How are the insects doing?"

"Basically, they have entered Gaul 4, and only a small number of bugs and battleships remain in the universe. No signs of war with us were found. The people on the two landing ships did not do anything special, but before The group of gay people hope to meet the general."

"They want to see me?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "In what name."

The adjutant said: "The identities of the members of the group have been investigated. I hope to talk to the general about the situation investigated during the gay ship group."

Xiao Ran laughed and asked, "Don't they know my identity?"

The adjutant shook his head: "All information about the general is within the scope of the gag order. I have been in contact with these people for this period of time, so I am sure they do not know the general's identity."

Xiao Ran held his chin and thought, and nodded after a few minutes: "Agree to their request, but don't reply to them so quickly, and limit the number of people. One is best. The location is on this ship, and I will leave this matter to you. Come and make arrangements, anyway, the most important thing is not to let them know about me."

"Yes, General!"

Xiao Ran nodded and said, "How is the situation with Investigation Team No. 117?"

"The Macross-class battleship of the 117th Regiment has been discovered on the Gaul 4, and several other shipwrecks have also been discovered in the universe. People have been sent inside to collect information."

"Have you discovered the location of the Macross-class battleship?" Xiao Ran glanced at the adjutant, rubbed his chin and thought: "The skill of waste recycler has never been used. One reason is that I have not found a suitable one to recycle. There are not so many combat points. The second reason is that low-level recycling has little value, and high-level recycling has so many combat points. Now there are many combat points. And it is a Macross-class battleship. Who knows what will be recovered, although what you can get depends on luck. , but you can give it a try.”

"I'm afraid that if I just recycle a few useless parts and fragments, I'll lose money. The price of a battleship is 20,000 combat points." Xiao Ran unconsciously glanced at the combat points he had, which was more than 70,000. The number instantly gave him a lot of confidence, and he clapped his hands gently: "Done it. I have to try to see if I can get anything out, and I also have lucky skills. No matter how unlucky I am, I won't just recycle a few fragments. .”

Before deciding what to do, Xiao Ran might hesitate, think about the gains and losses, and struggle in his heart. But once he decided what to do, Xiao Ran would not hesitate for one more minute. Even if he paid 20,000 battle merit points, he would definitely get it. He will never regret some rubbish.

Xiao Ran suddenly stood up and said, "I'm going to go to that Macross-class battleship to take a look and prepare."

The adjutant was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "General, the situation there has not yet been determined. Is it too dangerous to continue like this?"

"The danger I encounter is danger, and my life is life?" Xiao Ran glanced at the adjutant, shook his head, and said lightly: "Those investigators who have gone in also took risks to investigate the situation inside. I and I They don’t have anything else to go to, so don’t say any more and get ready immediately.”

The adjutant opened his mouth, but finally nodded: "Yes, General, I will send a landing force with the General."

Xiao Ran nodded and agreed with the adjutant's words, because he found that the adjutant's face was extremely embarrassed when he said this. If Xiao Ran refused, he believed that the adjutant would definitely use safety issues to reject Xiao Ran's desire to go to Gaul No. 4. requirements.

"There's no need to wake up Brigadier General Perry. If you need anything, just contact me."

The adjutant nodded and immediately turned around and left to get ready. Ten minutes later, Xiao Ran wore a battle uniform and boarded a small transport plane. As soon as he ejected from the battleship, several fighter formations and several Gerardi battle formations were launched. He followed up and protected the small transport plane that Xiao Ran was riding in and entered Gaul 4 directly.

When the transport plane landed on Gaul 4, Xiao Ran got off the transport plane and saw the towering huge battleships. One was a thousand-meter-level super-large battleship, and the other was only a human being who was only over one meter tall. In comparison, Xiao Ran As small as an ant.

Many places on the outer shell of the battleship are filled with rust and have sprouted countless moss. The tattered appearance makes people unable to believe that this is the most powerful Macross-class battleship currently in mankind, but it can also be seen from this From the scars on the battleship, we can see what kind of battle this battleship went through to become what it is now, and how it was forgotten here forever.

A dozen soldiers walked in front with weapons, Xiao Ran followed these soldiers, and behind Xiao Ran were a dozen soldiers who protected him from the surroundings. Fighters were circling in the sky, and the deformed ones were on the ground. The fighter planes and the Geraldi people's battle capsules were protecting, placing Xiao Ran's safety as the most important priority. Everyone was on guard against any situation that might happen around them.

Nearly a hundred investigators had already entered the battleship. At this time, Xiao Ran did not interrupt the work of these investigators. Under the protection of the soldiers, he walked into a steel door that had been opened by the previous investigators. After entering, we passed through the long passage that was brightly lit by the soldiers, and then entered a slightly more spacious place.

Along the way, Xiao Ran also saw many completely decomposed corpses, as well as rooms that could barely tell what they were used for. From time to time, he would meet a few people from the investigation team, and Xiao Ran would stop and ask them questions. Did you find anything

Along the way, Xiao Ran would also pay great attention to what was in each room, completely treating himself as a real investigator. He was really paying attention to something and investigating something, but what Xiao Ran was looking for was Xue. Photos of Lilu and Orchid's relatives left on the ship.

But maybe it was bad luck. For almost two hours, Xiao Ran and the soldiers who protected him climbed all the way to the bridge but did not find what he was looking for. Finally, he ordered the people of the investigation team to recover everything that could be recovered from the ship. Recover it and contact the adjutant on the Macross-class battleship in the universe to ask him to send more personnel to cooperate.

Arriving at the bridge of the damaged battleship, Xiao Ran also saw a lot of withered bones. They were still wearing uniforms from the United Army that were made more than ten years ago. He even saw a general, who was of course already dead. General, of course there are more than a dozen investigators here.

At that time, the entire 117 Investigation Group was attacked by insects. The reason was entirely because the orchid's singing attracted the insects, which eventually caused a misunderstanding and led to a war between the two sides. In that battle, the entire 117 Investigation Group suffered a devastating blow, and the surviving personnel Ten thousand is less than one.

It was this battle that made Grace discover that there were people who could control bugs with singing. While she hated the bugs for destroying everything for her, she also began to be deeply fascinated by the power of bugs. She should have been burned in a fire. The dead Grace was rescued by the gay crew, and she was transformed and brought back to life. From that time on, a huge conspiracy enveloped the gay crew, No. 25. and bug heads.

It can be said that the destruction of the 117th regiment is the starting point of the entire plot of Macross F.

When Xiao Ran stood on the bridge of the battleship, he was shocked to find that he had no idea how to use the Waste Recycler skill, let alone what the ship would look like after using this skill.

"I knew I should have tried it on a D-class machine." Xiao Ran frowned, walked to the main console of the bridge that was activated, put his hand on it, and tried to use the skill.

"Waste Recycler!"

"Ding, do you want to spend 20,000 combat points to recycle this warship? There is a certain chance that plug-ins, component fragments and complete parts can be decomposed and recycled. The recycled warship will not disappear or crash due to skills, but the recycled plug-in , the parts will cause the corresponding modules of the warship to be damaged or lost.” (… )