Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 169: Arrive at the insect home planet


Shirley Lu felt her heart twitch when she thought that Xiao Ran was going back to Earth, as if Xiao Ran was leaving forever. She was silent for a while and then asked softly: "Can't you stay?"

"No." Xiao Ran shook his head. Entering a world is inevitable, and leaving a world is inevitable. Xiao Ran had already prepared in his heart. He didn't want to stay in the seed world, but he knew very well that this was a matter of course. Impossible.

After seeing the flash of loneliness on Shirley's face, Xiao Ran also sighed slightly: "If I could, I wouldn't want to leave, but this matter is beyond my control."

Shirley Lu ran her hand through her hair, looked at Xiao Ran and whispered: "Well, it's not the Earth. Anyway, the galxy fleet is gone now, and my home is gone. At worst, I will go back to the Earth with you." .”

Saying that, Shirley looked at Xiao Ran fiercely: "If I go to Earth, you will have to take care of me for everything!"

Xiao Ran only felt that his heart was a little complicated, and it was so complicated that his expression was exactly the same: "But I am not going back to Earth, but I am going to a farther and more dangerous place, and I will never even be able to come back."

Shirley Lu was puzzled: "Is it a border planet? Do you have other missions?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and sighed slightly: "Shirley, I really can't tell you where I'm going, but I can tell you that that place may be very dangerous, and you are often asked to do some dangerous things. , and there is no way to refuse. I want to take you away. But I am afraid that one day I will die in the process of doing things, leaving you alone, and I am also afraid that I will not be able to take good care of you and put you in danger. "

Xiao Ran stretched out his hand and gently covered Shirley Lu's mouth, shaking his head to indicate to the other party to wait for him to finish: "I selfishly want to take you away. I hope you can stay with me and accompany me to go through one mission after another. Will you Going through countless battles, where life and death are often on the thin line, I have not considered your feelings at all, and I don’t even know if you are willing to leave me."

"And now I feel that for a girl like you, I should live in a peaceful place. Singing the songs you like to sing, doing what you like to do, and being welcomed and admired by countless people is your life. , where I am going, no one knows you, and I am just the most ordinary and simple one among them. Without the spotlight, there is no peaceful life, and life may not belong to me anymore... "

"Shirley Lu..." Xiao Ran looked at Shirley Lu seriously and asked, "Even so, you are willing to continue to like me and be with me. Are you willing to leave here together?"

Shirley Lu showed a faint smile, stretched out her hand and gently touched Xiao Ran's face: "Don't brag, I am Shirley Lu. The singer of the Milky Way is Her Royal Highness the Queen. Even if there is some danger, so what?" So, after so much experience, do you think I am still afraid of fighting? Although I can’t fly a fighter plane, I can sing, and my singing can also convey my strength to you. Doesn’t this mean that I am with you? Do you want to fight together?"

"Do you think that at this time, I will watch you leave me forever and lose your life in some unknown corner of the universe?" Shirley stood up. He bent slightly and lowered his head in front of Xiao Ran: "You have won my heart and you want to throw away my people? Let me tell you. Nothing in this world is that simple. No matter where you go, you must take me with you. If You walk quietly alone, even if I search the entire universe, I will find you, and then slap you hard to tell you that my, Shirley Lu's feelings are definitely not that cheap!"

"Idiot." Xiao Ran pursed his lips, held Shirley Lu in his arms, and put his head deeply into the other person's beautiful long hair: "The place I want to go is really dangerous. ah!"

"So what if it's dangerous? Haven't we experienced more dangers together before?" Shirley Lu also reached out and hugged Xiao Ran, her eyes full of determination: "I also believe that as long as you are here, you It will definitely ensure my safety."

"Yes... I have the ability to ensure your safety." Xiao Ran replied softly, raising his head and looking at Shirley Lu. The suppressed and controlled emotions could no longer be suppressed, and the two looked at each other. The most sincere and direct emotional exchange between people, and finally the two people's lips slowly came together.

… … … … … … … … …

Xiao Ran woke up before dawn the next day. Looking at Shirley Lu who was curled up in a ball in his arms with a trace of tears on her face, she couldn't help but reveal a trace of extreme complacency when recalling what happened between the two of them before. With a smile, she stood up gently and covered Shirley with the quilt. Xiao Ran took a shower, put on clothes and quietly walked out of the room.

After Xiao Ran closed the door, Shirley Lu, who was lying on the boat, slowly opened her eyes. She covered the quilt tightly and looked at the closed door. Her face turned red and she cursed softly: "Idiot."

Time passed slowly for a few days, and it took the stopped fleet three days to clean up the battlefield, recover everything that could be recycled, break it down into corresponding elements, or use it for other purposes. This is also the case. A common practice for open fleets.

In the past few days, the battle in which the bugs appeared and prevented the fleet from being destroyed was repeatedly mentioned in the entire twenty-fifth fleet. The civilians saw the friendly side of the bugs. With the addition of the government, various The public opinion of experts is biased, and it is easy to accept the statement that bugs are friendly, and there is no objection to the fact that the ship group will soon go to a planet with charming scenery and settle together with bugs.

All relevant records of Orchid and Shirley's resonance with the Queen of Insects were also sent to President Glass's desk. Shirley's latest physical examination report seemed to confirm what Xiao Ran had said before, which can be considered surprising. Ordinary people have the same power as orchids to communicate with insects.

Based on this record and Shirley Lu's physical examination report, hundreds of experimenters were quickly selected for the experiment. Billy and Moses were two of them, and they were also the first two people to sign up completely voluntarily. In the experiment, these One hundred experimenters were artificially infected with the V-bacteria, and under the condition that Xiao Ran deliberately did not let Shirley participate, Lan Hua alone used his incomprehension to countless scientists and medical scientists completely incomprehensible. Scientific methods allowed these one hundred people to truly integrate the V bacteria and become people with the same power as orchids.

Although these one hundred experimenters are completely unable to reach the heights of Orchid or Shirley, not even 1%, success speaks for itself, and this method will not appear as planned by Grace. In that case, there is no secret in the spiritual connection between everyone. Everyone is still completely independent and equal.

The success of the experiment gave the government of the Twenty-fifth Ship Group more confidence. Large-scale popularization is only a matter of time. Of course, Orchid's health must also be taken into consideration. Just these one hundred experimenters have already made Orchid almost exhausted. I was exhausted, and it took me a few days to recover.

For this reason, Ozma went to Xiao Ran many times to complain, saying that Xiao Ran was too partial and did not let Shirley go and insisted on letting Orchid go. Although Ozma complained about Xiao Ran, she did not blame Xiao Ran for anything. , but Brela and Alt often have bad expressions when they see Xiao Ran.

And Xiao Ran also deliberately delayed the time for the ship group to go to the insect home planet. The participants in the insect camp had already left this world after the mission was completed. Although other participants in the ship group camp were anxious, they had no solution. Until now, they They are all still on the landing ship and cannot even enter the main island.

As for delaying time, Xiao Ran also wanted Shirley, who was already determined to leave with him, to feel the world and leave more memories for her. At the same time, he also wanted to give more to I and the shipping company government. He had time to study the Lightning Holy Shield. Originally, this work was carried out by I alone, but Xiao Ran let the ship group government also join in, which did not mean that the government would curb the development of I. Otherwise, a military industrial company would obtain more advanced technology, and the ship group would The government will be in a weak position under such technology. President Glass has always treated him favorably, and of course he is not willing to let such a thing happen.

It took a full month for the fleet to start the space jump to the bug's home planet. Within a month, the Lightning Shield was completely analyzed by the fleet government and i, and the vps was obtained from it. Armor, MA, MS deformation technology, small beam weapon restraint technology, etc., made i and the ship group government's favor for Xiao Ran rise again.

President Glass even talked to Xiao Ran, hoping that Xiao Ran could continue to stay in the fleet, and even said in a roundabout way that he was willing to let Xiao Ran take over as the next president. Xiao Ran did not refuse but did not agree. He just said that he still had a mission to do. Go and complete it, it may not take long to come back at that time, and if the President still has this intention, he is willing to be on the ship.

The reason why Xiao Ran said that was entirely because he knew that he would definitely get another ultimate mission card this time, which would directly and significantly change the original trend of the world, and allow humans and insects to achieve symbiosis in a peaceful way. Xiao Ran himself would have felt strange if there was no ultimate mission card in the openness. There might be a chance to come back in the future, so he left himself a way out and did not reject President Glass.

After the fleet landed in a large inland lake surrounded by countless insects, Xiao Ran and Shirley held hands and looked at the shouts and cheers of countless people in the fleet, and they also looked at each other. One glance and he laughed.

Shirley Lu asked: "The boat group has arrived, when will we leave?"

Listening to the voice popping up in his mind, Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "Almost." ()