Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 174: Sell it…


Lao Luo smoked a cigar to calm himself down. When he saw the contented Xiao Ran, he couldn't help but shake his head. It was precisely because he was an aborigine of Prometheus that he had the opportunity to see Xiao Ran's skills, and he also had the opportunity to see Xiao Ran's skills. An opportunity to see the attributes of Xiao Ran's followers.

"Perhaps I can really see an opportunity to grow from the newcomer stage to become a legend?" Lao Luo looked at Xiao Ran and shook his head with a smile, and knocked on the table to bring Xiao Ran back to his senses, who was still smiling: "Are you going to just sell If you drop the cannon, sell it together with the battleship."

Xiao Ran looked at the battleships and cannons on the panel. Of course, Xiao Ran hoped to turn this battleship into his own combat power, but he also knew that even if he could get more than 200,000 worth of oil and water in each world, he wanted to repair it. This battleship is absolutely in trouble.

Xiao Ran asked: "If it needs to be repaired, how many battle points are needed?"

"Let me do the math." After Lao Luo finished speaking, he began to calculate on the table panel and said: "The energy is a thermonuclear energy matrix. A thermonuclear energy engine for a warship requires 15,000 combat points. The matrix At least ten modules need to be formed, which is 150,000 for an energy matrix. If it is completely repaired, I will give you about three million. In terms of outer armor and skeleton, the damage is too serious, and the material cost is not cheap. I will give you two hundred for these. Ten thousand, in terms of weapons, including automatic defense turrets, I count you three million... "

Xiao Ran felt ashamed and shouted quickly: "Stop, stop, stop! Stop talking, you just said these few things and it's almost 10 million. Even if you kill me, you won't be able to come out."

Lao Luo looked at Xiao Ran's expression and laughed: "Ten million is indeed too difficult for you alone, but for those large legions, although it is a lot, it will not break your muscles and bones. A top legion , the reserves of materials and combat points are very large, even if repairing this warship may cause them some world cycles, they will be a little sad. But it is still worth it. "

Lao Luo suddenly said in a meaningful tone: "If you are willing to join a certain legion, I can recommend it to you, just with this battleship. You can also get a very good position and treatment in that legion. .”

"No need." Xiao Ran waved his hand and said, "I have no interest in the legion or anything. I don't want to obey anyone's orders."

"So are you ready to sell?"

"Do you think I can get so many merit points?" Xiao Ran rolled his eyes at Lao Luo.

"It doesn't matter if you sell it. Anyway, with these two skills, it's not a problem to get another battleship." Lao Luo nodded, thought for a while and said: "If it is intact, the value of this battleship is at least It’s about fifteen million, but because of the space jump system, the price should be a little higher. If you want to sell it, the price should not exceed fifteen million including the repairs.”

Hearing that a complete battleship costs more than fifteen million, Xiao Ran's eyes lit up: "Then how much can this sell for?"

Lao Luo raised two fingers: "Two million combat points is more reasonable. If you want to sell it, I can contact you."

"Two million..." The smile on Xiao Ran's face became even brighter when he heard that it could be sold for two million. It was a huge surprise that something obtained with 40,000 battle points could be sold for two million. , and this also illustrates the value of the skills of waste recyclers.

"Sell!" Xiao Ran nodded without thinking. Otherwise, he would have no use for this battleship. Apart from looking at it, it would just take up space. Now he can't even get 100,000 battle points. Where can I get them? Maybe tens of millions of battle points are spent on repairs. It's better to sell it and get real benefits to make yourself stronger.

"I will contact you." Lao Luo nodded, pointed at the cannon and said: "If your thing is in good condition, it is worth 1 million, no problem. But unfortunately, this is just a castrated version. I checked the cannon's Data, if it is intact, the effective range can reach at least 6,000, and if it is sold, it can be sold for up to 200,000. If you want to sell it, you should keep it for yourself."

Xiao Ran was stunned: "The castrated version?"

Lao Luo nodded: "I think it may be because of luck in skills that the originally damaged cannon was improved, so I got the current cannon. Although the power is not reduced, the range is shortened."

Xiao Ran's mouth twitched. He nodded and said, "Sell."

"A reasonable choice." Lao Luo glanced at Xiao Ran appreciatively and said, "You don't have the strength to use these things. It's better to replace them with something you can use immediately, and you have those two skills. In hand. Maybe you can get better ones in the future, but the key point is that even if you repair the battleship, you don't have enough manpower to operate it. And you can't use the cannon without a battleship, and large battleships are not cheap."

"Stop talking, I feel both excited and disappointed right now." Xiao Ran sighed and shook his head: "Obviously, such a good thing cannot be used by oneself and has to be sold to others."

"Okay, kid, don't be too good when you get a bargain." Lao Luo glanced at Xiao Ran speechlessly and said, "If I don't say that, let's just say that there are a lot of people who are willing to buy these artificial intelligence chips. The intact 9V type The chip can bring out 100% of the performance of a class-class body. If you are willing to sell it for 20,000 battle merit points, you can sell it as much as you want. The chip without a prefix can bring out 80% of the performance. If you want to sell it for 15,000 points, you can sell it as much as you want. The damaged one can bring out the performance of D-class. Eighty percent of the machine's performance, not to mention eight thousand points more, is definitely worth selling, so what else do you want?"

"This is so valuable." Xiao Ran scratched his hair and asked a little strangely: "Isn't it sold in the Prometheus System Mall?"

"Things like this are not available in the system store except for those in the hands of participants in the entire Prometheus. There is no artificial intelligence AI for combat. After all, if any guy is lucky, in d I got a lot of battle points when I was level 1, so I went to buy a level 1 chip, so what else does he need to do? I can just let the chip perform the task."

"Yes." Xiao Ran thought for a while and said. After finishing speaking, he looked at the four different chips.

Complete 9v artificial intelligence chip: + level plug-in, which can be loaded into the body, allowing the body to be operated unmanned for combat, and can also be used to command battles from a distance. In the case of unmanned combat, the performance of the body will be fully utilized. Valid for level 1 aircraft and below.

9v artificial intelligence chip 4: level plug-in, which can be loaded into the body, and the performance of the body will be brought into play by 80%.

Broken 9v artificial intelligence chip 2: - level plug-in, which can be loaded into the body. The performance of the body will be exerted by 80%, and the D-level body is effective.

Damaged AI Chip: Can be used as repair material.

Xiao Ran touched his nose and looked up at Lao Luo: "Can you help me repair the two damaged chips?"

Lao Luo raised his hand and spread his fingers: "Five thousand points, two damaged chips plus damaged chip material."

"Five thousand points is five thousand points." Xiao Ran smiled bitterly, marked five thousand points for Lao Luo, and asked: "You can also help me deal with the battleships and cannons. I don't want to sell them myself."

"No problem." Lao Luo nodded and grinned: "I can sell the cannon today, but for the battleship I need to contact some old friends to see if they are interested. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. Yes, but I want to take a commission, five percent, it’s not too much..."

"It's not too much, just five percent." Xiao Ran nodded: "Then I'll trouble you, Lao Luo."

Seeing that Xiao Ran agreed, Lao Luo raised the partition and waved his hand to Xiao Ran: "Go, go, I will take care of it for you. There is no food for you today. If you don't have any merit points to eat, I can lend you some." You can deduct it from the selling price when the time comes."

"Haha, thank you Lao Luo." Xiao Ran smiled at Lao Luo and said: "There are still merit points for eating. Okay, I'll leave first. If you need anything, just contact me directly."

Lao Luo waved his hand, sat down on the big chair again, and then began to contact the buyer. Looking at Xiao Ran's back as he turned and left, Lao Luo sighed in his heart: "The gains from just two worlds have already exceeded his expectations." It is something that countless participants have worked hard to get. This is luck, but it is also a hurdle. I just hope that this kid will not be confused by these things and can develop well. There will also be some of the top people in Prometheus. A place for him.”

"But I did it decisively when selling warships and weapons. I didn't have too high a ambition to repair the warship." Lao Luo also smiled when he thought of this, shook his head and said to the communicator: "I have two good things. Let me contact the top legions... Yes, that's right, only those legions can accept it... A 1,600-meter battleship, and a battleship with S-class weapons, a castrated version... Well, okay, Then I will go back to the factory and wait for you."

After hanging up the communication, an inexplicable smile appeared on Lao Luo's face again: "Two million, five percent commission is not a lot for something that can be done with just a phone call. I finally have the spare money to buy a high-end customized robot." Yes, hehe!"

… … … …

When Xiao Ran returned to his home in the personal area, Shirley Lu had already gotten up and put on the new clothes Xiao Ran bought for her. However, although she put them on, she also retained Xiao Ran's opinions on the level of appreciation of clothes, including this home. , it makes it feel so magnificent and does not have the warmth of home. Of course, except for the bedroom and study room, it looks like a real home if it is a little messy. ()

ps: There are still seven chapters left, Yi Zui will update them soon, don’t worry.