Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 177: Weird blond man


Two hundred thousand battle merit points need to be used to strengthen, upgrade skills, learn new skills, and modify the Black Heretic and Black Hawk aircraft. It can be said that these battle merit points only seem to be a lot. After actually using them, Xiao Ran cannot guarantee that they will be enough. It was still not enough, and ten thousand points had to be set aside in case the next mission was in a world that Xiao Ran was not sure about. This way, Shirley Lu could stay in Prometheus and avoid returning to the world when she couldn't even take care of herself. I have to take care of Shirley.

In addition, some battle merit points need to be retained as punishment for mission failure. Although Xiao Ran believes that he can definitely complete the mission, which is a kind of confidence in understanding the plot, but no matter how confident he is, he must make all the preparations to avoid the danger. Sometimes I'm in a hurry.

Therefore, before he was sure whether the battleship could be sold within this cycle, Xiao Ran did not dare to use his battle points to purchase too expensive weapons or energy, or even the multiple locking system he wanted.

After walking around and taking a look, Xiao Ran had a rough idea of the prices of the items sold in the trading area. He spent the second day back in Prometheus like this, but before going back, Xiao Ran also bought He used things that he himself had used before, such as fighting and shooting skills, which can be regarded as skills that are not skills.

After letting Shirley Lu learn, Xiao Ran practiced shooting that night and also taught Shirley Lu to familiarize herself with the pistol given to her by Lao Luo. Although she learned the shooting skills, Shirley Lu still had some problems after training at night. It's terrible. The key is that Shirley's basic attributes are too poor.

A few days passed. Xiao Ran would go to the trading area every day to see if there was anything suitable. Shirley Lu would go out with Xiao Ran at first, but later she would mostly stay at home, but in the end she still maintained a more cautious attitude. Nothing was bought, that is, the battery pack. The Black Heretic and Black Hawk sent Lao Luo to ask him to install 9v artificial intelligence chips on the three machines.

It's not impossible for Xiao Ran to directly attach the chips to the two machines. But if you want to use artificial intelligence chips, you must make a lot of adjustments to the body's system and install signal receiving terminals on the three machines. There are even encryption of signal transmission media, etc. These things are completely beyond what Xiao Ran can do. Of course, Xiao Ran and Lao Luo have a good relationship, but they still have to pay Lao Luo battle points. In Prometheus, basically There is no such thing as free.

Including the Lightning Holy Shield, a total of 12,000 points need to be paid to Lao Luo. The unit price of 4,000 is still discounted, which is similar to the last transformation of the Lightning Holy Shield. An appearance fee accounts for a lot.

One day at noon, Xiao Ran and Shirley Lu came out of the gym. After taking a shower and eating, Xiao Ran said goodbye to Shirley Lu and went to the trading area again. This was something he had done every day during this period. I haven't found anything suitable in the past few days, but as a few days passed, Xiao Ran also found that there were more and more people in the trading area, and the same was true for the people selling things. More people meant more goods.

As soon as I arrived at the trading area, I wandered around as usual and said hello to the participants and vendors who I had met in the past few days. He walked around and looked around, and before he knew it, two things caught his attention. It also made him stop unconsciously and look at the two things on the stall in front of him.

"Shoulder i force field generator: + level component. When used, it can generate a repulsive force field on the surface of the body. It is completely resistant to beam attacks of level 1 and below. It will cause the attack intensity to be halved for + level beam attacks. The intensity beam attack causes the attack intensity to be reduced by 25% and is automatically turned on. When turned on, it consumes 100 energy per second and can be turned off manually."

"Sparrow-screen shattering crossbow: a special weapon that can shoot 9 beams in a wide range at one time, main launch port 1. Attack strength b-, each shot consumes 10 energy points. Secondary launch port (8), attack strength. A single shot consumes 5(8) energy."

"Pirate Gundam's weapon?" Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment after seeing this weapon, and raised his head to look at the seller. This was a man who looked very attractive to women. He had blond hair and a handsome and cold appearance. He looked like a teenager, wearing black leather pants and a simple T-shirt on his upper body. At this time, two bright eyes were looking at Xiao Ran. The green eyes revealed that he wanted to ask Xiao Ran what he liked. What.

Xiao Ran was friendly to the seller at first, "How to sell the i force field generator and sparrow-screen shattering crossbow?"

The handsome young man looked at his goods and said in a gentle voice: "I stand 30,000 yuan and weapons 50,000 yuan. Do you want to buy it? In the i stand, it is very useful to use a level machine, and it can also be used at level B. As for the weapons, they were originally weapons for a B-level machine."

"A total of 80,000?" Xiao Ran was a little excited, but he still felt that it was a little too expensive. He lowered his head and looked at the other things on the stall. When he saw something, Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment: "Isn't this the entire pirate gundam? Dismantled it? Could it be that after going to the world of Pirate Gundam, he joined the opposing camp of Pirate Gundam?"

Small beam shield generator: consumes energy to form a beam barrier. The defense strength against live ammunition is +. The defense effect against beams is b. The edge of the barrier has an attack effect. The attack strength is +. When turned on, it consumes energy value 1 per second. It will increase when attacked. Energy consumption.

Xiao Ran pointed at the small beam shield and looked at the other person. The latter glanced at what Xiao Ran was pointing at, tapped his chin with one finger, and whispered: "How about fifty thousand points?"

"The total of the three costs 130,000 battle points?" Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "It's not worth it. The consumption of i-Stand is too high and it is impossible to use it for a long time. The price/performance ratio is not high and it also has big flaws. , it can only defend against beams and has no effect on live ammunition. Not only that, it also has no effect on penetrating beam weapons."

"What's more important is that your i-stand only has one generator. Normal generators are set in groups of two to achieve the greatest effect. Perhaps because you have one less, the effect is not that good, and the energy consumption also changes. It’s higher, and there’s only half a chance that something will go wrong at some point.”

"Although the beam shield can defend against beams and live ammunition, don't forget that this kind of thing cannot be turned on all the time. It is completely manual operation, which increases the difficulty of operation. The edge of the beam shield also has attack strength. If you accidentally fight, Sometimes even your own body will be cut off, and this kind of shield should have a defense upper limit. If it exceeds that upper limit, it will penetrate directly. At least the physical shield will block the last blow for you, what about this shield?"

"I won't say more about the weapons. The eight secondary launch ports are more of a distraction. If you want to use this to aim and shoot, you must not tilt the hands of the machine. You have to be cheaper. Three I want them all.”

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he smiled at the other person. The blond man looked at Xiao Ran blankly, then looked at his own products, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Is it really that bad? I'm in the mission world. It’s very difficult to deal with the mechas that have beam shields and i-positions inside.”

Xiao Ran scratched his hair. He always felt that something was wrong with this man. He shook his head and asked curiously: "Are these things rewards for missions?"

"There are mission rewards, and there are also rewards for destroying the machine."

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment: "Is there any reward for defeating the machine?"

"No." The blond man shook his head and looked at Xiao Ran with more vigilance in his eyes: "But I can't tell you."

Xiao Ran rolled his eyes and suddenly frowned: "Don't tell me that after you destroyed this body in the mission world, you put it away, found technicians to remove the intact parts and installed them on your body, and then paid a high price for the belt. Go back to Prometheus?"

The blond man's eyes widened and he looked at Xiao Ran in disbelief: "How do you know!"

"Haha..." Xiao Ran felt a drop of cold sweat as he looked at this man who made him feel quite wrong. He twitched the corner of his mouth twice and said thoughtfully: "This is indeed a good idea... It's not wrong either..."

"Are you kidding me?" Xiao Ran raised his head and looked at the other person speechlessly, looking at the other person as if he were an idiot, and said: "Do you think I'm an idiot? Can I dismantle and sell the things I got in this way? "

"Of course ordinary people can't do it." The blond man moved his head closer to Xiao Ran and blinked: "You look very smart. Since you know everything, how about I sell you these three things at cost and you join?" How is my team? If you join my team, I will tell you, but we have to sign an agreement and it is not allowed to be leaked."

"Huh?" Xiao Ran glanced at the other party in shock, with a strange expression on his face: "Your team?"

The blond man nodded: "Yes, I find it difficult to continue alone, so I plan to form a team."

Speaking of the team, Xiao Ran was somewhat interested: "How many people are there in your team now?"

The blond man pointed at Xiao Ran and then at himself: "That's two if I include you."

"I'll go!" Xiao Ran rolled his eyes and shook his head: "I have no plans to join any team now. There must be a team, and others must join my team."

The blond man smiled: "That's okay, I can join your team."

That smile made Xiao Ran feel a little dizzy. How could a man have such a beautiful smile? After calming down, Xiao Ran looked at the other person and frowned and asked: "What level are you at now? How many worlds have you experienced?"

"B-level general mecha driving skills, combat combat specialization, the fifth world is currently over, and I won't tell you the rest until you form a team with me." ()

ps: Chapter 3 today, I still owe 6 chapters, right? Keep asking for votes