Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 194: VEDA


Facing the two machines in front of him that were similar to the G-shaped transforming fighter planes, Xiao Ran's eyes lit up and he curled his lips and smiled: "I am very experienced in dealing with this type of machine!"

The Archangel Gundam in its ma form directly transformed into its MS form under Xiao Ran's control. The shield blocked the front, flipped up and down with great flexibility, and hit one of the aircraft in the blink of an eye. The shield suddenly opened. It turned into a giant clamp to hold the fighter's head, and rotated the Archangel Gundam to switch positions with the trapped aircraft.

The Archangel Gundam held the beam submachine gun in his right hand and pulled it out while changing his position. A quick lock was thrown out during the turning process, and the muzzle of the gun was firmly locked on another fighter jet. No matter where he looked, Xiao Ran couldn't see any connection with the Gundam, which was called the Chariot Goddess.

It can be seen from the big screen outside that even when the Archangel Gundam turned around quickly, the muzzle of the gun still kept pointing at the same position without the slightest advantage, and it also fired countless beams of light that directly hit the female tank that was being aimed at. The Gundam directly destroyed it, and the clamped tank Goddess Gundam was blown to pieces by friendly forces attacking from behind because it was forced to change its position by the Archangel Gundam.

In a ball of fire, the Archangel Gundam transformed into its MA form again. Under Xiao Ran's control, it broke into the two sniper-type aircraft that were originally farthest away, the one named Star Water Goddess Gundam. The Star Water Goddess Gundam is said to be a sniper type, but this is just because it is holding a long-range weapon in this battle, but in fact this body is just a reconnaissance type body.

The Star Water Goddess Gundam has an unknown number of sensors installed all over its body, so the armor has been reduced to the limit. However, because it is only a test machine, and it is a reconnaissance support type, it can be said that it has almost no attack power or defense power. No, it has no other weapons except the weapons in its hands, and its speed is no match for the Archangel Gundam.

He was easily approached by the Archangel Gundam, and it didn't take much effort for the Archangel Gundam to cut the two machines in half with a beam sword.

Ten bodies. In a short period of time, Xiao Ran killed the four with the lowest combat capabilities. Among the remaining six aircraft, except for one FA0 Gundam, they all belonged to the same model. Named the Goddess of Justice Gundam, this machine is also an experimental machine. Whether it is performance, attack power or other aspects, it is far from being in a hurry to finalize the Archangel Gundam.

Three of the Justice Goddess have the same GN composite gun and sword equipment as the Archangel Gundam, which is almost like the attack and shield system of the Thunder Gundam in the erotic world. The remaining two are not equipped with double-barreled GN cannons. Although the speed is not fast enough and the range is not far enough, it is indeed the most powerful machine in the test. It is much stronger than the Archangel Gundam that Xiao Ran is currently operating, and the coordination is remarkable.

But after all, it is the product of computer simulation. Although Xiao Ran doesn't know whose data is used, a computer is just a computer after all. The level of simulation is not even comparable to the smart chip Xiao Ran got in F in Macross. It's like a A D-level pilot piloting a C-level aircraft cannot fully perform at the level that a pilot can truly operate it.

And in terms of body performance. Originally it was much worse than the Archangel Gundam, but the two aspects combined were even worse.

Xiao Ran has experienced so many battles, and his combat experience has reached a certain level. It will not be too difficult to deal with such a computer in a state of mental outburst.

Outside the training cabin, a group of people watched as Xiao Ran avoided three melee-type Goddess of Justice Gundams at the high speed of the Archangel Gundam. He did not have any contact or entanglement with the three machines at all, and directly focused on the target. On the other three Gundams with weapons, it took less than a minute to defeat all three Gundams holding heavy weapons, and snatched the weapons of the three machines.

I saw the Lord Angel Gundam holding a gn double-barreled cannon in both hands. He shot out four fatal beams with just one move of his arms. The gn cannon was not only powerful, but also lasted for a long time, enough for Xiao Ran to treat the beam emitted by the gn cannon as a huge beam within three seconds. Sword to use.

When all enemies on the screen are eliminated. When only the main angel Gundam was left, Xiao Ran's voice also woke up the still shocked Miss Huang, Ian and others, and Tieria's expressions were full of disbelief.

"After all, the things simulated by the computer are just fake. So, do we still need to continue testing?"

Ian heard what Xiao Ran said. Reflexively, he glanced at Tielia beside him. The latter was silent for a few seconds and then shook his head: "There is no need to test anymore. I already know your abilities. You are welcome to join Tianren and become their pilot." , as for which echelon you will be placed, Veda will make arrangements."

After Tielia finished speaking, she turned off the communication to the inside of the training cabin. Ian shook his head beside him and whispered in an unbelieving tone: "If he is given a suitable machine, he may be able to fight against it. The four of you remain undefeated.”

"No... He will definitely lose against the four of us." Tielia calmed down her emotions and said calmly: "Ten first-generation and second-generation mixed teams, any two of the four of us We can destroy them all if we combine together. Maybe in actual combat he can defeat one against two, but there is absolutely no way he can fight against four of us at the same time.”

Ian looked at the slowly opening training cabin and reminded Tielia: "Maybe it's like what you said, but this is his first time flying a Gundam, and it's not the body he's used to."

"Even if it is the aircraft he is used to driving, can it be better than the Gundam's performance?" Tielia glanced at Ian and watched Xiao Ran, who had come out of the training cabin, walk over.

"If someone has such skills, I believe there will be a machine that is worthy of his skills..." Ian looked at Xiao Ran who looked a little tired, and scratched his hair with a headache: "Oh, I'm really looking forward to it." The body information he got."

Tielia walked up to Xiao Ran and said calmly: "You have proven your skills in operating MS, and the last test will be conducted by Veda himself."

Xiao Ran nodded: "I have read the information about Celestial beings, and I am also very curious about Veda. It is hard to believe that it is just a quantum computer in the introduction, but it can direct the development of Celestial Beings for two hundred years."

"For heavenly beings, veda is more than just a computer. You will understand this after taking the veda test." Tielia took a deep look at Xiao Ran and said, "Besides me, you are The second person who can talk directly to Vead and take the test."

Xiao Ran was stunned, shook his head and smiled: "I don't know why, but I feel honored to hear such words from your mouth."

"Follow me." Tielia turned around and left. She just nodded after passing Miss Huang. She didn't seem to care much about other people, but Xiao Ran could also understand Tielia at this time. After all, He is just a created person, and it is normal to have some emotional flaws.

Following Tieria all the way to the depths of the base, when standing outside a white steel gate, Xiao Ran did not see Tielia's eyes light up with a light that did not belong to humans. After flashing a few times, The door in front of Tielia opened to both sides. Tielia returned to normal at this time, took a step to the side and looked at Xiao Ran.

"The rooms inside can communicate with veda."

Xiao Ran nodded and walked directly in. The door was pitch black and he couldn't see anything clearly. Only when the door behind him was closed again did the room light up with a faint green light, a room completely made of holographic projections. The formed round ball of light also appeared in front of Xiao Ran.

"I am Aeolia Shohanbeck. In order to eliminate all disputes in the world, push mankind to enter the next stage, and bring about changes in the world. In order to welcome the upcoming dialogue, I secretly established the private organization Tianren and designed Completed the mobile suit known as Gundam for use by Celestial beings."

"After Veda received Wang Liumei's report, your wisdom allowed me to truly wake up my mind during my long sleep, instead of relying on my hibernating subconscious to talk to you. Before I start testing you, I will tell you my plan. .”

"Human beings have wisdom, but they cannot see the reality of the world. Wrong wisdom will only be used incorrectly. Wisdom between individuals will make people suspicious and misunderstood, and suspicion and misunderstanding will only cause disputes, so human beings To use wisdom correctly, you must evolve, otherwise even if you enter the universe and try to give the big world blond hair, it will only ignite new wars."

"I call human evolution changes, and evolved humans I call changers. Changers have longer lives, stronger bodies, and smarter brains. At the same time, they can use the medium called gn particles to carry out brain transformation. Quantum wave communication can also allow non-reformers to hear the voices of others. This kind of communication will express the truest thoughts between individuals without misunderstandings and suspicions."

"The first step of the plan, in the name of eradicating war, is to focus the world's contradictions on the gods and let humans see the power of Gundam. Gradually understand a brand-new energy source, the solar furnace, which can be used when used Producing gn particles, and being bathed in gn particles for a long time will gradually lead to the evolution of human beings and become revolutionaries."

"The second step of the plan is to use the threat of heaven and humans and the contradictions in the world to force mankind to become a unified whole and establish a unified alliance until the emergence of a changemaker guides mankind to form a unified consciousness."

"The third step is to promote the overall change of the human world, thereby achieving true peace, prepare for the upcoming dialogue, and then set foot in the universe."

Xiao Ran nodded, touched his chin and said: "It's a great plan, but it has a big problem, because before your second step of the plan, and before the real changemaker you mentioned appears, you can't control people's hearts! " (.)

[The author reminds you! , there are faster and clearer chapters, URL]