Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 203: analyze


Tielia stared at Xiao Ran with both eyes. He didn't understand at all why people like him couldn't fully operate gn-nit, but an ordinary person, an ordinary person who had not developed in the direction of a changer But he was able to accomplish this impossible thing using an unknown method without the help of vead.

Facing Tielia's question, Xiao Ran had no intention of hiding anything. In fact, he knew how to fully operate the gn-t. He used the quick skill without using mental burst. Locking, even if it is not practical to lock quickly in the case of mental explosion, it relies on the skilled space recognition ability of space warfare.

Because people in the universe have lost the visual illusion of blurring in the distance and clearness in the near due to the air, it is difficult to judge the position of distant and near objects in the universe. In addition, there is no reference object, and it is even less clear in the universe where there is no distinction between up, down, left and right. The ability to grasp one's own position and quickly judge the position of objects is the superior spatial cognitive ability, which is the spatial recognition ability mentioned in the skill.

With this ability, visual illusions will not have too much impact on Xiao Ran, and there will be no inconvenience without reference objects. He can clearly distinguish the up, down, left, and right of a certain feeling, and this feeling Xiao Ran said He doesn't understand what's going on, and he can't say it, but it doesn't affect his use.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Ran still said to Tielia: "It is a very special ability, an ability to recognize space. I can accurately identify the space in the universe without resorting to the analysis and locking of the body system." Determine the position and distance of the opponent. You can also easily feel how far the GN-T should advance, or how to move to target the enemy. More than 50% of it is manual operation, so that the main computer of the machine will not appear. The problem is caused by over-computing.”

"Spatial recognition ability?" Tielia frowned tightly: "This kind of ability. How did you get it."

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "My ability is innate. It is a very strange feeling that cannot be described in words."

Tielia asked reluctantly: "Is there any other way? Or training?"

Xiao Ran spread his hands and replied: "I don't know. I just know how to do it. I'm also confused about how to train to enhance this ability."

"So..." Ian said with some surprise after hearing Xiao Ran's words: "This Secret Angel Gundam and its tome backpack really seem to exist just for you."

"That's not necessarily the case." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "If the main computer of the body is improved again in terms of performance, and the computing system for similar weapons is rewritten, I am afraid that even without my ability, I will be able to operate the gn-force freely. t.”

"No matter what, this is also very scary." Ian said with a click of his tongue: "Others can operate it normally, but if someone like you with this so-called spatial recognition ability operates it, it will become even more terrifying. .”

Xiao Ran groaned, and then said: "I don't know about this. After all, it is my first time to use this kind of weapon, and there is no such system."

Lockon shrugged, patted Tieria and said: "Stop studying this problem. If you continue to think about it, it is better to think about how to improve yourself."

"That's right." Hallelujah nodded in agreement, and added: "In the battle just now, I found that I didn't know how to fight at all."

In an instant, he passed several people and stood directly in front of Xiao Ran. He raised his head and looked at Xiao Ran, who was much taller than him, and said solemnly: "You can make us stronger, so that we can complete the task better."

"I have discussed this with Alex just now." Miss Huang yawned and said to the four of them: "During this period, Alex will continue to train with you and try his best to Continue to improve your practical experience before the mission begins."

Tielia took a deep breath. He regained his composure: "I'm looking forward to the next training."

"Through this simulated battle, it has also exposed your shortcomings, and your lack of sufficient reflection on the sudden changes in actual combat." Miss Huang glanced at Setsuna and Tielia and said, "Especially Setsuna and Tielia. Leah, you two have exposed too many problems. If the enemy seizes on your exposed weaknesses and targets them, it is likely to cause the mission to fail. Or even the Gundam to be captured."

When Setsuna and Tielia heard Miss Huang's criticism, they just nodded silently and agreed with Miss Huang's statement. Both of them regard the mission of veda as more important than life, even everyone, as long as there is Any weakness or flaw in their body that may affect the progress of the mission, both of them will absolutely obey and correct it.

"It just so happens that you are all here. Regarding this simulated battle, I am asking Alex what he thinks, and you just want to listen." Miss Huang glanced at Setsuna and Tielia, who were silent, and nodded at Xiao Ran. nodded.

Xiao Ran naturally understood the meaning of Miss Huang's look at him, pondered for a moment, and slowly said: "From the beginning, I didn't know that the four machines in the simulated battle were controlled by you. I didn’t know this even after the battle.”

"In the simulated battle, your actions were indeed orderly. The Force Angel Gundam sniped from a long distance, the De Angel Gundam suppressed it with medium-range firepower, the Archangel Gundam restrained you in close combat, and the Archangel Gundam attacked from behind. I am fully aware of such cooperation. It’s impeccable and can be regarded as a model in a basic textbook.”

"But!" Xiao Ran glanced at the four of them and raised a finger: "It's just something in the textbook. Setsuna's action of piloting the Archangel Gundam was too radical. It didn't feel like you were cooperating with others, but that you were cooperating with others. Others are accommodating you, completely ignoring the shooting trajectory of the comrades behind you, and even being used by me as a shield to resist their attacks."

"When dealing with airframes of the same generation, the first thing you should do is to cooperate with your comrades to contain the enemy until you understand the performance of the enemy's airframe and then take corresponding actions according to the situation. But you rushed over without firing a shot."

"I can't see any tacit understanding in you. Although you have three good teammates, these are not reasons for you to be willful and aggressive."

"The De Angel Gundam is driven by Tieria. Tielia, you seem to have absolute confidence in the performance of the Gundam. I'm very surprised where your confidence, this exaggerated trust in the Gundam comes from. Come. This kind of self-confidence of yours has led to you not making any move to contain or retreat during the time when I rushed in front of you."

"You have to know that no matter how high the shield's defense is, others will always think of ways to break it. You have too much faith in the defense and firepower of the De Angel Gundam. This is your biggest mistake. Trusting your own body will not help. Wrong, but you misestimated the strength of the enemy and you, and also misestimated your hit rate and the defense power of the De Angel Gundam."

"You clearly knew that my dodge ability was high, but you still wasted time at the end by firing the shoulder GN double-barreled cannon at me. If it had been me, I would have already started to attack you under the cover of the Force Angel Gundam at that time. We were retreating, what if I had used all ten large GN-Ts to fire at you? I'm afraid I could kill you directly without getting close to you."

"The Archangel Gundam driven by Lockon has a good shooting accuracy, but have you ever thought that once your shots are missed by the enemy, people like me who have never been hit by you even once, if you are avoiding What are you going to do when it rushes into your body at high speed while shooting?"

"Even if you are shooting, you cannot move without a little bit of movement. I don't know whether you released water or for other reasons. As a result, you did not move much during the battle just now. At most, you only moved a few times on the left and right sides. , choose a better shooting angle.”

"But the best thing about a sniper is not that he can find suitable shooting angles and paths, but that he can freely create shooting angles and paths. If you tell Setsuna to attack me in front of you, the first Setsuna's attack will be blocked. , then you can have a good cooperation, that is, after blocking, you can lower or raise the Gundam, or even just raise one arm to leave an angle for you to attack, then the situation may be completely different. ."

"The other sniper should have a good view of the overall situation. When the Archangel Gundam is entangled by the gn-t, you should not continue to support the De Angel Gundam, but should be entangled with the Archangel Gundam. It's better to shoot with a large gn-t, which can also free up one of you."

"Hallelujah is piloting the Archangel Gundam. It shows good speed, but it lacks initiative in combat. Your body is an assault-type body. Everyone's driving style is different. I can't say that you choose to go around. What you did afterwards was wrong.”

"But if it were me driving the Master Angel Gundam, the first wave of attacks you would carry out on the Secret Angel Gundam would definitely be caused by me. I would rush in at high speed and launch a wave of firepower attack on the enemy. I would be able to retreat in one blow. If the enemy causes some trouble, it can also give the teammates behind him more time to prepare."

"After a wave of attacks are left behind, the Archangel Gundam behind me will have enough time to rush in front of me and start attacking. You can also take advantage of the situation to contain it. Even if you go around behind, never shoot from a long distance like this." ( )