Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 212: What's your opinion?


When the scheduled time came, more than thirty MS were loaded one by one into Union's large transport aircraft. For Union's large transport aircraft, each transport aircraft was completely enough to carry four MA-like flags. This It is also the maximum capacity of this transport aircraft.

As the aircraft body was loaded in, the shuttles flew across the long runway into the sky. As soon as they took off, they flew directly towards Japan's new special economic zone across the ocean at the fastest speed.

Xiao Ran's Dark Heretic and Graham's body were sent to the same transport plane. Following the two of them on the transport plane was Billy Katagiri, who was the analysis record of the unknown MS in this operation. Their plane was also the first to take off, but was surrounded by transport planes taking off from behind.

Xiao Ran had already put on his pure black pilot uniform and was sitting on the bridge of the large transport plane. Graham was standing in front of him, and Billy was operating a tablet computer, facing The appearance of the dark heretic was conducting data analysis, and he looked very interested. Even Graham turned his attention to Billy's computer screen.

Xiao Ran put one hand on the armrest of the chair, tilted his head and looked at the two of them. After watching for a few minutes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was an expression on his face that he found something interesting.

Xiao Ran thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more interesting it became, and then he shouted: "Graham."

"General." Graham turned around and stood up straight to face Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran asked: "What do you think of my machine?"

After hearing Xiao Ran's question, Graham thought for a moment and said: "From the appearance, this machine has a completely different design concept from the flag type. From the frame to the armor, it is also completely different. As for the weapons and performance, I have not seen it with my own eyes. I’ve seen it before, so I don’t know how to evaluate it.”

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded lightly. He groaned and said: "Let's put it this way, this aircraft has the ability to directly confront at least ten units of our flag type. If it is piloted by me, even if it is our army's elite pilot flying the flag type. I can also Defeat them all in a short time.”

Billy's ears had already stood up, and he was stunned for a moment after hearing Xiao Ran's words, and then the curiosity in his eyes became even more intense. Graham was also surprised when he heard Xiao Ran's words. The direct confrontation in Xiao Ran's words did not mean to gain some advantage, but that when the battlefield conditions of both sides were equal, this machine had the ability to fight ten machines at the same time. capabilities, and it is also the flag type piloted by elite pilots.

See the shock on Graham's face. Xiao Ran also smiled: "Although I don't know if those unknown MS have the same performance as my machine, I don't think the difference is too big. If you fly a flag type against such a machine, you will win. Are you sure?"

"I don't know." Graham shook his head and said: "If it is as the general said, then the flag type is definitely not as good as the general's aircraft in terms of performance. If the pilots of those unknown MSs do not have enough driving skills, If so. Maybe I still have some confidence, but judging from the battle records, those pilots with unknown MS may not be inferior to me."

Xiao Ran slowly sat up straight, tapping his right hand gently on the armrest: "If I take out the same machine for you to drive, are you sure?"

Graham's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Xiao Ranruo glanced at Graham meaningfully, and then said slowly: "If I build a machine specifically for you, it will be a machine that has energy, weapons, armor, mobility and other aspects that completely exceed the banner. The machine is several times larger than the previous model. And you need to pay some price. Are you willing to pay some price for the opportunity to get a machine of your own?"

Graham fell silent for a moment, lowered his head and began to think, while Billy Katagiri showed a little astonishment. He frowned and glanced at Xiao Ran, then at Graham.

Graham is still thinking. Xiao Ran didn't say anything to him, but turned to look at Billy Katagiri, and said the same: "Billy, I know something about your ability, and you are a very good technical consultant. If I tell you, I I have a complete set of new MS manufacturing information on hand, from materials to processes, as well as some other technologies. There are definitely many things that you are very interested in. If I give these things to you to study, will you be willing? Are you willing to pay some price?"

"A full set of MS technology? Energy, weapons, skeleton, armor, materials and processes? Are there other new technologies?" Billy Katagiri's eyes widened, he glanced at Xiao Ran in disbelief, and then said softly He took a breath, pushed up his glasses, looked at Xiao Ran and said, "General, can you tell me first what price I have to pay."

Billy's question also made Graham look up at Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran glanced at the two of them, smiled softly, stood up, and walked towards the outside of the transport aircraft bridge. Graham and Billy looked at each other and quickly followed behind Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran kept walking in front, and Graham and Billy followed. The three of them walked to Gnakuli in silence and walked in front of the Black Heretic. It was only then that Xiao Ran turned his head and looked in the direction. Two people.

"The price you need to pay may be huge, or it may be small. If you succeed, you will become the heroes of this world. If you fail, you will become the sinners of this world."

The two of them looked at each other without saying anything, but looked straight at Xiao Ran, as if waiting for Xiao Ran to continue talking.

Naturally, Xiao Ran didn't keep the two of them waiting for a long time, and slowly said: "If you want to continue listening, once I say it, you will have no possibility of regretting it. Do you want to continue listening?"

Graham smiled and said: "I really want to know what kind of things can make a person become the hero of the whole world, or he may become the sinner of the whole world, and I am also very interested in my exclusive body. . ”

Billy Katagiri also laughed, "General, I'm just a technician. I only pursue these things. Other things have nothing to do with me."

Xiao Ran smiled. The reaction of the two people was not much different from what he imagined. After all, the heavenly being had not appeared at this time, and the two people were not in a hostile state with the heavenly being, so naturally they would not be hostile to the heavenly being. What resentment and opposition. What's more, both of them are now Xiao Ran's direct subordinates. In addition, they are both very interested in what Xiao Ran is about to say, so they naturally want to hear what follows.

Xiao Ran sorted out his words and said, "Do you know about alien life forms?"

"Alien?" Graham and Billy were both stunned for a moment.

"It doesn't have to be humans, it could also be other alien life forms." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and started to fool again: "As early as two hundred years ago, someone discovered the existence of alien life forms, and these alien life forms are not here The other places are right now in the solar system we live in."

"This is impossible!" Billy suddenly exclaimed: "If it's in the solar system, with the current technology for external exploration, why don't we find anything!"

"Because those alien life forms are completely different from the life you know, even if someone accidentally discovers it, they may just ignore it." Xiao Ran waved his hands gently and said to the two of them: "And these alien life forms seem to be still in the The sleeping state is hiding in a certain planet in the solar system. Maybe it will wake up one day. What do you think the earth will face by then?"

Graham frowned and said solemnly: "War."

"Yes, if those alien life forms wake up, the earth is indeed very likely to face war." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "So, two hundred years ago, the one who discovered the existence of alien life forms People began to prepare for the coming war."

"But as the preparations continued, this person discovered that the current situation of the earth cannot effectively pose any threat to those alien life forms. There is only one reason..."

Graham looked at Xiao Ran: "War... From two hundred years ago until now, the history of the entire earth has been a history of war."

Xiao Ran nodded slightly and continued: "You are right, that person predicted that even after two hundred years, mankind would not be able to truly unify, and various reasons such as interests, religions, countries, etc. would allow mankind to continue the civil war."

"Human beings do not understand each other, are suspicious of each other, and are divided by countries. Human beings cannot truly unite. Moreover, even if there is temporary unity to resist alien life forms, such unity is not truly a unity. The unity achieved through mutual understanding, even if human beings in that condition set foot in the universe and expand the universe, will only bring war."

"So..." Xiao Ran glanced at the two of them and said: "Humanity must change. The first thing is to unite and unify. Only in this way can we integrate the human power on the earth to fight against those who are sleeping outside the solar system for unknown purposes. The second thing for star life forms is to understand each other. Only understanding can bring real peace to mankind and allow mankind to set foot in the universe with a qualified attitude."

"General Xiao, it is simply impossible to unify the human world." Billy shook his head.

"So an organization emerged. For two hundred years, they have been developing their own technology and working in obscurity for the future of mankind. Even if they gather the contradictions of the entire world on themselves and let the hostility of the world envelope themselves, they still have to Let mankind be the first to unify in form.”

"Now that I have finished speaking... what are your opinions?" (.)

ps: Yizui has been busy with the new home these days. There is a lot of preparation work before moving. There are many problems that need to be dealt with in the new house, especially the decoration part. There are many problems left, which makes Yizui feel like crying but can't. , in short, now I’m so drunk that I’m bored to death.