Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 22: Inexplicably anxious


(Second update, please vote and collect)

In the next two days, Xiao Ran still stayed in the Archangel's Gnaku when nothing happened, watching Jean being dismantled and transformed bit by bit, gradually becoming what he wanted, and so did Xiao Ran I couldn't help feeling excited, but in two days, even if the entire maintenance team started working together, there wasn't much that could be accomplished.

At present, Jean's arms have been repaired and replaced with spare palms belonging to the Strike Gundam. The shoulder armor on both sides has been installed, and he can barely go out to fight. Jean's original right shoulder armor was changed to the left, and the spare parts of Strike Gundam were used on the right. Although these modifications may seem simple, they are actually quite troublesome.

The energy wiring, interface integration, etc. all require a lot of time to debug, not to mention the balance of the body.

Fortunately, Kira would come to Gnaku to help when he had nothing to do. With the participation of this most powerful adjuster, although Jean's transformation was a little more troublesome and slower, overall the progress was good and nothing happened. Too big a problem. Especially in terms of body parameters and systems, it solved a lot of trouble for the people in the maintenance class.

And Xiao Ran also discovered that Kira always took too long when delivering food to Lux, and would also disappear for a period of time at night, which was only about half an hour to an hour. Of course, it did not mean that Kira and Lux There was some improper relationship, it was just two people who were both adjusters talking to each other, which made Xiao Ran feel a little funny.

If it were Xiao Ran like him, hehe, as long as the hoe digs well and there are no corners that can't be pried, he would have attacked decisively long ago.

When the information from the advance fleet of the Eighth Fleet reached the Archangel, except for Xiao Ran, who had already seen everything clearly, everyone on the Archangel fell into laughter and laughter, preparing for their upcoming fate. They were happy to be safe, especially the civilians on the Archangel. If they hadn't been out of wine, they might have been drunk on the ship.

Amidst such excitement, Xiao Ran just calmly urged the people in the maintenance team to continue the transformation work on Jean with a hint of anxiety. But for most people in the maintenance team, it was about to join the Eighth Fleet. There was no need for them to waste time and continue Jean's transformation work. In the end, they continued without interest under the orders of Sergeant Maddock.

Seeing the unmotivated maintenance team members absentmindedly transforming Jean, Xiao Ran was helpless and didn't know what to say. It can't be said that the Eighth Fleet will be completely destroyed soon. In the end, we still have to watch the Archangel Say so to yourself. As long as Xiao Ran dared to say this, everyone on the ship would definitely regard him as a lunatic.

On the way to join the advance team of the Eighth Fleet, Kira also found Xiao Ran. She didn't know what Kira heard from Thor and Sai. As soon as she found Xiao Ran, she talked a lot and hurriedly I want to ask Xiao Ran to help send Lux and the green-clad pilot Moriya away.

Seeing the worried look on Kira's face, Xiao Ran also rubbed his forehead with a headache, comforted Kira, and promised to find a way to send Lux and the others away as soon as the time was right. Only then did Kira leave with a little uneasiness. .

Kira left, and Xiao Ran also stood up and walked back and forth in the room, with ever-changing expressions on his face: "It's not long before we meet the advance fleet. Needless to say, rescuing Fleur's father will definitely trigger the side mission, but rescuing If people come, Fleur's fate will definitely change, thus affecting the fate of the entire Archangel."

"Should I do it or not?"

"Kira is stronger now than in the original plot. Once Fleur's fate changes and there are no more things that cannot be said between Fleur and Kira, the plot may also lead to huge changes. Such a risky adventure No. What’s more, I can’t watch helplessly as Cagalli didn’t hide her feelings for Kira without Fleur’s participation. This kind of thing cannot be done, it’s very sinful.”

"But after staying on the Archangel for so long, I haven't even triggered a side plot, let alone a side plot that doesn't affect the main plot. Without tasks, there are no rewards. Without rewards, when can I catch up with those with natural attributes? Aliens more powerful than me.”

"Except for the skills I have now, which can increase my combat power by being proficient in space warfare, the other two skills are of no use at all in combat. Even if my attributes have been strengthened, they are still not as good as those of the alien participants. The average level, the only advantage is that I am on the side of the protagonist of the plot, and I will gain something sooner or later if I follow along with peace of mind, but it is too slow and there are not many choices.”

"Either give up control of the plot and commit suicide to trigger the side plot, and then encounter various dangers, life or death..."

"Bang." Xiao Ran gritted his teeth, clenched his fist with his right hand and made a snapping sound on his left palm: "I want to do so much, I can follow the plot as I want. My advantage is my understanding of the plot, and I must never give up this advantage. But I can’t give up on side tasks, I can try all side tasks that don’t affect the plot.”

"This world is a novice world. Apart from physical fitness, everyone's starting line is the same. It is impossible to get involved in the plot in a short period of time. It would be the same if I didn't know that the Archangel was added to the plot. The more the Later on, when other participants gain bodies or even status, they will be more likely to participate in the plot. The plot will also change by then. But now that the plot has not changed, I have been involved in the plot again. , it’s the golden time that belongs only to me.”

"I should make good use of this period of time and follow the plot to gain more benefits and advantages for myself. Even the characters in the plot are also a big advantage that I can use. With these help, even if the plot is changed by the participants, Don’t I, Xiao Ran, have the strength to fight against those participants?”

When Xiao Ran thought of this, he felt relieved, and he was no longer so entangled in his heart: "It will depend on the situation at that time. If I save it, I will save it. I deserve the reward. If I don't save it, it's Flei and him." Dad’s life, no one can blame him even if he is destined to die.”

Ever since Xiao Ran received the mission reward and obtained the skill of driving a D-class general-purpose mecha, plus Kira captured Jean and brought back Lux, Xiao Ran was inexplicably filled with a sense of urgency, always feeling that he still had He is not strong enough, and always feels that he is still in danger. He wants to become stronger and unstoppable, and he also wants to drive mobile suits and kill everyone in this world like Kira and Aslan.

With these thoughts, Xiao Ran would spend the whole day in Gnakuli and engage in virtual confrontations when he had nothing to do. After getting Jean, he couldn't wait to transform Jean immediately so that he could become Xiao Ran's fighting power, make himself stronger during the battle, and gain more benefits. However, the incompetence of the maintenance team also made Xiao Ran, who knew that there would be a fierce battle soon, become more and more anxious, but he couldn't say anything more and it made him feel deeply helpless.

Especially the way Kira came to Xiao Ran in a hurry touched Xiao Ran's nerves that had been tense since he came to this world. He suddenly became restless and began to think of ways to get more from other places. The reward is to save Fleur's father and trigger the side mission.

The method of rescue is naturally the same as in the original plot. Lux is brought to the bridge, but the time is slightly advanced. Naturally, the battle can be stopped and the target can be saved. But after thinking about it, the more Xiao Ran thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't do this, and gradually calmed himself down.

He reminded himself not to try to change the plot so early, and not to try to escape from the protection of the plot characters and commit suicide to trigger side missions when he was still so fragile.

Xiao Ran, who had been lying on the bed for some time, rubbed his aching head, closed his eyes unconsciously, and fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, a rapid siren sounded, causing Xiao Ran to open his eyes suddenly, with an extremely unhappy look in his eyes.

"Woo... Wu..."

"The second combat configuration of all personnel, the second combat configuration of all personnel, Lieutenant Kira, please prepare for attack immediately, Lieutenant Xiao Ran, please go to the bridge immediately..."

"Repeat one side, the second combat configuration of all members, the second combat configuration of all members..."