Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 224: Announcement from heavenly beings


These participants don’t know what kind of world they live in. It may be a variety of completely different worlds, with civilizations that have entered the universe, or there may be civilizations similar to the earth, but many participants adhere to the An idea, power equals value. Even after entering various worlds through Prometheus, this idea and cognition have not fundamentally changed.

It is precisely because of this understanding that these participants thought that they would be taken seriously, but they ignored the fact that power can also be a threat, which is more recognized by people on earth. There are also more important reasons, face and public opinion. So no matter what these participants do in the end, the union will never let them go.

Even if other forces took them in, they would not dare to blatantly do so in this relatively peaceful period, let alone reuse these daring guys.

Xiao Ran took Graham out of cell No. 3. As the cell closed again, the two of them also walked out.



Xiao Ran suddenly stopped and said, "How credible do you think what that woman said is credible?"

Graham spread his hands: "Absolutely not. How could someone who can create such a machine not prepare the corresponding pilots?"

"Haha." Xiao Ran chuckled and took another step.

Graham thought for a moment and asked: "General, what should we do with these people?"

"In the Celestial Being Organization, there is a method that specifically targets people who are extremely dangerous but have extremely high abilities." Xiao Ran kept walking forward and said slowly: "From now on, it is forbidden for everyone and These people make contact,”

"I understand." Graham raised the corner of his mouth and stopped, waiting for Xiao Ran to leave before turning and walking towards the cell's monitoring room.

Walking in the bustling base, Xiao Ran looked up at the sky. He whistled and smiled softly: "I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing. It's really a shortcoming, but it's almost time to contact Aeolia."

Xiao Ran walked slowly and watched, watching the construction team repairing and rebuilding the base. But suddenly a person hurriedly came and made him stop.

The person who came was a mid-level officer, with the same military rank of major as Graham now. He was about thirty years old. He ran quickly to Xiao Ran and stopped. After taking two breaths, he hurriedly said: "General. , General Mock, please return to the main ship immediately."

Xiao Ran frowned and followed the officer hurriedly back to the place where the plane was parked. Graham was already waiting here. After Xiao Ran got on the plane, the plane took off directly and flew towards the main ship. When Xiao Ran returned to the main ship and went to the bridge, he saw Commodore Mok frowning.

Xiao Ran asked: "What happened?"

"You should watch it yourself." Brigadier General Mok shook his head and played a video to Xiao Ran.

At the beginning of the video, a bald man appears sitting on a chair and holding a cane. He has a big beard and wears a unilateral pince-nez. The background is a flash of open windows, a floor lamp and a carpet with a special logo.

"Let us report this to all humans born on Earth."

"We are celestial beings, a private armed organization with mobile weapon Gundam."

"The purpose of our heavenly beings' activities is just to put an end to all wars in the world."

"We are not acting for personal interests. We stand up for the great purpose of preventing war. Now we are taking this opportunity to declare to everyone, territory, religion. Or energy. No matter what the purpose or the reason, we will make it clear. Use force to prevent and intervene in all wars in the world."

"Any country that launches a war, as well as organizations and companies that assist in the war, will also become the target of our armed intervention."

"We are heavenly beings. A private armed organization that exists to put an end to all wars in this world."

"Hahaha, using force to eliminate war. The existence of the Tianren Organization itself is a huge contradiction." Graham looked at the video, listened to the sound in his ears, covered his stomach and laughed out loud, feeling excited in his heart. I was thinking: "It's begun, it's begun! I will also be a member of this contradiction, for the unification of mankind, haha, what a great goal, it makes people's blood boil just thinking about it!"

At the same time, in the previous base, old man Raphael and Billy stood in front of a computer screen, both of them silently looking at what was on the screen.

Billy shook his head slightly and looked at the figure on the screen in a daze for a moment, while old man Raphael frowned tightly: "Aeolia Shohanbeck?"



"Huh?" Billy turned around and looked at old Raphael's back, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong, teacher?"

Old Man Raphael turned around slowly: "Have you already joined this organization?"

Billy lowered his head and responded softly: "Yes, because it was personally invited by General Xiao, and Graham also joined. I also want to see if this organization can achieve that step. I also want to See what General Xiao said, brand new technology."

Old Man Raphael sighed and looked at Billy angrily: "I'll teach you, if you don't want to think about how to make the Union's MS move forward, but choose to join an inexplicable organization, if one day the Union launches a war, Do you want to help others deal with your own motherland?"

"If what General Xiao said is correct, then I will." Billy raised his head and looked at Old Man Raphael sincerely: "The earth is now facing the threat of alien life forms and cannot continue like this. As the chaos subsides, someone must stand up and bring the world’s contradictions together to make the world truly peaceful.”

"Even if I am the enemy of the whole world, I will not hesitate!"

Old Man Raphael shook his head, and his eyes when he looked at Billy suddenly became relieved: "Okay, very good, I'm relieved that you have such an awareness. If you join this organization, you will face the whole world." , I hope you can remember what you said today, even if the whole world is your enemy, you will not hesitate."

Billy was stunned for a moment and looked at old man Raphael in disbelief: "Teacher!?"

"Haha." Old Man Raphael smiled and waved his hand, and said: "General Xiao also invited me, but I decided to speak after seeing what he said with my own eyes. I won't believe anything I haven't seen with my own eyes. And, for my most proud student, my old bones can still shine for a little while."

"Teacher!" Billy looked at old man Raphael so moved that he almost didn't shed any tears.

Standing on the bridge of the main ship, Xiao Ran touched his chin with his hand, looking thoughtful: "Private armed organizations, heavenly beings? Those organizations behind the body,"

Brigadier General Mock turned off the video and nodded and said: "Armed intervention in order to prevent the war. Although I admit that they have this ability, this approach is really too..."

"Is it too contradictory?" Xiao Ran glanced at Brigadier General Mok and shook his head slightly: "Okay, these things are not something we should worry about for the time being. We will wait for the order from the mainland."

"If we are ordered to fight against those machines from above." Brigadier General Mock thought of that scene and sighed slightly: "Hey, those machines, especially the black one, with our current mobile suits, they will really belong to them. A rival?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Maybe we will have a new generation of MS soon."

Brigadier General Mock said worriedly: "It will take at least two years from MS design to mass production. I'm afraid the time is not enough."

"Well, the appearance of heavenly beings may not necessarily become a threat to us. Don't think so much." Xiao Ran patted Commodore Mok on the shoulder and said: "The current situation makes the fleets of the other three bases still stay. It’s not suitable here. In addition to the people I brought, ten squadrons will be left behind, and one regiment from the army will be left behind. You can make arrangements for the rest, and the remaining people can return to the original base.”

Brigadier General Mok nodded and saluted Xiao Ran: "Yes, sir."

After Brigadier General Mock put down his hand, he said: "I will leave some supplies, but Major General Xiao, you should also go to Tokyo to see it. It is not appropriate to stay here all the time."

Tokyo is the first city in Japan's special economic zone. The highest administrative department of the special economic zone and the headquarters of the military affairs department are all there. Strictly speaking, Xiao Ran's office is also there. However, in Tokyo, except for a very small defensive base on the edge of the city, the scale is completely inferior to the four military bases in Japan's special economic zones.

The number of standing MSs is only twenty, which is not even a base. At best, it can be regarded as an emergency department defense station.

Xiao Ran thought of the information mentioned in the report approval at night. It included an introduction from Tokyo. The report was asking Xiao Ran for instructions on whether to change personnel. Xiao Ran's reply was "to be determined."

Nodding, Xiao Ran said: "I will go over after the things here are arranged."

"Well, I will immediately send a notice to the following, and everyone will return before eight o'clock tonight."

After Xiao Ran and Commodore Mock said something, he took Graham and left the bridge. After packing his things, he drove the Black Heretic to leave the main ship and headed to the military base under Commodore Mock's farewell. , he will stay here for at least a few days, and will not leave until the reconstruction work of this base is on track.

Moreover, Xiao Ran also had to wait for Old Man Raphael, and also had to deal with the matters concerning those participants. He was going to invite these participants to join his own force, but it was not a union, but a god he was about to establish. (.)