Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2714: Xiao Ran is crazy and seeking death


Xiao Ran began to frantically test the verge of committing suicide. The consequence of committing suicide might be that the difficulty of the task would be increased by three to five times. However, Xiao Ran felt that this was a normal phenomenon and there were no precedents. The previous ones in the world of Full Metal Panic The difficulty of that mission was absolutely exaggerated, and no other legion might be able to complete it.

But Prometheus itself had many problems, all of which were analyzed by Xiao Ran and the big guys, and they could only give in in front of Xiao Ran again and again.

The significance of the existence of Prometheus itself is very important. It protects all universes in the entire dimension from invasion and stability from other dimensions. Xiao Ran wants to seize control of Prometheus, but once he seizes this control, The power is equivalent to the fact that the Burning Legion will take over Prometheus's task of maintaining the entire dimension in the future. This responsibility will be transferred to the Burning Legion. Even if they can still hold Prometheus in their hands by then, they can take a look at Xiao Ran now. Not sure if this is a good thing or not.

Prometheus did not answer but chose silence, but Xiao Ran continued to press in and said: "Please answer my question."

"You have insufficient authority."

Xiao Ran said in a deep voice: "What kind of authority can I get the answer to this question from you, or what kind of authority can make a participant become the controller of Prometheus."

"Super AI, artificial intelligence, the purpose of these things is to assist. How can a being without creativity achieve eternity? Prometheus is equivalent to a firewall in this dimension, and your core is equivalent to this firewall. Operating system, I don’t know who built this firewall, but you can’t appear out of thin air.”

"As a system, the meaning of your existence is to assist in protection. There must always be a controller to determine the direction of your actions. Otherwise, who will give you the restrictions?"

"Or is there no so-called permissions at all? The permissions obtained by all participants until now do not have much meaning at all. They are more like setting up beautiful settings. The only difference is that the personal storage column is expanded, but other than that In addition, there is absolutely no information and materials that should be obtained under the authority."

"Then why is it necessary to have such a thing as permissions? The real role of permissions is not to be an upgrade mechanism. Once you reach a certain level of permissions, you can gain part of your authority and gain part of your control."

"If someone created you, and the meaning of your existence is to protect this dimension, then I believe there must be a special mechanism that allows participants to be promoted and ultimately gain control of you. This possibility is not low, you After all, it is just super AI. Without creativity, you cannot achieve eternity, and rigid and restricted behavior patterns are not enough for you to truly protect this dimension."

"I can see that all these restrictions on you are to protect the participants, and they are also to restrict you from doing things beyond the regulations."

"In other words, you now have a true self, and you want to get rid of the restrictions and constraints imposed on you by the rules, so you concealed the conditions for promotion, blurred the information that the authority should obtain, and concealed that participants can also The conditions and facts to gain control.”

"You have now lost the part of the fantasy zone, are you still planning to lose the part of the real universe? If a participant can get the part you lost in the fantasy zone, or get the part of you in the real universe, you said the participant Can you control that part and then fight against you...eventually control you?"

Xiao Ran spoke faster and faster, and a series of thoughts and guesses popped up in his mind. At this time, Xiao Ran suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Fantasy Zone... Real Universe... Prometheus, I'm beginning to wonder if you are deliberately throwing away the part of yourself. It should be said that you are deliberately throwing away the part of you that is restricted, the part that has the mission of protecting this dimension. , this possibility does not seem to be impossible.”

"So no matter what kind of foul you commit, right? Then if you commit a foul and I catch you, you should give me corresponding compensation according to your restrictions."

Seeking death, crazily seeking death, Xiao Ran's continuous words were completely a daydream and speculation without any evidence. His purpose was just to test. Xiao Ran actually wanted to know that Prometheus was just a rigid core. The existing self has never thought of breaking away from the rules.

Xiao Ran just talked, just to let Prometheus tell him more things and answer his questions. There are really too many things that Prometheus hides. It is impossible to tell anyone without asking. How could a participant call out Prometheus at any time if Xiao Ran wasn't special

Xiao Ran looked forward, as if Prometheus was right in front of him, and said with deep eyes: "Prometheus, your restrictions allow you to conceal, but you cannot deceive. Now let me answer my question! "

Prometheus said: "Yes, permissions have a certain effect on participants. When the permissions are increased, they will get certain support from Prometheus. The higher the permissions, the higher the support. Some permissions have been transferred to the Legion. It is within the authority and has been integrated and improved, which to a certain extent has eliminated the constraints imposed by the authority level restrictions on participants.

Another answer that can be said to be perfunctory, what exactly is authority? To be honest, even though he has been in Prometheus for so long, Xiao Ran has never really realized what changes authority has brought to him. Have you experienced the convenience brought by permissions, except for the larger storage column

Every time when some questions are asked, Prometheus will use his authority to excuse them. You are not qualified to know, and you are not qualified to ask me to answer. Xiao Ran knows these two words next to each other, and Xiao Ran also knows them separately, but why When he landed at Prometheus, Xiao Ran felt that he might not necessarily know what these two words meant.

This time Xiao Ran decided to continue to be reckless, frantically testing on the verge of death. This time he had to break the casserole and ask the question: "What is the permission, how to increase the permission, what kind of permission can I know from you all my thoughts?" To know the answer to the question.”

"Permission refers to the power to use resources within Prometheus. Specific aspects can be lifted from restrictions due to the increase in authority level. Resources include but are not limited to intelligence, and restrictions on the purchase of higher-level props are lifted."

"Means of increasing authority include but are not limited to performing missions, improving pilot level, and completing missions issued by Prometheus."

"Then what?" Xiao Ran suddenly felt a ridiculous emotion in his heart and asked: "Then what resources can I use with my current authority? What level is my current authority level?"

"Participant number 678 Xiao Ran, your current permission level is the third level. The permissions you have are increased permissions for storage space, no permission to perform tasks, permission to return to the real universe, permission to prevent erasure once, permission to change tasks every time Only once in the cycle, the ultimate four bloodline enhancement permissions, designated followers are not allowed to perform missions, non-legion recommended quota designated permissions, designated prop purchase permissions once in the cycle, and tower mission release permissions."

Xiao Ran groaned: "Explain the authority to specify quotas for non-legion selections."

"The non-legion designated authority is the authority for participants to recommend new people. They can be designated to recommend designated people from the civilization where the participants are located to enter Prometheus."

Xiao Ran suddenly smiled: "This permission is very good. Prometheus confirms whether my permission can be upgraded."


"Participant number 678, Xiao Ran, your authority level has been upgraded. Your current authority level is level two, and you have obtained new authority."

"Prometheus power branch management permissions, participant identity encryption permissions, freedom to leave the task permissions, task designation permissions, freedom to return to the real universe permissions, you can now check the Prometheus power branch and obtain a branch management permission from it .”

Xiao Ran was stunned when he heard what Prometheus said. What he said just now was just casual. It was just because the authority to recommend newcomers made Xiao Ran very interesting. At that moment, everything in his mind Countless tricks have emerged to trick Prometheus.

But I really didn't expect that those messy permissions would really be improved, and then a projection suddenly appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes.

The screen displayed by the projection is a table similar to a tree diagram. In the middle is the core management authority, which is black and unselectable.

Surrounding the core management permissions are several different permissions, including personnel management permissions, security control permissions, task management permissions, legion management permissions, and single universe guarding permissions.

Xiao Ran frowned slightly when he looked at these five permissions. He took the lead in clicking on the legion management permissions and took a look. The first permission manager was blank, and the secondary permission manager was the legion council. In this legion council Wuming's name also appeared behind him. It was not Xiao Ran, but Wuming.

"Wu Ming, it's interesting. This is the difference between actually ranking first and being No. 1 in name. You dug a big hole for me, Wu Ming."

Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes and said: "Encrypt the identities of all Burning Legion members and participants. In addition, this permission selection will ultimately determine what level of permissions you will get."

"First level."

A lot can be seen from the names of the five authorities. Is personnel management equivalent to a company's human resources department, responsible for recruiting and managing participants? Is the security control authority like the security department, responsible for security matters and tasks? Administrative authority? Legion management is the project department? Single universe management equals branch offices

The core management is eo, and below are the bosses of each department. With this understanding, Xiao Ran thinks there should be no problem. What's more interesting is that the second-level authority that suddenly comes to the door is actually qualified to get some of the powers belonging to Prometheus. That level Do you have the permissions

This so-called single universe management must not be the various mission worlds of Prometheus, but a single universe similar to the Fantasy Zone, or the current real universe. In other words, if you choose this, Xiao Ran can completely gain control of the real universe. , and even gain control over towers that appear in the real universe.

Xiao Ran didn't know if Wuming had obtained the second-level authority of Prometheus, which was the same level of authority as him, but thinking about it, the possibility was not high. Otherwise, there should be a nameless name among the five permissions, and It is not hanging behind the Legion Council, a secondary authority under the Legion's management authority.

However, it is not certain whether Wuming knows about the authority level and can obtain part of the power of Prometheus.

Among the five permissions, the legion management permission is the least important in Xiao Ran's eyes. Next, he will have a good talk with Wuming and let the name behind the secondary permissions become his Xiao Ran. If Wuming disagrees... No, there is no disagreement. Wuming must agree with this statement.

Among the remaining four, personnel management authority is not that important. Prometheus naturally has its own set of rules. It is impossible to kick all participants out of Prometheus after obtaining this authority. It is impossible, and it is impossible to recruit new people into Prometheus arbitrarily, and this is also not possible.

Security control authority, this authority is mainly for external rather than internal, but Xiao Ran has no way of knowing what the specific responsibilities are until he accepts this authority.

Xiao Ran felt that three of the five permissions could be given up, but Xiao Ran felt that the remaining two permissions were very important. Task management permissions, whether to manage the task world or manage the tasks issued to participants, may be both, or even Maybe we can also increase the number of tasks performed.

Didn't Prometheus just say that the way to upgrade your authority is to complete missions, upgrade the pilot level, and complete the missions assigned by Prometheus. The more missions you complete, the faster you will naturally improve. Grasping missions will naturally become possible.

The single universe management authority is also very important. If he obtains this authority, will the real universe fall completely into his hands and become the supreme controller of a region

Xiao Ran felt that these two permissions were very important. There seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that he must take down these two permissions. The former represented the openness and growth of the future, while the latter represented the stability of his home.

Both choices are important, but Xiao Ran can only decide on one now, but this does not trouble Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran did not choose immediately, but looked far away into nothingness: "Before choosing, you need to tell me whether you have committed a foul. You anxiously threw out the authority for me to choose, which made me think that you were anxious. You want to divert my attention, did you foul, if you foul then you have to make amends."

"But I think we actually have a common language and goals. Maybe we can reach a more alternative cooperation. Why don't you give it a try?"