Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2716: Permissions function


An hour later, Xiao Ran had returned to the fleet world. After returning from Prometheus, he went straight into the study.

In the study, Xiao Ran has been studying the mission permissions he got from Prometheus. After confirming the mission permissions, a golden light appeared in front of him, and a light purple-blue light slowly emerged in the golden light. Cube of light.

The moment he reached out to hold the cube, Xiao Ran understood that the cube was the embodiment of Prometheus' authority. It was a key and a controller.

Anyone who owns this cube can gain the ability to operate the Prometheus mission, and this cube can only be used by Xiao Ran. Even if Xiao Ran hands the cube to others, it will be of no use, but Xiao Ran can get it from this cube. Divide three secondary permissions and grant them to other people.

The moment he got the permission to do this task, it meant that Xiao Ran had basically broken away from his identity as a participant and became the manager of Prometheus. Prometheus's restrictions on participants had been stripped away from him. Most likely, unless he violates Prometheus's core self-preservation rules and does something to hurt and destroy Prometheus, then Prometheus will no longer be able to kill him.

But after obtaining this authority, Xiao Ran no longer needs to carry out any tasks, and can freely join any tasks, but he will no longer be able to obtain any direct benefits from the tasks, there will be no merit point rewards, and no mission rewards.

From now on, all tasks performed by participants in Prometheus will be under his management. He can freely compile tasks according to the difficulty of the task, and adjust the task rewards obtained by participants according to the difficulty of the task. Each difficulty will have corresponding interval.

It’s just that this range is not very large. For example, if the reward for completing a D-level mission is 500 combat merit points, Xiao Ran can freely adjust it within the upper and lower range of no more than 10%. The minimum reward will be 450 merit points and the maximum reward will be 550 merit points. .

For example, Xiao Ran can directly designate a certain prop as a reward for participants for completing an A-level task, or he can circle several props for participants to obtain randomly, but the level of the designated prop will be different from that of completing the task. The levels are the same, but if you want to reward higher-level props, such as S-level props, you must select ten props from B-level to S-level and obtain them randomly.

At the same time, you can also erase the reward of combat merit points to increase the probability of obtaining high-level props. If you obtain multiple props, you can also erase the condition of multiple props to reward higher-level props. Xiao Ran cannot get the things in the reward. Yeah, but if a participant is getting a reward and Xiao Ran wants it, then Xiao Ran can take out a gadget of the same level and type to replace what the other party should have received.

You can specify in advance which worlds those people will enter, and you can specify the tasks to be performed after entering the task world. Although Xiao Ran himself can no longer obtain any direct rewards from the tasks, all participants in Prometheus will receive 100% of the tasks. Everything will be entered into Xiao Ran's account simultaneously.

No props are limited to combat merit points. After obtaining the mission authority, all things like technology, props, and aircraft no longer seem to have any meaning to him, because he can personally enter any mission world to get his own Want something.

He is the top manager of all tasks. Even Prometheus cannot interfere with his arrangement of tasks at will. Moreover, Xiao Ran can even create a new task world for participants to enter, but the prerequisite is that Xiao Ran has independent control in his hands. The universe, and the requirements of this universe are rather strange.

It is not a universe that is at the branches in the dimension like the real universe, but a young leaf under the branches, a new universe located between illusion and reality.

Just like the quicksand world under the vast world, it must be a new world that has not grown up, because this kind of world has the highest plasticity.

As for the reset of the mission world and the creation of parallel worlds, it can be done entirely by relying on Prometheus itself, so there is no need for Xiao Ran to do it himself. Moreover, after Xiao Ran gets this authority, all the responsibility for opening up the new mission world falls on him. on him.

These permissions can be specified for use, or you can let this permission operate in standard mode without making any changes.

After figuring out what could be done with the mission authority, Xiao Ran felt that in just an hour, at least hundreds or thousands of potentially achievable operations popped up in his mind.

New universes and new worlds are no longer a problem for Xiao Ran. As long as Sophia's project is broken through, it will be too easy to create new worlds one after another, reset the universe and spawn countless parallel worlds. done.

Every time a new mission world is opened, Xiao Ran's authority points will increase. The growth points that can be obtained vary according to the level and technology developed in the mission world itself. Xiao Ran roughly calculated, if he wants to rely on this channel to To upgrade to the Prometheus core authority level, it is estimated that one must have a hundred Chaos Machine War world levels.

It's not difficult to say, it's not easy to say that it's simple. Each world also needs to have a special technical system. If it's not unique, it requires high-level technology. If it's a single world, it's similar to a single world like Gundam Seed. , there must be something special to get more points, otherwise just making thirty or fifty worlds will not give you more points than carefully making one world.

Anyway, there are a lot of messy things, and it will take some time to understand them all. Xiao Ran has no idea of expanding a new world for the time being. Even if he wants to, he will have to wait until Sophia gets there.

After almost figuring out the permissions of this task, Xiao Ran pressed a button on the desk: "Inform Cruze, Luo, Bai Hechou, Zeng Ga, Xia, Youzes, Shijiang, Kiliam, Ying Gram came to my study and asked Ashe to confirm the time when I want to meet with the Mythical Legion Wuming."

Xiao Ran didn't give any guidance on who was on the other end of the communication today. Anyway, he had ordered the people over there to notify everyone.

When everyone came together, Xiao Ran realized that it hadn't been long since he called them here last time. What happened today was so exciting that it made him feel like a long time had passed.

"I'll tell you when everyone is here."

Xiao Ran made this group of people realize that since they could pour wine and tea by themselves, he directly talked about the mission authority and the communication with Prometheus.

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, everyone looked at him strangely. Does that mean you have tricked Prometheus again

Xiao Ran couldn't help coughing when he saw everyone's gazes: "That's the situation. Although Prometheus didn't give a clear response, they probably agreed and will give us some special care and get Prometheus as soon as possible." Sri Lanka’s core rights.”

"And the task permissions I choose will also be of great help to what we are going to do next. When the time comes, I will designate some tasks with higher difficulty and richer rewards for you, and you can also increase your permission level as soon as possible. Come up."

"According to what Prometheus said, there are only two ways to obtain the highest authority. The first is to obtain more than three first-level permissions. Now that I have mission authority in my hand, legion authority is our next step. It needs to be processed, but the third authority must be obtained by those of you present."

"The second method is to increase the authority to the first level. This requires time and opportunity. If Sophia's project can break through, it will be the only way for me to increase the authority as soon as possible. This aspect must be accelerated. Speed, I can somewhat understand why every time we come back after entering a mission, only one day has passed. Just like when I went to the world where Sophia's body was, relatively speaking, time in that world was completely stagnant. "

"And things about dimensions are also very complicated. Prometheus's responsibility is to protect this dimension from invasion from other dimensions. If we gain control of the core of Prometheus, then this responsibility will fall on us When the time comes, it will not be a mission, nor is it to protect a few worlds, but countless universes under an extremely huge dimension."

"In this case, the responsibility will be very heavy, but it cannot be said to be a bad thing. At least we have the possibility of unlimited growth, and we can continue to recruit participants into Prometheus as a combat force like Prometheus. My thoughts In the future, we still need to completely hide the permissions issue behind the scenes.”

Kruse was the first to speak: "We already know the situation, but there are several problems."

"The first one is whether the permissions can be transferred. If it can't be transferred, what's the use of us getting the permissions? At most, it will be a trap to prevent others from getting the permissions, but we also know that even so, we must get the permissions. inside."

"Second, Prometheus will give some special care. We all know how big this kind of care will be. It will definitely not be too big. And now that you have used the task authority, the care will not be that big." It’s important.”

"Third, you said that you will not be able to get any direct benefits from entering the mission in the future, and can only try to get benefits from the world itself. Now we can first confirm the areas that the legion needs to make up for, and then arrange a special team to be led by you. To obtain the special products or technologies of these worlds.”

"Fourth, the current secondary authority manager of the legion authority is the legion council, but the nameless person in the legion council is the first to be recognized, and he is also the holder of this authority. Does he know about the authority, and does he also While we are working hard to obtain authority, we must make the Burning Legion the true number one in order to obtain this authority, so what will Wuming do in response?"

"Fifth, can non-participants, such as those of us who have follower status, be able to obtain permissions? If we can obtain permissions, will these permissions eventually fall on you? If so, it is best to obtain permissions. The only people are me, Graham, and Luo."

After Kruse finished speaking, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. Especially the last point could be said to have been deliberately made by him. I believe everyone sitting here should understand what he meant.

There can only be one person who can obtain the highest authority, and that person must be Xiao Ran. No matter what the people present are like, they must recognize this.

Everyone present is a human spirit, how could they not understand what Kruse meant, but for those present who care about permissions, they don’t care, and they don’t care if they don’t care. They care because of the legion, and because of Xiao Ran. They don’t care about permissions. More would be a burden to them.

Just like now, Cruze didn't say that they would become a threat, but they also have to consider whether they would be regarded as a threat. Of course, this is not Cruze's intention to sow discord. He can point it out in front of everyone. It can only be regarded as a reminder, otherwise Kruse could have communicated this matter with Xiao Ran alone.

Smart people can easily understand the thoughts of smart people, so the people present did not feel that Kruse was rude, nor did they feel any dissatisfaction.

Xia smiled, raised a glass of wine and saluted in the direction of Cruze: "Cruze is right, these issues are all issues we must consider. Whoever gets this authority needs to be carefully considered. . ”

Zeng Ga held his hands and raised his head, and said in a deep voice: "The Burning Legion is a whole. It can never be divided into a divided whole, and there will always be only one master."

Although Bai Hechou can be considered a ruthless person, he treats this aspect with exactly the same attitude as Zeng Jia, and he will never change if he is the boss he is looking for.

However, in order to ease the atmosphere, Bai Hechou said this: "The most important thing is to confirm whether the permissions can be transferred first, and then how to obtain the second and third permissions. In short, these permissions must also be transferred." On us?"

"Now these things in the legion have made some people too busy to take time off. Oh, what we have to take care of next is not just a dozen worlds. How many worlds are there in one dimension?"

Bai Hechou's words made some people present freeze for a moment. Cruze and Luo were typical examples. The two people immediately looked at Xiao Ran with questions and blank, numb eyes.

Xiao Ran coughed softly: "Ahem, let's recruit people. A universe arranges one person as a manager, hierarchical management, regional management, there are not so many things that need to be done by one person, but first we We have to continue to become stronger.”

"You guys, don't think about such distant problems. Get the authority first and then talk about it."