Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2717: Invite unknown people


Xiao Ran set the tone with one word. Regardless of whether the authority can be transferred or not, the authority must be controlled by the Burning Legion.

At the same time, if it is not clear whether followers can obtain permissions, the default is that followers cannot obtain management permissions. After all, followers do not have prompts similar to participant permissions, and the benefits obtained by followers will be directly calculated in On the part of the participants, there is no need to waste this energy pushing followers to seize authority.

The people present were those who Xiao Ran thought had a chance to get the authority, Bai Hechou, Zeng Ga, Xia Ya, Youzes, Shijiang, Kiliam, Ingram, and of course there were other big guys in the legion. But in comparison, Xiao Ran felt that they had a better chance.

Especially the three guys, Bai Hechou, Xia Ya, and Youzes, are the ones who use their brains to get permissions. Zenga and Shijiang use their strength to get permissions. Kiriam and Ingram can only be regarded as backup supplements.

Excluding the task permissions that Xiao Ran has already obtained, if the remaining four permissions are all in the hands of the Burning Legion, then even if Prometheus does not obtain the core permissions at that time, it will basically become the Burning Legion to have the final say. , and even if these four permissions are assigned to different people, Xiao Ran will still go to Prometheus to chat and discuss the core permissions at that time.

Four authorities must have at least four main forces, the kind of main force that allows them to obtain more resources and get the full assistance of others to grow. Concentrate the power instead of averaging it, so that they are more likely to obtain authority, and more A few people came just to be on the safe side.

Everyone present is completely trustworthy. If Xiao Ran didn't trust them, he wouldn't have called them to his study. Those who didn't call it didn't mean he didn't trust them. It's just that what Xiao Ran had to consider was to get the authority as soon as possible and bring them to his study. Just call the people you think can get the authority. The only thing left is to inform everyone to fully cooperate with Bai Hechou, Youzes and the others.

The people who came here today are like Xiao Ran giving them a reminder, reminding them to pay attention next, because in order to get the authority level increased as soon as possible, they must start from the next task and will have to complete every task in the task world. Dig it out thoroughly.

If they can, they will try their best to change the world. At the same time, Xiao Ran will try his best to arrange for them to go to more difficult worlds. The more benefits they get from the tasks and the more tasks they complete, the faster the authority level will increase.

Xiao Ran, who has task authority, can also increase the income to 10% based on the completion of tasks, and release more tasks to them under certain restrictions.

Xiao Ran started and there was no need to say too much. The people present could naturally understand that the next step was to ask them to wave hard and keep doing it. This kind of thing is easy to understand.

However, these people present also need to make some preparations. Re-forming the team is inevitable. Only by re-establishing a stronger team can it be easier to perform more difficult tasks in the mission world. The body also needs to be enhanced. , Logistics arrangements also need to be made, and at least battleships and the like must be updated.

Xiao Ran was not a specific participant in these matters. After their respective teams were established, he could go to Luo to make arrangements. Part of the purpose of calling Luo here was to let Luo upgrade their equipment.

Everyone sat in Xiao Ran's study and began to discuss forming a team. How to discuss it? Of course it was for grabs.

Among these people, there was only one person who sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, drinking tea and shaking his head leisurely.

Masters and craftsmen are participants in the super zone, while others are in the real zone. In other words, all power masters and craftsmen in the super zone can make decisions freely and no one can compete with them, but it is different here in the real zone. Yes, each carrot is a pit, and each one taken away counts as one.

Youzes was the first to speak: "I don't want Cruze."

Zenga groaned: "Kruze, Elsam."

This is the flow of strength. If your brain is not enough, you have to make up for it.

Bai Hechou smiled leisurely: "Graham, Naluo, Jigus."

This is a balanced flow. If you have enough brains, you can add a fighter and then an assist. I want to be the mid laner, and I want Graham to be the jungler in the top lane with Jagus, and Nalo is the assist, ad? What is that

Xia Ya smiled: "There is no need to change my team, just two more people. You choose me first and then choose."

This is a stable flow. When the team members are enough, just wait until the end to make up for it.

Youzes: "Damn it, I don't want Basak."

This is... Without a school, how can one be alone

Gilliam looked at Ingram who had no objection: "Then I choose Basak, Hades, and Aiba Shinno."

This is a body style, full of steely men who can dismantle mechas with their bare hands. .

After Gilliam finished speaking, Ingram spoke: "Luo, Inge, Leonard."

This is the technical stream, Inge is the mascot, Luo, Leonard, and Ingram can form a small technical triangle, and in addition, the incidental product Feng Yun Yuan has to be added.

Xiao Ran:? ?

Cruze:? ?

Luo:? ?

Basak who was not present: Ah sneeze...

Xiao Ran looked at the people present in astonishment: "You just broke up my team like this? They are followers."

Xia Ya smiled: "It doesn't matter. Under the legion system, your followers can also form teams with others, and the same team can also perform tasks separately. At worst, they will all join your team."

Xiao Ran was silent for a moment and looked at Cruze and Luo, who also nodded with a wry smile.

At this moment, the phone on Xiao Ran's desk rang. After picking it up, he heard Guang's voice: "Sir, Ai Xi replied that the unknown commander is free now. Do you need to arrange a meeting immediately?"

"Arranged in the Legion's five-member council hall."

After putting down the phone, Xiao Ran shook his head and said to everyone: "You can make arrangements slowly by yourselves. If Wuming agrees to meet with me, I have to rush there immediately."

Cruze stood up: "I'll go with you."

"That's fine." Xiao Ran nodded lightly and said, "There's no need for the others to go. We still can't tell what the situation is, at least we can't start looking for trouble."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding, and Xiao Ran took Cruze out of the fleet territory and returned to Prometheus, and then went all the way to the five-person conference hall of the Legion Council.

Now the only people who are really qualified to enter this five-person council hall are Xiao Ran and Wu Ming. It can be said that the five-person council has long existed in name only. Xiao Ran originally thought that the five-person council basically had the final say, but from Prometheus It was only then that Xiao Ran realized that it was not him who could really use the power in the five-person council, but Wu Ming who had used retreat to advance.

At that time, Wuming wanted to sign a cooperation contract with the Burning Legion. It was a contract that was not a complete alliance but still a close alliance. At least at that time, Xiao Ran felt that Wuming was trustworthy and a friend. Of course, the Mythical Legion is still the Burning Legion's. ally.

But if Wuming knows about the authority, then signing a contract with the Burning Legion and giving up the nominal number one initiative to the Burning Legion will be a good way to retreat in order to advance. Secretly, Wuming has The secondary authority was not transferred to the Burning Legion at all.

But this cannot be said that Wuming is plotting against Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran can completely understand the other party's considerations and reasons for doing such a thing, so Xiao Ran actually doesn't have any anger in his heart about this.

But now that he knows about permissions, it is impossible for Xiao Ran to let the permissions fall into the hands of others. Every permission is very important. No permission is unimportant. Others will hide it and want to hold it in their hands. It was a normal thing, but today Xiao Ran was going to take over the legion authority from Wuming.

When Xiao Ran entered the five-person council hall, Wuming hadn't arrived yet, but Cruze stood directly outside the door and waited without any intention of entering the five-person council hall.

Not long after waiting, Wuming hurriedly appeared in front of Xiao Ran.

Wuming sat directly in his seat and asked Xiao Ran: "You have something to do with me, what's the matter?"

Xiao Ran smiled: "Please come here, there is something I want to discuss with you, the commander of the unknown army."

Wuming nodded: "Please tell me."

Xiao Ran also said directly: "Although it is a bit presumptuous, I still hope that you, the unknown commander, can understand that the Burning Legion has the greatest influence in the legion council now. The number of dependent legions, the number of cooperative legions, and the number of direct legions are all the same. few."

"Although everyone thinks that the Burning Legion is actually the number one, you and I both know that the Burning Legion is actually only sitting in the second position. So what I want to discuss with you this time is that I hope Wuming Legion, can you be more tolerant and give up your number one position?"

"I mean the real number one, but I don't want this matter to affect the relationship between our two legions. Our cooperation is very pleasant. I am also very grateful to the commander of the unknown legion. I think you should, commander of the unknown legion." I can understand my original intention and reason for doing this.”

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he looked at Wuming and said nothing, and Wuming also chose to remain silent for several minutes.

After a long time, Wuming nodded slowly: "I think I can understand, permissions."

Xiao Ran smiled: "It would be great if you can understand, Commander of the Unknown Legion. Yes, my goal is authority. I want the second-level authority of the Prometheus Legion that I can only have in the first position."

Wuming let out a long sigh, looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "Xiao Ran's legion actually already knew about the authority. Please forgive me for concealing the authority before. Since the commander of Xiao Ran's legion needs this first, he needs this I will give up the authority."

"But can you please tell me, Commander Xiao Ran, where did you know about this authority?"

Wuming was very decisive in doing things, and Xiao Ran didn't hide anything: "Prometheus."

Wuming nodded: "I see, Commander Xiao Ran, can you tell me more about the permissions? To be honest, although I got the permissions of the legion because of my ranking first, I know that this is only the second level permission. The above must be There is another level, what is the meaning of this kind of authority."

Xiao Ran was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry, Commander of the Unknown Legion, I'm afraid I can't tell you about the authority of the legion."

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then smiled casually: "That's what it should be. Just like I hid it from you back then, it must be a very important and secret matter."

Xiao Ran said: "Actually, it's not that I can't tell you, but before that I also want to ask the commander of the unknown army, whether you have ever planned to completely merge your mythical army into the Burning Legion. Of course, for the internal affairs of the mythical army, I won’t make any changes to any structure, but there may be areas where your efforts are needed.”

“Let’s just say it bluntly, the Burning Legion is currently working on a very big plan. Once this plan is successful, it will bring about huge changes to both the real universe and Prometheus. I very much hope that the Mythical Legion can join this plan. In the future, the power possessed by the Mythical Legion will inevitably become an indispensable part of this plan."

"But if you choose to refuse, I can only express regret for this."

"Join the Burning Legion." Wuming looked deeply at Xiao Ran and said, "Legion Commander Xiao Ran is joking. The Mythical Legion has no intention of merging into other legions. There is no such intention in any sense."

"But I am very curious about the Burning Legion's big plan. If you, Commander Xiao Ran, can impress me, maybe I will change my mind."

Xiao Ran said: "Fantasy Zone."

Wuming frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Ran said straightforwardly: "If you want revenge, maybe I can give you this opportunity. I have sent my force to the Fantasy Zone. The goal is to collect the lost modules of Prometheus and reopen the channel. By that time The Burning Legion will start an attack on the Fantasy Zone as a whole, perhaps to clean up the threats that exist in that universe."

"At the same time, there is the real universe. Today's real universe is gradually evolving towards the fantasy area. Perhaps in the past many years, the real universe will evolve into a new fantasy area. In fact, my people have already found you in the real universe. Depicted in the tower, a major part of the plan is to prevent this from happening."

"Having gone through the fantasy zone and faced failure, I don't know how many comrades you lost in that war, but I think you will never think about the same thing happening in the real universe again. That way you will lose so much." I'm afraid it won't just be your comrades-in-arms, but it may also be your home, your relatives, and your lover."

Xiao Ran stared straight at Wuming and said in a deep voice: "I don't know if the things I mentioned have made you, Commander of the Wuming Army, interested in changing your mind and merging the Mythical Legion into the Burning Legion."