Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2718: Sudden


Wuming was a little creepy, just inexplicably creepy. After hearing what Xiao Ran said, he got goosebumps all over his body.

The Burning Legion has sent forces to the Fantasy Zone. Are they looking for the missing part of Prometheus? What are they going to do? And they have to start a conquest of the Fantasy Zone. Do they have such strength

He knows the permissions, so what kind of permissions does he get? What is the use of this permissions

The Tower of Prometheus was discovered in the real universe, and the real universe is evolving towards the fantasy zone

There was no reason why Wuming didn't believe these things when Xiao Ran said them, but the more he believed them, the more he felt a kind of shock inside, his scalp was numb, and goosebumps jumped out, but this was not what made his hair stand on end.

"What exactly are you planning to do?"

Wuming was unable to say this sentence in the end, but he suddenly thought of a possibility in his heart. This possibility was what made Wuming's hair stand on end.

Wuming's pupils dilated, and he felt a little cold, and his mouth was dry: "You... you are so brave."

Xiao Ran said calmly: "Is there anyone who wants to be bound for the rest of his life? Especially after having an endless lifespan, no, at least I don't want to, and I don't think you will either, so breaking free is the only future. There is Are you interested in joining? The only requirement is that you must merge into the Burning Legion."

"As long as you, Wuming, join sincerely and are of the same mind as the Burning Legion, I guarantee that there will definitely be a place for you in this place in the future."

This position means to give a permission, and it is in the future. What kind of future, of course, it will be after Xiao Ran fully controls the core permissions.

Although there are only five permissions in addition to the core permissions, it is definitely worth giving up Wuming. Even though there are already many S-class pilots in the Burning Legion, Wuming alone can represent the S-class pilots of the Burning Legion. The number is almost S level, and it is okay to give one permission without losing money.

But those permissions must not be mission permissions, personnel management permissions, and legion permissions. This is also to restrict Wuming and those S-level pilots under Wuming. The real universe permissions are what Xiao Ran plans to keep, so he can leave them to Wuming. It only has security authority. Even after connecting with other real universes, it is completely feasible to give management rights to a real universe.

Once the Mythical Legion merges into the Burning Legion, Xiao Ran will naturally try to truly integrate the people of the Mythic Legion into the Burning Legion, completely absorb them, transform them, and tear off the label of the Mythical Legion on them. When this step is achieved, There is no difference between the Mythical Legion and the Burning Legion. They are all Burning Legion and are his subordinates, Xiao Ran.

Burning Legion... There was once a Burning Legion that invaded countless worlds and planets, and now the Burning Legion is about to embark on a journey into countless worlds, but the Burning Legion belonging to Xiao Ran is for protection.

Wuming asked in a hoarse voice: "You are not worried, you are not afraid, you have not considered what the consequences of this will be. It controls the lives of all of us."

Xiao Ran smiled lightly: "Of course I won't do anything I'm not sure about. I choose to do it because I'm sure. You think I haven't considered this, but you don't know how much we have done for this matter. Prepare."

"Participant No. 678 Xiao Ran has detected that the return channel to your hometown is open. You can decide whether to return to Earth within twenty-four hours."

At this time, such a reminder suddenly popped up in Xiao Ran's mind. Xiao Ran's expression changed instantly and then there was a burst of joy. This sudden reminder was a bit too abrupt, but it was indeed good news that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

However, Wuming was in front of him. Xiao Ran only showed a smile on his face and then had no other reaction. He looked at Wuming and said, "I and my legion feel worthy of your trust."

"I have something to do later, so I really can't stay here with you for too long, so I will just tell you one last thing directly."

"Me." Xiao Ran nodded to himself, and then pointed upward: "He, we have reached some deals, so he will not do anything against us because of any of my actions."

Xiao Ran directly said one of his trump cards, hoping that Wuming could make a decision as soon as possible and not waste time. If Wuming finally chose to refuse, Xiao Ran would leave directly, but he would appear in every mission carried out by the Mythical Legion. Men of the Burning Legion.

Moreover, the Mythical Legion will never enter a high-value world. Whether they are S-class pilots or other A-class pilots, they will always be allowed to play happily in the newcomer world. The reward points for combat points will be reduced by 10%. From then on, The item rewards obtained will only be exactly the same thing.

The Burning Legion doesn't have many things, it's just a lot of random inventions. Xiao Ran can replace what they have with props of the same type and level, and Xiao Ran can specify the mission rewards and specify the bloodline every time, so let them Just take the bloodline forever.

Maybe there will be a bloodline supermarket in Prometheus one day in the future

Wuming saw the determination in Xiao Ran's eyes, which was the determination that the Mythical Legion must be merged into the Burning Legion. If Xiao Ran could tell him so many things, didn't he just hope that the Mythical Legion could be merged into the Burning Legion

Wuming didn't know what his refusal would bring to the Legion. This was a ruthless man who could make a deal with Prometheus. Wuming had reason to believe that he chose to refuse after knowing so many things, and the future would inevitably be forever. targeted.

Sighing, Wuming smiled bitterly: "Do I still have a choice? If I don't join, will I be hostile?"

"After all, there is an alliance contract." Xiao Ran smiled leisurely and said: "At most, you will never have to perform missions in the future, or you will always be able to enter the world of missions with the lowest level, lowest difficulty and no rewards, or every mission will be This kind of thing can be arranged easily by letting you go through thousands of years, and in this case, it only takes a few missions for you to completely lose yourself."

Wuming smiled: "As expected of the Burning Legion, will you not interfere with the existing structure of the Mythical Legion?"

"Appropriate adjustments are necessary. You should be able to understand that this is necessary, and you must complete what I ask you to do. The most important point is that everyone must truly integrate into the Burning Legion. I can also give this Enough time for you to slowly change and get used to it."

"There are five chairs here now, and there will be five chairs in another place in the future. I promise to leave one of them for you."

Wuming sat on the chair and sighed softly: "I agree."

"The right choice." Xiao Ran stood up and walked towards Wuming and extended his right hand: "Welcome to the Burning Legion."

Wuming also stood up and held Xiao Ran's hand: "I hope we can succeed."

Xiao Ranyi pointedly said: "This is inevitable and there is no need to question it. This is also what he hopes."

Wuming nodded thoughtfully: "He? The Burning Legion... No, Legion Commander Xiao Ran has been able to do such a thing. When others are still struggling under his restrictions, you can I already have the capital to be on an equal footing with him.”

"You will know after you enter the Burning Legion." Xiao Ran said with a smile: "Actually, there are many things that he can't do anything about in the Burning Legion."

Letting go of his hand, Xiao Ran said: "Next, I will try my best to promote the next thing. If you don't join in, you will become obstacles and unstable factors. Before starting, I must remove the obstacles and unstable factors. Cleaned up.”

"Whether the entire Prometheus is a super zone or a real zone, the only thing that can stand in the way is your Mythical Legion. Fortunately, Commander of the Unknown Legion, you understand the righteousness and are willing to join the Burning Legion family."

Wuming smiled bitterly: "I don't seem to have any other choice. Commander Xiao Ran, you have made it so straightforward and clear. If I refuse, I will be asking for trouble. I don't want the Mythical Legion to end up like other legions. It's better to accept the recruitment and at least guarantee the establishment of the Mythical Legion."

Xiao Ran smiled, raised his hand and led Wuming out of the five-person parliament. Cruze and Wuming's deputy were waiting outside.

After seeing Cruze, Xiao Ran said directly: "Kruze, I have reached an agreement with the commander of the unknown army. Next, the Mythical Legion will be completely merged into the Burning Legion. You will handle this matter."

Cruze paused and smiled at Wuming, then said to Xiao Ran: "I will take care of it."

When Wuming's deputy heard Xiao Ran's words, he immediately showed an expression of disbelief, and looked at Wuming who followed Xiao Ran out in astonishment.


Wuming shook his head gently at the other party: "I will give you an explanation and an explanation when I go back, but this is for the future. We have no other choice, and neither does the Burning Legion, so we must unite together."

Wuming seemed to be very prestigious in the Mythical Legion. After he finished speaking, the deputy nodded even though he didn't understand. He just frowned slightly and felt a little bad.

"Commander of the unknown army, Cruze will be responsible for this matter next. I still have some things to do here. I will be back in a day or a few days."

The unknown army commander said: "It doesn't matter. Commander Xiao Ran, just go and do your work."

Xiao Ran said to Cruze again: "After the matter is finished, you should also make arrangements to familiarize the unknown army commander with the army. I want to go to the real universe."

Cruze glanced at Xiao Ran and understood what Xiao Ran really meant: "Okay, leave it to me."

Xiao Ran nodded and left quickly, returned to the fleet territory and rushed back to the study.

The people in the study haven't left yet, they are still teasing each other, rock, paper, scissors, you have one cup and I have two cups.

The hurried way Xiao Ran walked into the study made the study quiet. Everyone immediately looked at Xiao Ran with a slight frown, thinking that something had happened.

"Luo, ask someone to bring me the prepared things."

Luo Yi didn't react: "Ready?"

Xiao Ran said: "I can go back, you go back with me."

Luo understood instantly and nodded quickly: "I'll arrange it right away."

Xiao Ran looked at the others again: "Prometheus just reminded me that I can go back. It's not certain when I will come back, but it should be before the start of the next mission cycle. The most likely time is one day. You can arrange the personnel yourself. The Mythical Legion has already It will definitely be integrated into the Burning Legion as a whole."

"While we are away, you buy enough staying time to tear apart the relationship between the Mythical Legion itself and integrate them into us as thoroughly as possible. If I am not here, there should be no one in the presidential palace. , I’ll leave everything to you here.”

Everyone nodded and stood up: "Then we have to make arrangements."

Xiao Ran had twenty-four hours to make a decision, which was plenty of time, but Xiao Ran himself was very anxious and called Guang in after everyone left.

"Let me tell everyone that I am going back to the real universe and my hometown. You, Yan, and Yao are all going to dress up a little more ordinary. Go get a dressing device and ask Shirley and the others to do the same. Everyone Everybody hurry up and pack up everything you need to bring, we’ll set off in two hours.”

"Tell Leonard, Xinye and Hades that they will also go back with us."

Guang saw the urgency in Xiao Ran's heart, nodded and quickly left the study to inform other people.

It is not a trivial matter for Xiao Ran to return to Earth, especially since the current situation on Earth is too mysterious and complicated for the real universe. Going back this time is really not as simple as visiting relatives. Of course, the purpose of visiting relatives is also there, so that the whole family can all The same goes for following back.

The purpose of calling Luo, Hades, and Leonard is to prepare. Luo and Leonard can help the earth's technology grow rapidly. Hades can make some arrangements and preparations for the earth. As for Xiangyu Shinno, Xiao Ran also needs He went to help train a group of qualified warriors on Earth.

Of course, visiting relatives is also very important, otherwise there would be no need to bring along a large family.

Xiao Ran has been making preparations for returning to Earth. When the technical department has new things, they will take out some of them and put them into the material preparations that Xiao Ran will bring back to Earth. The first time he was "inadequately prepared", but this time the preparations are just right. It will be very fulfilling.

Body, technology, special equipment, large quantities of blood serum, enhanced treatment cabins, portable armor, cores, new super cores, technical information, etc. Most of these things are placed in the space containment device, and there are many The space containing device was placed in a battleship, so the real thing to bring was that battleship.

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