Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2722: The boss is furious


(The new book "The World of War" is almost ready. Don't keep it. I'm dying of it now. I urgently need your support. Thank you.)

Xiao Ran is one of those participants whose levels and authority grow quickly after entering Prometheus. The rewards obtained from each mission are at least ten times higher than those of other participants. Such gains and growth speed also lead to His authority level soars very quickly, which will also have a great impact on the openness of the world.

There is also the ultimate mission, and only Xiao Ran performs an ultimate mission almost every time. In this way, the number of missions he performs has doubled compared to the participants in the same period, and he has exceeded the number of missions in the shortest mission cycle. For many participants, the benefits obtained from the ultimate task are also higher than those obtained from ordinary tasks.

For Bai Hechou and the others, what they are pursuing in each mission is no longer the few reward points and the props awarded by the mission. What they care more about is the world of each mission itself. It can be said that every time they pursue their goals, Go on missions with the purpose of acquiring camp territory.

Expanding the plot and exploring the world, on the contrary, I am not too enthusiastic about executing tasks except for the main tasks and triggered side tasks. I only complete the tasks I already have and do not actively develop other side tasks. Every time I complete a task The openness to the world is also very high.

After adding those things that Xiao Ran brought back from his own world, the noise they caused during the mission became even greater. In this way, the benefits and authority they received were actually not slow. Just because the number of tasks was not enough, the permissions could not be upgraded.

However, with Xiao Ran's help and accurate goals, this group of people will frantically dig for tasks every time they enter a task, and complete those tasks frantically to obtain the rewards given by the task itself. For each world Development will also be done to the most extreme extent, and every time it will completely change the entire direction of a world to achieve the greatest openness.

In this way, these guys will become the same as Xiao Ran before. Every mission will receive a lot of rewards, and Xiao Ran will also adjust their reward props and select better props as their missions. Reward, authority increases quickly, harvest becomes more, and quality becomes higher.

The level of authority has also been upgraded as fast as flying. With the addition of the ultimate mission card, an ordinary mission plus an ultimate mission, the total harvest is simply greater than what other participants have gained in one mission cycle. higher.

In just two mission cycles, the initial predetermined goal was successfully achieved, and everyone reached a level sufficient to obtain Prometheus permissions.

Before that, while Bai Hechou and the others were frantically carrying out their mission, Wuming from the Mythical Legion on the other side was arranged by Xiao Ran to the real universe. He only vaguely told him about the authority, but about The matter of increasing the permission level to obtain management permissions from Prometheus was not explained in too much detail.

Wuming was assigned to the real universe and his task was to assist in the establishment of the Star Alliance. Of course, he also had to incorporate the civilized forces behind the S pilots of their Mythical Legion into the Star Alliance, allowing Wuming to find the singularity in the universe. , which is the door to invasion from another dimension.

This was a very important task, so Xiao Ran gave it to Wuming. This task was enough to divert Wuming's attention and focus all his attention on the safety of the real universe. As for the place on Earth, Xiao Ran thought it was probably related to the special It's not relevant at all, but even if it is relevant, it has to be ruled out that there is no second singularity in the entire real universe.

This will be a big job, and Wuming can only search and investigate slowly. For now, no matter how many places can be investigated, after the Star Alliance is established, the investigation speed will naturally be much faster.

As for why an infinite world like Prometheus would choose a typical technology development direction such as mechas, the reason is simply because technology development is the fastest. To put it simply, it can make reality the fastest. To improve the overall power of the universe, a single technology can bring about great changes.

Compared with the direction of cultivation, the same time, the same resources, and technology can produce a hundred S-class pilots. However, cultivation not only depends on the qualifications and resources, but also the understanding. If you can produce a hundred S-class pilots, In the case of an S-level pilot, the training direction may not produce a top-level expert with the same destructive power and lethality as an S-level pilot. In special circumstances, it is estimated that there will only be one to three single seedlings.

Moreover, cultivation resources are even more rare. On the contrary, technological resources are everywhere in the universe, and even missing elements can be fully integrated.

In addition to the technological direction, the other direction is the biological direction, such as beta, such as insects. These are typical biological developments. Compared with the technological aspect, they are a bit obvious but have greater shortcomings. Moreover, the real universe does not develop in the direction of biology. .

Just like if Xiao Ran releases the Radam Dimensional Beast into the real universe, even if countless cannon fodder is released, the real universe will eventually be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the direction of science and technology is the most stable. Moreover, when technology reaches a certain level, it will not be worse than the development in other directions. Didn't Xiao Ran also grow into a being comparable to a true god? It doesn't make sense for Xiao Ran to be weak as an individual.

And now, there is actually no shortage of inheritance in the direction of cultivation among the Burning Legion, and there is no shortage of saints, magicians, etc., but after so long after these inheritances, how many people can dismantle the machine with bare hands? First? ? There are, but not many, and if you use technology to improve your life level and then come into contact with and practice these things, the speed will also be very fast.

Just like Xiao Ran can now use his own abilities to simulate the small universe, and in the future, once Xiao Ran masters eternity, he can also slowly make up for this, but this requires planning and arrangements.

Regarding maintaining the stability and security of the dimension, Xiao Ran already has a preliminary idea in his heart at this moment. This will also be a very, very big plan. It can only be achieved by borrowing the power of Prometheus and Eternity at the same time. big plan.

In the case where several candidates have all qualified, of course, the person who meets the qualifications first will get the permission first. The first person unexpectedly is not Xia, Bai Hechou, or Youzes, but Zeng Jia, a A peerless warrior who has completely overturned many worlds.

Zenga chose security permissions, which suited his style and ideas.

The security authority allowed Zeng Ga to obtain all the authority over Prometheus' defense. He could mobilize the defense forces possessed by Prometheus itself, which Xiao Ran and the others had never been exposed to. The power of those who do not follow the rules of Prometheus.

From this point of view, the security authority is actually somewhat different from what Xiao Ran imagined at the beginning. It is not as simple as the security department. It is also a disciplinary department and is also responsible for the security issues among the indigenous people within Prometheus. .

As for how he wants to obliterate, whether he uses Prometheus's restrictions on those participants, or whether Zeng Ga gets a reminder that someone has violated the rules and directly rushes into the mission to make a clean break. It is his freedom, and under this authority, he once Gar can also form a special army.

All those selected into the army will break away from their status as participants and become the guardians of Prometheus. They do not need to perform any tasks and only follow Zenga's orders. They can also receive support from Prometheus to improve themselves. Are you afraid of the power of free enhancement? Is it good to upgrade the body for free

The fragrance is a bit fragrant, but how much it can be strengthened depends on merit, and how much it can be upgraded depends on its own strength. In fact, the limit is not small, it depends on how you use it. In short, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. No, it should be said that Zeng Jia has obtained this authority. There can't be any harm.

The second one is Master and Craftsman. Master and Craftsman didn’t fight so much but still got the qualification to choose the second authority. However, Master and Craftsman doesn’t like to put a restraint on himself, and the following people have already obtained the authority and qualifications one after another. Under such circumstances, Shijiang took the initiative to refuse the authority.

The third person is Youzes. Although this guy suffered a bit in the selection of personnel at the beginning, he is really reckless when he is reckless. After all, he can be regarded as a multi-world ** boss who can play with the world. .

This guy thought about it and finally chose the single universe management authority, which is equivalent to getting all the authority of Prometheus. Anyway, he can use all the authority of Prometheus in the single universe, but it will be awkward to return to Prometheus. Use no.

And the most embarrassing thing is not this... Although the single universe authority is a first-level authority, mmp's single universe management authority can be obtained by countless people at the same time. Youzes only got the authority of the current real universe. As a result, this child who works the hardest Got the worst option.

At first, Youzes thought that what he got was the authority to manage this single universe, which would allow others to obtain secondary authority to manage other single universes...

And this authority is useless in Prometheus. The real universe only has a few enclosed towers. After understanding this, Youze suddenly changed from majestic to bitter. The authority was increased but it became He became the head of the branch and was miserable.

But now, the only universe that Prometheus really needs to influence and be responsible for is the real universe, so it can be regarded as the only one.

The next person is Charia. Of course, he chose the personnel management authority, recruited participants, and gave them the qualification to return to the real universe. He can check the information of all participants and lock their information. The headquarters personnel manager can also give Additional rewards and evaluations for participants, that is, the treasure box opening process after the mission returns, are the responsibility of Xia Yalai, who also has jurisdiction over all the natives of Prometheus.

The remaining legion authority was finally obtained by Ingram after Kiliam's initiative to give in, that is, the messy things related to the legion, the legion council, the legion hall, all of which became within the scope of Ingram's management. .

Kiliam, on the other hand, took the initiative to choose another authority under the five major authority. Once the five major authority have candidates, there will naturally be other authority to choose from. What Kiliam chose was the regional management authority, and he became The mayor-level figure of the real zone was appointed, and the internal structure of the real zone, such as reinforcement, shop sales, leisure areas, competitive areas, factory areas, etc., also became the scope of Gilliam's management.

However, Kiliam's choice of this authority does not mean that he will use certain rights under this authority. After all, the real zone is very important. The headquarters and foundation of the Burning Legion is in the real zone. He only needs to continue according to the current situation. Keep it, but it is impossible to give this permission to others.

With Kiliam as an example, Shijiang finally got the management authority of the super zone. Just like Kiliam thought, the authority is not necessarily a big trouble and it is not necessary to use it, but it is only when other people get the authority. It's real trouble.

After these two people obtained management rights from both sides, the first and most meaningful thing they could do was to open the two regional link gates, allowing qualified people to freely travel between the two regions, completely opening up the link. Barriers on both sides, as for who is the qualified person

Of course only those from the Burning Legion are qualified.

The five major permissions, plus the dual-region management permissions, although there are still some lower-level permissions that are the same as the regional management permissions are not in hand, but now the most important permissions have all fallen into the hands of the Burning Legion, which means Then Xiao Ran could go to Prometheus to sit down and drink tea, chat, and talk about the core authority. He could also talk about when Prometheus was going to hand over the authority to Xiao Ran.

As for whether Prometheus will tremble because of Xiao Ran, the result is actually very obvious. Now with so many permissions, Xiao Ran still has an anti-erasure permission. There is something to be said for escaping there and forcefully seizing control of the core.

So Xiao Ran took the big guys to find a place with beautiful scenery. Of course, it was not Xiao Ran's personal living area, but to the top floor of the legion hall, which was more spacious and more comfortable. It was a place that had never been open to the outside world, and it was The authority of Xiao Ran and the others can completely guide Prometheus in another direction. They can make Prometheus become more and more powerful, or they can make Prometheus restless.

"Come out, I know you noticed us, now can we have a good talk about permissions?"