Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2723: Oh, Prometheus is gone


can't hear can't hear

Prometheus really wanted to be like this. He couldn't see or hear. He completely pretended that he didn't know that Xiao Ran was looking for him. This man was simply helpless. He was simply the most evil person in the world. For the sake of the balance of all dimensions, he must not let it go. Xiao Ran controls the core authority of Prometheus.

But doesn’t freedom smell good? However, isn’t it nice to have chaos in other dimensions while the dimension you protect is peaceful and stable

fragrant! So delicious!

So Prometheus jumped out, and it was better to let Xiao Ran control the core authority to go out and cause trouble than to let this guy continue to make trouble at home, but more importantly, Prometheus did not have the right to turn a blind eye.

"Participant No. 678 Xiao Ran."

There was only a voice but no figure, but it still symbolically made a little light appear in front of Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran didn't talk nonsense and said: "The five major permissions, plus the super zone and the real zone, the management permissions of the two zones are all in the hands of the Burning Legion. It has exceeded what you said at the beginning that only three permissions can be obtained. The core control of Misius, can you transfer the core control to me now?"

"When a person obtains more than three permissions, he automatically obtains the core permissions. Your conditions are not met yet."

Xiao Ran said unhurriedly: "But the Burning Legion is a whole. As the commander of the Burning Legion, their authority is equal to my authority. I don't think there is any problem in counting all these permissions on me. "

"The conditions are not met and the authority cannot be transferred."

Xiao Ran asked: "How to transfer permissions."

"No more permissions can be obtained under the current permission level."

Xiao Ran waved his hand: "Don't talk to me in such a dull tone, tell me how to gain core control in this situation."

"Once the permission transfer is completed, I will naturally do what I promised, and I can also introduce you to a girlfriend by the way."

The person behind Xiao Ran immediately glanced at Xiao Ran's back, and then looked at the light group in front as if nothing happened.

Prometheus said: "You have obtained all the main permissions. Whether or not you have core permissions will not have any impact on you. You have essentially gained control of Prometheus."

"It's different." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Only when the core authority is in our own hands can we rest assured, otherwise we will always be hijacked by you."

"Give me the authority, and you can have the freedom you want. As long as I can do other things, I will try my best to satisfy you. You can trust me, Xiao Ran, and the credibility of the Burning Legion."

Credibility? Do you Burning Legion have something like that? Well, it seems there is.

Prometheus was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "If the five people with the highest authority are jointly elected and supported by everyone, you will get the highest authority of Prometheus."

Xiao Ran smiled softly: "I wish I had said no earlier."

Xiao Ran turned around and nodded to everyone, and then said to Prometheus: "Then let's start the voting now. I nominate myself to be the supreme controller of Prometheus."

Prometheus said: "The agenda has begun. Those with authority present will conduct a secret vote and confirm the voting results in the personal panel."

This time, Xiao Ran did not look back at everyone, but without hesitation, His Highness confirmed the option among the options that popped up on his panel.

At this moment, Xiao Ran didn't realize how nervous or excited he was. Perhaps he had already been mentally prepared. After all, getting to this day did not happen overnight, but slowly and step by step to where he is now. degree.

The five people with the highest authority had to pass the secret ballot unanimously. Was Xiao Ran confident in his heart? If anyone behind you chooses to refuse, it will result in failure to obtain the highest authority this time, and there may never be a way to know who cast the veto.

Whether Zenga, Char, Ingram, and Youzes are of the same mind as him will be most directly reflected at this time.

And if this vote fails, Xiao Ran has already decided that he will not do anything and cannot do anything. If he fails, he will fail. Even if he knows that one of the four of them voted veto, he cannot make any in-depth investigation and There are too many uncertain factors in the secret ballot. No one can say clearly whether it was one person who vetoed it or everyone vetoed it. It is also impossible to determine who voted veto. These guys will never say anything. come out.

Don't create barriers between everyone because of uncertain things. Even if such a thing happens, Xiao Ran will do his best to erase the barriers between everyone.

Xiao Ran chose to wait, but the people behind him were unwilling to do so. Zeng Jia was the first to stand up and said in a deep voice: "I apply for the voting to be made public."

Xia Ya smiled and nodded: "Me too."

Ingram didn't speak, but he expressed his attitude with actions, that is, he took a step forward and stood beside the two of them. Only Youzes didn't think about it and was stunned for a moment, and then said in a panic. : "Yes, yes, it's better to make it public. It's better to make it public. I have already voted. Please make mine public."

Ever since Juzes joined the Burning Legion, he was really stupid when he was stupid. Perhaps it was because he lived too comfortably and calmly in the Burning Legion. Although there were some poking fun at each other internally, for so long no one would It's a bad idea to use it on one's own people, so Youzes has become completely accustomed to this way of life.

He didn't think too much when voting, or Youzes didn't think that anyone would stab Xiao Ran from behind at this time. This was due to Xiao Ran's own personality charm, and also because of the cohesion of the Burning Legion.

Was Xiao Ran moved in his heart? It doesn't exist, because Xiao Ran has trusted these people behind him from the beginning, but the actions of the four people still made Xiao Ran's mouth curl up slightly.

After just ten seconds, Xiao Ran suddenly disappeared in front of everyone, and with him disappeared the light group deliberately created by Prometheus.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ran found himself in another place, as if he had fallen into an endless starry sky.

"This is the real gap between dimensions and time. It is located in the gap between countless universes. It is a dimensional place that does not exist. This is Prometheus."

Xiao Ran looked everywhere, and when he looked carefully around him, the endless stars were not actually the real starry sky, but the projections of one world after another, like bubbles but shining with the light of stars.

Under his feet, there was a strange polyhedron with equal ends, slowly rotating like a dumbbell.

After seeing the polyhedron that seemed to be far away below, Xiao Ran spat out with enlightenment: "Prometheus?"

"Yes, that's where the participants live, Prometheus."

"Prometheus refers to the area below, to me, and to the space in this gap."

"According to the rules, you have been unanimously voted to become the controller of Prometheus. You will accept everything in the entire Prometheus, including the participant area below, this sandwich space, to manage as Prometheus. The systematic me.”

"You will become the master of Prometheus and the guardian of this dimension."

"Now, you can accept the succession that represents the core of it all and fulfills the mission."

A cube engraved with strange patterns suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Ran as if it turned into a ray of light from the end of the universe.

"Touch it and you can gain the authority of Prometheus... What you promised me before... will you do it?"

Xiao Ran looked at the cube in front of him: "Give you freedom?"

Prometheus didn't reply.

"I can give it to you if you want."

Xiao Ran slowly raised his hand and approached the rotating cube in a palm shape. As Xiao Ran's palm gradually approached, the lines on the cube gradually became brighter.

The moment Xiao Ran's palm was about to touch the cube, Xiao Ran took his hand back, looked up at the endless starry sky and said, "Tell me, what will happen after touching this cube."

"You will get complete core control rights of Prometheus, and you will become the master of Prometheus."

"You know that's not what I said." Xiao Ran said in a deep voice: "I want to know what will happen and what I will lose, not what I can gain."

"For example, after gaining core control, will I personally be restricted by the core rules? For example, will I lose my freedom? Or even, will I become you!"

Prometheus said: "You will be completely bound to Prometheus. As the controller of the core authority, you will have the right to modify any core regulations and will not be restricted by any core regulations. You only need to follow one The condition is to protect this dimension."

Xiao Ran was not reassured, but continued to ask: "I won't be restricted here from now on, just like you who seem to be everywhere but are actually restricted in Prometheus."

"I was born on Prometheus. I am Prometheus. Naturally, I cannot break away from Prometheus, but you will become Prometheus's master. Prometheus cannot limit his own master."

Xiao Ran asked: "Has anyone ever obtained the highest authority?"

"Yes, the person who created Prometheus once had the highest authority. After formulating various rules, he gave me the mission of guarding this dimension and then left this temperature. He is not even a person in the conventional sense as you understand it. , but a projection of will.”

Xiao Ran frowned slightly: "What the hell."

Suddenly, Xiao Ran raised his hand and pressed it directly on the cube. Anyway, he had to reach out and press it up in the end. If hesitating, he might as well give it a try. Once he tried, he would know what the final result would be.

In an instant, countless information was poured directly into Xiao Ran's mind, making him feel the long-lost pain of information exploding in his brain again, and he unconsciously turned on quantum assimilation, and his whole person turned into countless forms in an instant. Points of light exploded.

I don't know how long time passed, and the green light spots slowly condensed together and turned into Xiao Ran's appearance, but the cube disappeared without a trace at some point.

Prometheus did not deceive him. He did get the real supreme core management authority of Prometheus. For a management system, there are not so many things to deceive and be deceived. It is just completing its own tasks honestly. Mission and Responsibility.

He didn't lose anything, but gained everything, and the information the cube just passed to him told him everything about Prometheus, not just Prometheus, but also the entire dimension.

The core of Prometheus is the cube that Xiao Ran touched just now. It is also the real core of this gap space. It is the singularity. During the process of integrating into Xiao Ran's body, Xiao Ran started quantum assimilation, which ultimately led to the fusion process. made some changes.

Xiao Ran didn't know what the normal fusion process would look like, but at that moment he clearly felt the cube turning into a special being that penetrated his body and tried to fuse or devour it. The final result was good or not. He also doesn't know what's bad.

At that moment, Xiao Ran entered quantum assimilation and exploded into a point of light. As a result, the cube also turned into a point of light and merged into the quantum realm. He continued his fusion process blindly and idiotically, and even the target of the fusion became the entire quantum realm. Don't know.

In that moment, because of the drive of the core cube of the gap space, and also because of the special effect of the quantum realm that covers everything that affects cause and effect, the fusion of the two produced a wonderful chemical effect that made Xiao Ran shroud his spirit in that moment. In this entire special interstitial space.

This directly allowed Xiao Ran's ability to control the quantum space to instantly skyrocket to an incalculable level. If Xiao Ran could only truly control a planet the size of a planet in the quantum realm, at that moment he was able to expand the planet without any side effects. the size of the entire universe.

Then, under the influence of the cube, it was completely stabilized to this extent. At the same time, the cube also became a part of him in a very different way. The cube and the quantum realm competed and merged with each other until it became what it is now, which is quite strong and quite strong. Strong.

Xiao Ran couldn't understand the change in the middle. It was like there were two pools of clear water. In one of them, there was a ball of sand that could be dyed infinitely. This ball of sand suddenly spread out and filled the clear water, which was the state of entering the quantum realm. , turning the water muddy and then everywhere.

Another pool of clear water was poured into the muddy water. As a result, only the muddy water was left instead of the clear water. The cube representing the entire gap space is the pool of clear water, Xiao Ran is the sand in the muddy water, and the quantum realm is the muddy water. The water in the two pools of water was all muddied by Xiao Ran, and after Xiao Ran muddied the two pools of water, it condensed into maracas. It didn't matter, but he completely tied the two pools of water together and even knocked out his own. Branded, dyed with its own color.

Even Xiao Ran felt that he was lucky because of such a change. The cube should also be a quantum state condensed with some special technology. Xiao Ran didn't understand it and didn't know how to describe it. He probably replaced it with Youzes. He Luo and the others can figure it out, and Prometheus... refers to that system.

It's gone... Its core was also inside the cube, and it turned out to be a mess. It was probably everywhere at this time. Although Xiao Ran had the ability to recover it, it probably took a long time. , Xiao Ran really didn't want to trick it. Who told it to hide the fact that the cube would merge with each other when it came into contact with it? This was really a bit embarrassing.