Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 34: Eighth Fleet


In the captain's room of the Archangel, Xiao Ran's new destiny has been sent to the flagship of the Menelao through the Archangel, and the information will be sent from the flagship to the moon base. It won't be long before Xiao Ran will become a member of the Earth Army. A duly recognized major.

For the United Earth Army, which is a coalition of multiple forces, it is not so united and stable internally. The Eurasian Federation has always been at odds with the Atlantic Federation. Most of the time, it does not work hard and is even suspected of being a hindrance. Although the East Asian Republic also belongs to the United Earth Army, its soy sauce skills are unparalleled. It also has a lot of contact with LANT secretly and is not so enthusiastic about the Union Army. Therefore, the Atlantic Federation occupies a very important position among them. Strong position.

As the Eighth Fleet belongs to the Atlantic Federation, it is easy for the admiral of a fleet to arrange a major. Even if it is a bit troublesome, it is not considered a problem after Xiao Ran has made a series of actions before boarding the Archangel. what.

Although this major is slightly less valuable than Ma Liu, he is at least a captain and has dozens of people under his command, but it is enough for Xiao Ran. No matter how many rights this major has, as long as he has this rank Just fine. If your level is high enough, you will definitely get a very high invisible evaluation after completing the task, and this invisible evaluation is closely related to the reward of the task, so for Xiao Ran, things like rights become secondary.

After Halbaton spoke to Ma Liu and Xiao Ran, he was urged to leave by the flagship. Xiao Ran watched him leave from the captain's room, without saying a word to stay from the beginning to the end, just watching his back being completely blocked by the steel door.

When Halbarton's back completely disappeared from Xiao Ran's eyes, Xiao Ran also gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. He knew that Halbarton's departure would be a complete death, leaving nothing in this world. Only memories remain. Although he met Halbarton not long ago, Xiao Ran benefited a lot from Halbarton's atmosphere. He jumped two levels in a row to take advantage, and also banned the four participants on the Menelao to ensure that To ensure his Xiao Ran's safety.

Even though Halbarton had done all this, Xiao Ran was still determined to let Halbarton leave as if he didn't know anything. The reason why he didn't try to persuade Halbarton to stay was because what he needed to do had already been done, and it was even over the limit. Even if it was done, there would be no reason or meaning to retain him. Once Halbarton really stayed on the Archangel and survived, it would be a disaster for Xiao Ran.

If Halbarton had survived, it would have been impossible for the Archangel to break through enemy-occupied territory and head to Alaska as a single ship without reinforcements after landing on Earth, let alone be used as a bait to be sacrificed in Alaska, even if it was not attacked by the Earth's military. It was a special reuse of the top management, but at least it would have no problem becoming the flagship of the Eighth Fleet under Halbarton. Without these things that happened to the Archangel in the plot, Xiao Ran's understanding of the plot would be completely useless. The future direction of the world would be endlessly unknown. Xiao Ran did not dare to let such a thing happen. For the current situation, For the weak Xiao Ran, that was more of a joke than joking with his own life.

When Halbarton walked out of the door, it was not that Xiao Ran had not struggled, and it was not that he had not thought that he might get more benefits if Halbarton survived, but he knew very well that now he was not even qualified to take risks. , so those who deserve to die must die, and those who deserve to live can live on.

Not long after Halbarton left, Xiao Ran also left. It was really uncomfortable to watch others die. Xiao Ran had not had any contact with anyone in the advance fleet when he could have saved Fleur's father but did not care about it. Contact, so Xiao Ran can ignore it. This is a necessary psychological quality to live in such a world, but after receiving benefits from contact, he still has to ignore it, which makes Xiao Ran feel a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Ran returned to his room, lying on the bed holding his head and pretending to be asleep: "This is fate, I can't change it. My current world is not here, but Prometheus. That must be a more cruel world." In this place, I have to get used to watching others die, because he is destined to die, and only by letting him follow his destiny can I survive."

I don't know when it started. When Xiao Ran wanted to escape, when he was in a bad mood, he would go back to the room, close his eyes, and fall asleep inexplicably while thinking about it. When he got up, he would act as if nothing had happened. Becoming normal is Xiao Ran's self-adjustment, adjusting himself to better adapt to the world.

I don't know if Xiao Ran fell asleep or not. When the alarm on the Archangel sounded, Xiao Ran jumped up and ran quickly to the waiting room.

"The first combat configuration of all personnel, the first combat configuration of all personnel, please Xiao Ranzhong... Major, Major Mu immediately go to the waiting room, ready to attack at any time."

At the same time, the Eighth Fleet, which was originally stationary in low orbit outside the earth, was also fully prepared for war due to the appearance of the ZAFT fleet. MAs one after another were ejected from various places on the battleship under the control of the new recruits. After a while, the densely packed MAs were already in front of the Eighth Fleet.

On the Archangel's radar, there were four ZAFT warships that were more than 500 enemies away. What was even more exaggerated was that all of these warships were equipped with full mobile suits and all ejected. More than 20 mobile suits. There are also four Gundam, Holy Shield, Storm, Duel and Thunder that should be the latest weapons of the Earth Army.

The entire Eighth Fleet currently has less than twenty warships, which is more than four times as many as ZAFT. The number of MAs is also five times less than ZAFT's MS. It seems to have full firepower. It is extremely powerful, but everyone in the Eighth Fleet knows that at this time, almost 50% of the battleships in the entire fleet are new recruits, and the MA unit has more than 80% of new recruits. Facing this situation, the two With more than a dozen mobile suits, the seemingly powerful ones are actually vulnerable to a single blow, especially when faced with the four Gundams that all use beam weapons. They are like paper and can be broken with just one poke.

When Xiao Ran arrived in the waiting room, Ma Liu was also arguing with Halbarton on the Menerava through communication in the bridge. As soon as he learned about the enemy's configuration, Halbarton understood something. thing. These enemies are coming with the Archangel, and their target is also the Archangel. If they want to fight, the Archangel will be besieged by the ZAFT army's concentrated fire. It is almost impossible to have a chance to escape. Of course, The sinking of the Archangel can also give the Eighth Fleet a chance for a tragic victory.

Without fighting, the entire Eighth Fleet, including the Archangel, will be pursued by the enemy. Except for the Archangel and a few high-speed ships of the Eighth Fleet that may escape, the rest of the battleships and the MA that have already sortied can only become A living target for the enemy.

In just an instant, Halbarton made the decision to use the entire Eighth Fleet as a shield to prevent the enemy from letting the Archangel land on the earth early. In Halbarton's view, perhaps as long as the Archangel leaves, the enemy will no longer be able to fight. The significance may be that the losses of the Eighth Fleet may be greater, but this loss is completely worth it compared to the sinking of the Archangel.

Halbarton's idea was good, but he never imagined that it was precisely because of his idea that the entire Eighth Fleet was destroyed, and he also died accordingly. As a result, the Archangel became a rootless duckweed, and was eventually used as bait by the Atlantic Federation. It was allowed to run rampant in enemy-occupied areas to buy countless time. After the Archangel successfully arrived in Alaska, it was once again captured. He was used as bait and almost died in the hands of his own people.

"Land to Earth immediately, this is an order." Halbarton's tall figure appeared on the screen on the bridge, and his tone was unquestionable: "Their target is you. If you leave, they will not continue. Attack our reasons and do not live up to our expectations and sacrifices.”

"Yes." Ma Liu and Baji Lulu lowered their heads at the same time, making their expressions unclear, but their fingers touched their temples straightly, and their slightly trembling bodies also showed their mood at this time.

At the same time as the screen went black, Malu also raised his head and shouted to everyone in the bridge: "Start the engine, break away from the battle at maximum speed, and land directly on the earth. Target Alaska. After entering the descent orbit, let the shuttle Depart by plane."

After issuing the order, Maliu sat feebly on the chair, looking out the window at the flagship Menelao that had started its thrusters, silently blessing in her heart.

Baji Lulu stood and shouted to Miliya Liya at the CIC position: "How are the preparations for the Strike Gundam? Since Kira is not here, let Major Xiao Ran fly it to attack. At least before we land, we have to do it ourselves." Do your part!”

"I'm going to attack with the Strike Gundam?" Xiao Ran, who was sitting in the waiting room, pointed at Mu, with a look of astonishment on his face. Mu sat in front of Xiao Ran, his expression no longer as relaxed as before, and nodded seriously to Xiao Ran: "I can't fly that thing without the kid. You have driven it on the training machine so many times, so it should be fine. "

Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly widened. Although he knew that Kira would come back, he was not sure when he would come back. However, this was not the time to directly disobey the bridge's orders. Xiao Ran could only take a deep breath, and then bite He nodded through his teeth: "Okay, I'll go."

Just as I was changing clothes, a figure stumbled open the door and rushed in: "Teacher, I heard everything just now, I'm going!"

"Little devil!" Xiao Ran's relaxed heart was accompanied by Mu's surprised cry.