Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 38: Be a fisherman


S: Read the exclusive story behind "Infinity War", listen to more suggestions you have, follow the official account (add friends on WeChat - add official account - enter qdread), and tell me quietly!

(There will be a second chapter after midnight. Friends who can’t wait can watch it when they get up tomorrow. By the way, this holiday is still very tiring)

On the bridge of the Archangel, Ma Liu, Baji Lulu and others were a little depressed because they had no choice but to abandon their comrades and leave the mission alone, but a text message from the Menelao made Ma Liu Lyu and Baki Lulu stood up instantly, showing expressions of disbelief and surprise.

"Rebellion!?" Ma Liu slapped the armrest hard and shouted in a panic: "Contact the Menelao immediately, I want to talk directly to General Halbaton!"

Intelligence controller Dalida, the curly-haired man with glasses on the bridge, after trying to contact the Menelao, loudly replied with an anxious expression: "There is no way to contact the Menelao. All communications with the Archangel have been unilaterally cut off."

Malu seemed a little dizzy after hearing Dalida's answer: "Turn the rudder 180 degrees toward the Menelao. Let's go to the Menelao for support!"

Ma Liu's order made everyone in the bridge stunned, especially the helmsman, who looked at Ma Liu in astonishment.

"Damn it!" Baji Lulu clenched her fist tightly and turned to look at Ma Liu: "Captain, calm down, there is no use for us to stay here! It will only become a drag on the entire Eighth Fleet. You must not turn the wheel at this time and let down the lives of those soldiers who sacrificed their lives!"

"But General Halbaton..." Malu lowered his head and said softly with a trembling voice: "Are we just going to pretend we didn't see it and run away on our own?"

Bucky Lulu gritted her teeth and walked to Malu, slowing down her voice a little: "This is not an escape, our departure is officially to save them. The attack will only stop when we leave ZAFT, haha General Elbaton also had the opportunity to mobilize personnel to suppress the rebel group."

It's not that Ma Liu didn't understand the current situation, but she couldn't accept that while fighting the enemy, she also had to face attacks from her own people. This was too unacceptable for her. After being silent for a long time, Ma Liu looked up at the big crowd. The huge battleship that had slowly moved on the screen and blocked the rear of the Archangel took a deep breath: "Leave the combat area at maximum speed and start calculating the descent trajectory. Gnaku completed all the fixing work in the shortest time and informed everyone. People are ready to land on Earth.”

A unanimous voice rang out from the bridge: "Yes."

Miliya, who was sitting in the CIC position, also sent these messages to Xiao Ran and Kira simultaneously.

"There is a rebellion on the Menelao. The gendarmerie and the landing force are completely unable to resist. The rebels are moving towards the bridge. This ship has decided to block all attacks in the direction of the Archangel before the rebels reach the bridge. Please ask the Archangel The ship speeds up and immediately leaves the combat area and heads for Earth."

"The battleship is ready to land on Earth immediately. Strike Gundam must not stray too far from the ship. Lightning Jean is ready to return at any time."

Xiao Ran, who was driving the Lightning Jean, also saw the message sent to him by Mirialia after destroying a Jean that rushed towards the Menelao. After reading this message, Xiao Ran just sighed and shook his head, but he was not surprised at all by what happened.

It seems that as long as you are in this combat area, you will receive the same camp mission, so not only the four participants on the Menelao received the mission prompted by the system, but also Xiao Ran also received the same mission. .

But so far, although Xiao Ran has directly rejected the first mission, he is hesitant about the second mission because he knows that the Eighth Fleet will be completely destroyed here, and he will face more enemies than in the original plot. There is no doubt that ZAFT's combat power will be completely wiped out, because the person commanding it is Cruze. Cruze, who is trying to provoke a bigger war, will not let go of such a good person who will attract ZAFT's hatred again. Opportunity, not to destroy the Eighth Fleet again, is really not Kruse's fighting style, so he refused the first mission without hesitation.

But on the second mission, Xiao Ran's hesitation was not without reason. After receiving the message from Mirialia, he understood what was going on on the Menelao. The four people who were supposed to be The participants under surveillance must have received the same mission. They were preparing to subdue Halbarton and take him away directly for the sake of C-class body data, so they headed all the way to the bridge. He was still hesitating whether to refuse, but after seeing the message sent to him by Miliya, which explained that the gendarmerie and the landing force were no match at all, Xiao Ran also thought of accepting the mission and enjoying the benefits of being a fisherman. ideas.

In Xiao Ran's mind, he also felt that it was really possible for those participants to take Halbarton out of the battleship and escape from the area. After all, judging from the previous two encounters with other participants, other than him, Xiao Ran, The abilities of the participants seemed a bit strange. They could tell at a glance who was the adjuster and who was an ordinary young participant. There were bald participants who could not be penetrated by bullets, so Xiao Ran thought that these were on board the Menelao. The participants may also have other abilities to ensure that they can complete the task, otherwise they would not make such a move.

Although the mission did not indicate any punishment for failure, Xiao Ran did not believe that there would be no punishment after failing the mission. However, after thinking about it, Xiao Ran gritted his teeth and accepted the camp side mission 2, the mission to protect Halbarton. Because compared to the unknown punishment for failure, the reward of the task is really exciting.

Looking up at the Menelao that was slowly blocking the rear of the Archangel, blocking the enemy's pursuit and attack, but also blocking the Menelao that Xiao Ran could continue to shoot towards the center of the melee, Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes: "Accept Camp mission two!"

"Accept the camp side mission, protect the wise general Halbarton, and ensure Halbarton's life is safe before the end of the battle. Completion of the mission will reward C-class body construction materials. If the mission fails, you will be expelled by the Earth Army camp and subject to the joint efforts of the Earth Army and ZAFT camp. Chase.”

"Shh." Xiao Ran whistled softly and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that the punishment for failing the mission would be to be expelled from the camp and then be chased collectively by the two camps. This was not a big deal to Xiao Ran at all, because His final camp goal is not the Archangel at all, but Orb, or the three-ship alliance. When he joins Orb or the three-ship alliance, he will be chased by both sides anyway. This kind of punishment is simply No pain or itching.

After accepting the mission, Xiao Ran turned his head and looked at the Strike Gundam that was fighting the Duel Gundam Storm Gundam. Pushing and pulling the operating lever, Lightning Jean raised his arm and fired a shot in the direction of the Storm Gundam. Immediately afterwards, a series of red beams, faster than before, struck the Storm Gundam one after another.

"Is this guy crazy?" Diego sat in the cockpit and kept operating the Storm Gundam to avoid Lightning Jean's attacks. He found that the frequency of Lightning Jean's shooting at this time was three points faster than before. For a while, just dodging these attacks left him too distracted to care about providing combat support to the Duel Gundam in the distance.

Because of Lightning Jean's series of non-stop high-frequency shooting, the pulse cannon held in his big steel hand gradually heated up due to the lack of heat dissipation. Slowly, even the muzzle of the gun turned red, but Xiao Ran did not He stopped shooting because the muzzle turned red. After firing more than a dozen rounds, he finally let go of the trigger due to the alarm in the cockpit. At this time, the Storm Gundam also hid far away due to Lightning Jean's attack. Drive away.

Looking at the Storm Gundam in the distance on the screen, entangled with each other or fighting beam sabers, or dueling and attacking each other, Xiao Ran directly pressed the communication button: "Call the Archangel, I can't do it now. Attack, Lightning Jean requests return."

"Lightning Jean allows return. Please return from the first ejection port."

"Received." Hanging up the communication, Xiao Ran operated Lightning Jean to unplug the power source connected to the pulse cannon. He kicked off the jet behind him and quickly flew away from the Archangel. And after rowing a long distance in front of the Archangel, he turned in an arc and flew towards the opened ejection port of the Archangel. The moment he flew into the ejection port, Lightning Jean also turned around. He stood up, spraying all the deceleration jets all over his body continuously, and finally stopped after hitting the resistance band inside the Archangel.

As soon as he got off Lightning Jean, the whole ship's light wave rang out from the Archangel: "The Archangel is about to completely enter the gravitational range of the Earth's sphere. Please prepare for the descent immediately after the work is completed. Gnaku said to Ji En’s containment must be completed within three minutes, and the descent process will begin in five minutes.”

When Xiao Ran left Lightning Jean, he saw a group of staff members in yellow uniforms jumping out from everywhere, and he could also hear Sergeant Macdo's hoarse voice: "Quick! Everyone, move faster. Secure Jean!”

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