Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 46: guarantee


Xiao Ran frowned and looked at the resistance forces in Dawn Desert who were surrounding the car with weapons. Luo beside him shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands. He looked at Xiao Ran as if he was asking what was going on, so Xiao Ran I'm a little embarrassed. After all, he invited Luo here, but he didn't expect to be treated like this.

"It's okay." Xiao Ran said softly to Luo, then got out of the car and loudly asked the surrounding resistance soldiers, "What's the matter?"

A resistance army came forward, glanced at Xiao Ran dissatisfied, and said: "When you left, there was only one person. Why did you bring back one person? Who is this person? And this is the base of our resistance army. If What should I do if the person you brought back is an enemy, or you are being followed!"

Xiao Ran patted his head in sudden realization. Perhaps it was because he had been too relaxed just now, but also because he had never experienced hiding in Tibet like the Resistance Army. As a result, he had never thought of it at all. What the other party said was completely reasonable. Xiao Ran had no desire to refute at all.

I had to say apologetically: "I'm sorry, I ignored it. This person is an old friend of mine. He is a waste dealer, not ZAFT. When we came back, we also paid attention to see if there was anyone following us. You can rest assured that if something goes wrong, I can take full responsibility for the problem."

"Waste recycler?" The resistance soldier glanced at Luo, frowned and nodded: "Since he is from the waste recycler, there is no problem. We also have some dealings with the waste dealer. But please pay attention next time, although You are our guests, but if you make any move that threatens us, we will eliminate the threat."

Xiao Ran said quickly: "I'm sorry, I'm really embarrassed."

"Yes." The resistance army who spoke nodded, waved to the others behind him, and said loudly: "If you are fine, go out for patrol and ask the people over there if the ZAFT army has done anything strange."

Seeing the resistance people leaving in a hurry, Xiao Ran also turned to look at Luo, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I have brought them a lot of trouble."

"I think so." Luo Shen nodded with approval, holding his hands behind his head: "But it's not easy for them. They are still struggling to resist ZAFT under such circumstances. In fact, I think as long as both parties work well Let’s talk, there is no need to fight here at all.”

"If everyone thinks like you do, then of course everyone will be happy." Xiao Ran shook his head and made a gesture of invitation to Luo. After Luo followed his footsteps, he continued: "But there are always some people who want to stir things up for their own interests. The tense nerves in all aspects keep causing small-scale battles to occur in various places, and then expand the scale of the battle to involve the whole world in the war, and they can also gain greater benefits from it."

Luo asked: "Are you talking about those arms dealers?"

"You know?" Xiao Ran was a little surprised.

Luo nodded: "Of course, those people are the big customers of our waste dealers. Many of the things we recycle will be purchased by them, either for dismantling and research, or for re-manufacturing."

The two of them talked all the way to the entrance to the Archangel. After Xiao Ran asked Luo to wait for a while, he contacted the bridge through the communicator at the entrance of the passage and transferred the communication with Ma Liu: "Captain, I A friend would like you to give me permission to board the ship."

"Friend?" Ma Liu's somewhat surprised voice came out from the communicator, and suddenly the communication display in front of Xiao Ran also lit up, and he saw Ma Liu's influence looking at him strangely: "You are in this place Do you have friends too?”

Xiao Ran glanced at Luo who was looking around, and then said to Ma Liu: "Friend of the waste recycler, I hope to take him to visit the Archangel, and of course the Gundam."


I thought that Xiao Ran just wanted his friends to come and see the Archangel, but he didn't expect that he even wanted to see the Gundam. Ma Liu knew that Xiao Ran would not be so imprudent, and he also knew that this visit and viewing were not just about using his eyes. , but to really understand, which made Ma Liu stunned for a while, but then he said with some embarrassment: "Xiao Ran, the Archangel and the Gundam are the secrets of the Earth Army, how can this be allowed?"

Xiao Ran shook his head. He naturally had a deeper purpose in inviting Luo Jure to the Archangel. At this time, he couldn't explain too much to Ma Liu. He just said: "I guarantee with my life that my friend will definitely I will not reveal anything about what I saw. If, I mean if, before the Archangel and the Gundam are made public, or before you confirm that you are being abandoned, as long as there is a little bit of confidential information from If word spreads here among my friends, you can pick up the gun in your hand and shoot me dead at any time."

After Xiao Ran said this, not only Ma Liu was stunned, but also Luo, who seemed nonchalant, turned to look at him in astonishment. Although it was just their first meeting and they had just met, Xiao Ran was so decisive and had no doubts. Luo Jure was moved by his willingness to believe him, and the doubts about Xiao Ran's inexplicable invitation that had been hidden deep in his heart also dissipated at this moment.

Ma Liu didn't speak, but she was already shaken and wanted to agree to Xiao Ran's request. Seeing the expression on Ma Liu's face, Xiao Ran said softly: "Believe me, Ma Liu, you, Archangel, and Kira are all very important to me. I will not let anyone do anything to me. The Angel Number poses a threat, and will not let anyone treat you as abandoned children."

After a moment of silence, Ma Liu finally raised his head and looked at Xiao Ran through the monitor: "Okay, I allow him to board the ship. I don't know anything else."

"Thank you." Xiao Ran smiled. Looking at Ma Liu's figure, a trace of warmth flashed in his eyes, but he was quickly taken over by reason. After hanging up the communication, Xiao Ran took a deep breath and turned to look. Luo Jure: "I'm sorry to make you wait. In order to avoid the problem like just now, I think it is better to inform the captain of this battleship."

Luo Jure shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

"Then please." Xiao Ran walked into the opened passage door and nodded to Luo.

After the two entered the Archangel, Xiao Ran spent almost an hour taking Luo Jure to look around various places on the Archangel. Luo Jul looked excited and kept holding a pen and paper. Writing and painting: "It is indeed the most advanced warship of the Earth Army at present. Many concepts have been successfully implemented. It is a multi-functional warship that is compatible with high-speed assault, body carrying and heavy firepower. Our ship and this ship There’s no comparison.”

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "Haha, it's good that you can take notice of me. Later I will try to find a way to see if I can get some specific information on the Archangel number and give it to you quietly, but you can't leak it out."

"No need." Luo Jure put the pen and paper back into his pocket and shook his head seriously: "Because of my curiosity, you have done enough for me. You are a true friend. He is a good person. He is willing to do so much for his friends and your students. I don’t want you to be in trouble again. With the things and concepts I just wrote down, even if I can’t make something the same as this ship, at least I can I can make something similar."

"So you are still a very good mechanical engineer?" Xiao Ran asked deliberately.

"Of course!" Luo Jure said proudly: "Among the people I know, I dare to say that I am second, but no one dares to say that I am number one!"

Xiao Ran nodded and complimented: "My friend told me that Luo Jure is definitely a very powerful mechanical expert. The recycled items are no different from new ones after passing through his hands."

"Haha." Luo Jure laughed, and suddenly rubbed his hands and looked at Xiao Ran expectantly: "Then let's go take a look at that thing?"

"Of course." Xiao Ran nodded and said with a smile: "And I have something ready to give to you."