Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 49: Cause, burn


After Luo brought the Strike Gundam back to Gnaku, he hurriedly gathered Kira and Madoc, who were a little stunned, and told them some of his understanding and insights about this machine. people, and put forward some ideas about the body, and there is great possibility of transforming certain places. I don’t know if it’s because my hands are itchy, or because it’s rare to see the most advanced MS nowadays, and I’m more proactive in asking for help. Modification of Strike Gundam.

Some of Luo's suggestions made Madoc keep nodding his head, expressing full agreement with these suggestions. Kira also added if necessary, hoping that her body could make some small changes in some aspects, such as turning around. Hoping that the flexibility could be enhanced, the three people gathered in front of a fixed panel in Gnaku and began to discuss the details of improvements.

Xiao Ran stayed by the three of them and did not leave, but when Luo, Kira, and Madoc were talking, he did not interrupt, and just stood silently aside.

At this time, Ma Liu, Bakilulu and Mu were also gathered together, each sitting on a chair in the captain's room. Except for Mu, who had a thoughtful expression on his face, the other two looked a little worried.

Bucky Lulu saw that the two of them had no intention of speaking. She stood up, saluted Ma Liu with a military salute, and said loudly: "Captain, I don't understand why you brought so many people to agree to Major Xiao Ran's unreasonable request." It's okay to go to the Archangel for a visit. Why would a waste dealer come to test Strike Gundam? Doesn't he know that those people not only buy waste, but also sell information, in case the information about Strike Gundam is leaked? , how should we explain to the superiors, I suggest that Major Xiao Ran and the waste dealer named Luo should be arrested immediately for leaking our military secrets."

Before Ma Liu spoke, Mu looked at Bucky Lulu with a half-smile: "Are you really sure you want to do this? Arrest them? Do you know the consequences?"

Bucky Lulu was silent for a moment, but still replied: "The most serious consequence is that the information about Strike Gundam and Archangel is leaked."

"Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, I don't think things are as simple as you said." Mu shrugged and shook his head and said, "I think what Xiao Ran said is right. Four G-series aircraft have been obtained by ZAFT. The data leak has been leaked for a long time, what could be more complete than directly stealing the body for research?"

"Also, if you arrest the two of them, have you ever thought that Xiao Ran might resist? If he is hurt during the resistance, what will Kira think? He will still want to protect the archangel wholeheartedly. Ship to Alaska? Haven't you seen how important Xiao Ran is in Kira's heart? It can be said that Kira doesn't listen to anyone's orders on this ship and there is nothing we can do about it. Only Xiao Ran, every time Xiao Ran says Kira will take every word he says to heart. If Xiao Ran encourages Kira to take the last machine and switch to ZAFT when they go to war, can you afford the consequences?"

"What's more, I think if we really need someone to arrest them, Xiao Ran and the waste dealer will not be caught so easily. As far as I know, people in waste dealers generally exist in a team structure. What do you think about that waste dealer?" Will Shang have no companions here? It will be difficult to arrest them. If they escape or board the MS, I'm afraid it won't be us arresting them, but them arresting us."

"But we can't let them act like this." Baji Lulu gritted her teeth and said unwillingly.

"The current situation is that we can't do anything if they want to cause trouble." Mu spread his hands to Bucky Lulu and said: "What's more, do you really want the series of problems that will arise after Xiao Ran is arrested by us? Or maybe it's We arrested him without incident, but are we going to hand him over to a military court for trial? Natal, I believe you don’t want to see such a scene. After all, Xiao Ran has helped us so much. I will definitely not do anything. Trust still needs to be given.”

Baji Lulu was silent. She asked herself whether she was really willing to arrest Xiao Ran. She recalled her conversations with Xiao Ran, her quarrels, and Xiao Ran's talk. She recalled Xiao Ran's confidence. And resourceful, Baji Lulu already had the answer in her heart, but as she grew up in a military family, her responsibility and honor towards soldiers was not so easy to change. Baji Lulu finally turned her attention to I asked Ma Liu, hoping to let Ma Liu make this decision.

Ma Liu understood the meaning in Ba Ji Lulu's eyes. As a woman, Ma Liu also saw the intolerance and hesitation in Ba Ji Lulu's heart. She sighed slightly and said, "Major Mu is right. , it is impossible to arrest Xiao Ran. Let’s not talk about Kira’s aspect for now. Another reason is because he has too much influence on the Archangel now. I don’t know if you have noticed that, except for his students, including those on the bridge People admire him very much, and those in the maintenance team have always felt that they owe him a favor. If he were to be arrested, it would definitely make the Archangel personnel unstable and problems could easily arise."

"The second reason is that although Xiao Ran did join the Earth Army and was deployed on the Archangel, don't forget his true affiliation, which is the secret service. Don't you know that the secret service has super powerful capabilities? Independence? They have great autonomy. Except for reporting directly to their superiors, no one can control other people as long as they do not pose any threat to the Earth Army. And where is his immediate superior? He has been killed by Zaf He is captured. Just for what he did today, even if he really has to go to a military court, as long as he gives a reasonable explanation, he will not receive any trial at all."

Having said this, Ma Liu sighed again and said softly: "And you know, he put his life in front of me and was willing to use his life to guarantee the character of his friend, so that he can say such a thing If so, I believe that Luo should also be a person worthy of trust."

Baji Lulu was silent. She may not have thought of this before, but after Ma Liu said it, she was very helpless. Indeed, as Ma Liu said, they can't control the people in the special forces at all, the only people who can control them Now there is absolutely no way to control it, unless the Archangel arrives in Alaska and transfers Xiao Ran to another commander. But now the Archangel is still in the desert. How far is it from Alaska? This possibility is gone.

If you really want to talk about it, Xiao Ran really wants to use the power of the special agent force to suppress Ma Liu, and under certain circumstances, Ma Liu really has to listen to him.

"Okay, Bucky Lulu." Malu placed his hands on his chin and made his final decision: "Notify all the crew members of today's incident, and everyone will treat it as if it never happened, because there is an irreparable problem in the Strike Gundam. question, so Major Xiao Ran fortunately contacted a friend to come specially to inspect the Strike Gundam and Archangel, and perform maintenance on the Strike Gundam and Archangel, do you understand?"

"Yes." Baji Lulu stood up straight and replied loudly. Although she was a little unwilling in her heart, she was more relaxed and happy. The feeling of relief made her suddenly feel that this kind of violation was actually illegal. It’s not that hard to accept.

"That's the only way." Mu nodded, suddenly thought of something and asked Ma Liu: "Didn't Xiao Ran tell you why he asked that Luo to visit the Archangel and test the Strike Gundam? "

"No, but I think Xiao Ran has been preparing something." Ma Liu shook his head and said softly: "It's actually not difficult to guess. He may be preparing a way out for us. From what he said before , it should also be seen that he has complete distrust of the Earth Army’s top brass, and now that we have landed in such an embarrassing and dangerous place, it is not impossible for us to be treated as abandoned children as he said.”

As expected, it was Ma Liu, and she was already attracted to Xiao Ran. She had a pretty good guess as to what Xiao Ran was thinking. Of course, except for the fact that Xiao Ran wanted Luo to prepare a body for him, this incident was completely unexpected. Just a coincidence.

"Haha, then he will keep preparing like this until the day we really become abandoned. Maybe he has already thought about where our retreat is. Really, has he thought that far? Oops, I don’t know what’s going on in his head, it’s really true.” Mu patted his head and stood up, laughed at himself, and left the captain’s room.

Looking at Mu Li's back, Ma Liu just shook his head and then looked at Bucky Lulu: "Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, since you are so worried about that waste dealer, then you should worry more about it during this time. Look what they are doing."

"Yes." Baji Lulu nodded and left. However, when she truly understood what Luo was doing, Baji Lulu finally lost the intention to target him, because after a few days, almost The brand-new Strike Gundam once again showed its astonishing strength under the control of Kira.

In the early morning, almost all the personnel on the Archangel who were not on duty ran to the base in Dawn Desert, singing and dancing with the people in the base to relax, drink wine and brag, almost forgetting their situation. , it was rare to be able to relax for once, and Ma Liu had no intention of not being allowed to do so.

But just when everyone was happy, the personnel on duty on the Archangel also discovered an inexplicable situation. From the display screen, we could see that a red light that should not have appeared appeared in a place far away from here. When Dali Da looked carefully and was shocked to find that the place that originally belonged to the city was burning with fierce fire.

Soon, the news reached the ears of everyone in the Archangel and the Dawn Desert. After being shocked and unable to execute the plan, the people in the Dawn Desert immediately prepared their own weapons and began to march towards the burning city. Kira and Mu also got After receiving the order and cooperating with the actions of Dawn Desert, he quickly drove the Strike Gundam and Sky Overlord in that direction.

After seeing the picture on the display screen, Luo opened his mouth and was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and shouted at Xiao Ran before leaving the Archangel: "How can you just watch the city burning like this? I’ll borrow the car.”

Seeing everyone leaving, Xiao Ran also turned his head to the remaining Sky King, shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the Sky King, shouting: "Sergeant Madoc! I want to fly the Sky King Attack!"

Sergeant Maddock laughed: "I have prepared it for you a long time ago. I knew you wouldn't be able to bear it."