Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 83: Hit by wind and thunder


When the Black Heretic fell into the sea and fell face to face in front of Baofeng and Xunlei, regardless of what those people above the sea were thinking, Xiao Ran and Diego also had some resonance at this moment.

Xiao Ran: "Oh, I'll go!"

Diego: "Idiot, I have to run!"

Then in the blink of an eye, the dark heretic grasped the two physical swords that popped out of the sword gate. Although they were only short swords, they were much longer than the small daggers of Strike Gundam. Holding the swords in both hands, they pointed towards the storm that had turned around. He Xunlei chased after him.

The Thunder Gundam is now useless. Without its legs and one arm, it can't do anything in the water. Although the attack shield system is still there, it is more than 80% useless in the water, with only a few remaining. Long armor-piercing bullets basically pose no threat to the dark heretics.

As for the Storm Gundam, it was a proper machine with basically no underwater weapons, not to mention that it was still holding on to the scrapped Thunder Gundam. Facing the dark and menacing appearance, other than turning around and leaving, there was nothing good it could do. After all, once the Thunder Gundam is released to attack, it is equivalent to giving up the Thunder Gundam.

But even though the Storm Gundam grabbed the Thunder Gundam and swam extremely fast, it was no match for the Black Heretic, which had a huge advantage in propulsion function. The distance between the three bodies was getting closer and closer.

Nigel, who was sitting in the cockpit of Thunder Gundam, took off his helmet, shook his hair and said with a smile: "Diego, let me go, we can't run away like this, you have no fight in the water. Ability, let me go and let me block him, you leave this area quickly, I will hold on until the drone comes."

"Fart! Shut up!" Diego gritted his teeth and cursed: "Asshole, don't think about being a hero yourself. If you want to be a hero, I will be the one."

Xiao Ran, who was in the dark heresy at the back, looked at the two unyielding machines, locking on the Storm Gundam, laughing, feeling indescribably happy in his heart: "I must cut you two into human sticks!"

The movement in the water was naturally known to other people. When he saw the Dark Heretic falling behind Thunder and Storm, and chasing Storm and Thunder to retreat, Aslan also shouted angrily: "Yitzhak! "

"Asshole, you go help them two, I'll deal with Strike here!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Yitzhak finished speaking, Strike Gundam's beam saber passed directly across it, leaving traces on Yitzhak's shield instantly. A huge gap opened, and Asra had to rush towards the duel and attack the Strike Gundam to relieve the crisis of the duel.

The Strike directly forced the Holy Shield to leave, and the Strike Gundam was one-on-two, and the three machines came and went without falling into any disadvantage. From time to time, it would leave a scar on the Duel Gundam's body.

Then everyone present only saw three small dots on the radar flashing and slowly running out of the battle area. In the distance, two Deans and a drone were also launched from two submarine warships and flew directly. In the direction of the Archangel and Strike Gundam. Two shallow-water warships also began to attack, and the battle situation became increasingly tense.

At this time, the Archangel had been hit by multiple missiles from two Gurns. The rear chord had been obviously damaged and black smoke began to pour out. The mission of the two Gurns seemed to be very clear and they did not participate in other aircraft at all. Any battle will only cause constant damage to the Archangel, adhering to the strategy of never taking the lead and accumulating results bit by bit.

Faced with the rogue behavior of these two aircraft, the Archangel could only resist and dodge more. However, the battleship was damaged and was unable to defeat the two Gurn, and had to change its course for this reason. , flying towards a nearby island group. Once they flew into the island, the two Gurn also lost the advantage of unilaterally attacking the Archangel.

Although the Sky King did not participate in the battle between the Gundams, the only Dean was also defeated by Mu. After the two ZAFT submarine battleships released two Deans again, Mu flew the Sky King. He quickly flew towards one of the submarine warships.

As Mu left, the Archangel opened the hatch again, and another Air King ejected from it carrying sword fighting equipment and chased in Xiao Ran's direction.

Xiao Ran, who had chased Xunlei and Baofeng far away, did not know that the second Air King had come out. At this time, he drove the Black Heretic to catch up with Baofeng and Xunlei, and seized the opportunity to slash at Baofeng one by one. There was no intention of attacking Thunder Gundam at all.

When he was looking at the Storm Gundam with swords and swords, only little bits of light that appeared like cuts appeared but could not cause any damage to the Storm Gundam, Xiao Ran was a little crazy looking at the Storm Gundam, which was almost covered in armor, but even more crazy. But it was Diego who was driving the Storm Gundam. The feeling of being cut down and not being able to fight back made him want to cry. However, Diego and Nicol also saw something. It seemed that this black body was not the same. I don't want to really hurt them.

Otherwise, he would not have attacked the damaged Xunlei, or attacked Baofeng's right arm that grabbed Xunlei. Otherwise, once the Black Heretic inserted the physical sword into the damaged area of the Thunder Gundam, the Thunder Gundam would never be able to escape. Destiny defeated. Or cut off the right wrist of the Storm Gundam. At this time, the Thunder Gundam will be so damaged that it will be squeezed by the sea pressure and explode due to falling into the deep sea.

Knowing that the Dark Heretic would not harm his and Nicol's lives, Diego buried his head and drove the storm towards the nearest island without any care.

"Didi." A communication prompt suddenly sounded in the cockpit, and a text message instantly appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes. The message contained only a few words: receive weapons.

The dark heretic raised his head, and a flying shadow flashed across the monitor, and then he saw something long falling from the sky. After seeing the thing falling from the sky clearly, Xiao Ran's eyes lit up, and he decisively gave up on the storm. With the Gundam's attack, the body's thrusters and jets were fully opened and it rushed towards the sea.

When the Black Heretic took hold of the weapon put down by Sky King II, he changed the direction without stopping and pursued Storm and Thunder again at full speed. The long weapon on his arm was the Strike Gundam Sword Fighter. Equipped with a physical ship-cutting knife, because of the unique design of the upper and lower double jet ports of the ship-cutting knife, this weapon can also be used in water to play a general role, and will not be completely incapable of being used in water like the beam saber. use.

The Black Heretic, who was really moving at full speed, was a bit faster than when he was chasing Baofeng and Thunder just now. The Storm, which was propelled by one machine and carried two machines forward in the water, naturally could not escape the pursuit of the Black Heretic. In less than a minute, Within minutes, Xiao Ran caught up with Baofeng and Xunlei again.

As the distance got closer, Thunder Gundam also raised its intact right arm and launched three high-explosive piercing missiles in the attack shield system towards the Black Heretic, hoping to slow down the Black Heretic's pursuit. But it's all in vain. The Black Heretic simply turned around and dodged three piercing missiles without picking up the missiles. The moment he approached the Storm Gundam, Xiao Ran's eyes widened and he once again unleashed his mental power.

In just one second, Xiao Ran, who had exploded with mental power, fully exerted all the capabilities of the Black Heretic, causing the Black Heretic's movements to change accordingly. He swung the knife accurately and directly, diagonally from the left side of the Storm Gundam. With a slash, he slashed directly from the waist down of the Thunder Gundam. The thrusters exploded again. He raised his hands horizontally and slashed upwards from the Thunder Gundam's back, slashing towards the Storm Gundam again.


A huge splash of water burst out on the sea, and Yitzhak and Aslan, who were chasing the Strike Gundam into the island group in the distance, suddenly froze. They looked blankly at the two people who were already red on the communication channel. The machine, listening to the long beeping sound in the ears, and the mind went blank.

But the two of them were confused, but that didn't mean that Kira would be like them. The sudden lag between the Duel Gundam and the Shield Gundam made Kira seize the opportunity, and directly drove the Strike Gundam and turned on the jets at full power from the Duel Gundam. Crossed.

Kira, who originally wanted to slash at the Duel Cockpit with a sword, suddenly frowned, swung his arm upwards, and cut off half of the Duel Gundam's right arm and head. With a twist of his wrist, he stabbed the Duel Gundam with a sword and stepped on it. Another aircraft that had been replaced immediately kicked the Duel Gundam and flew it away. Before kicking it, it didn't forget to cut off the legs of the Duel Gundam.

"Ah! Bastard, Diego! Nigel!"

Yitzhak's pitiful cry made Aslan wake up. Seeing his comrades turn into this in the blink of an eye in front of him, Aslan was completely angry because of the uncertainty about the life and death of Nicol and Diego. : "Kira, I'm going to kill you!"