Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 85: Post-battle rewards and new missions



(Some book friends said that they should skip the battle. After all, the protagonist of this book is not Kira or Aslan. The battle process between the two is also shown in the animation. Yizui does not necessarily use more space to write about the battle between the two, not to mention The protagonist was not there at all when the two were fighting, so it would be more reasonable to skip it directly. S: This book will be on the shelves on the 19th. It will be updated continuously from the 19th to the 20th until the SEED chapter is completed. The next chapter is also listed. After two worlds, Macross, and the first half of Gundam 00, Yizui himself prefers to enter Macross, what do you think.)

The search for Kira continued until the next day. Hundreds of people searched almost all of this small island. Naturally, no clues about Kira were found, and the only one who knew where Kira was. The person didn't speak a word all night, even to Cagalli, he didn't tell Kira where he was going. He just said that Kira hadn't been found since he came here.

Aslan, Nicol, and Diego were sent to the hospital ship. After examination, it was found that Aslan did not have many problems except for a fracture in his left hand and a wound on his head and a concussion. Gore suffered from a problem with the air filtration circulation system due to damage to his body. He also stayed in the water for too long, resulting in some hypoxia. The biggest injury was that the jet black heretic blew off the propeller and then exploded, causing him to take off his helmet. My head hit the panel and it just bled.

Apart from some scratches and bruises, Diego had no other obvious wounds. He was the least injured among the three, and was also the first to wake up. However, Diego, who had regained consciousness, could only stay in his ward obediently when facing the soldiers with live ammunition handles. Apart from shouting when he was hungry or thirsty, he basically remained silent.

After knowing the situation of the three people, Xiao Ran had to admit that the adjuster's physical strength was indeed much greater than that of ordinary people. Of course, it was still far behind compared to him, a participant.

The Dark Heretic was transported back to the Dawn Society overnight without the knowledge of the three Aslans. The combat data of the Dark Heretic this time is a rare piece of information for the Dawn Society, and it is not just the Black Heretic. All the data of the three aircrafts: Storm, Thunder, and Holy Shield were copied and sent back together with the Black Heretic. In addition, the remains of the four aircraft including the Strike Gundam were also being salvaged and transported. It can be said that this battle was difficult. Fut and the Archangel suffered great losses, but all the benefits were obtained by Orb.

Xiao Ran was almost in a daze for one night. Facing Thor's death still left something in his heart, but he had to let himself be free and easy and not think about it. The departure of the Archangel also troubled him a little. Now the plot has begun to fall apart under his influence. Of course, those participants from the hostile camp who appeared in the battle to pursue the Archangel also contributed a lot, and to Xiao Ran The most important thing is that the battle between Kira and Aslan was advanced. Diego, who was supposed to board the Archangel, stayed on Orb's hospital ship and failed to keep up with the Archangel. He just wanted to say it was a lie. Without Diego's three-ship alliance, it would be reduced to one elite combat force.

"We have to think of a way to let Diego stay in Orb, and there is also Nicol. It is impossible to save him in vain." Xiao Ran raised the water glass that was completely cold and took a deep sip, wiping his mouth. Start sorting out the gains from this battle.

Although there was a lot of soy sauce throughout the battle, two D-class aircraft were finally defeated, one of which was the one piloted by the participant. Here, 1,000 combat points and a D-class trophy were obtained.

In addition, two C-class mechas, the Storm Gundam and the Thunder Gundam, were defeated. The combat merit points for defeating a C-class mecha were actually three times that of the D-class. Each one had 1,500 combat merit points. Here, another 3,000 merit point reward was obtained.

There are also machine-specific missions because more than half of them have been completed in this battle. Only two machines are left to defeat two D-class machines, one C-class machine and one class-class machine. Complete completion of the mission is just around the corner. D-class machines are everywhere, and Xiao Ran already had an idea of the last C-class machine, and it was not difficult to complete, but the last C-class machine still gave Xiao Ran a headache.

"The exclusive mission of the aircraft is to defeat 10 (8) D-class aircraft of the enemy camp in this world with your own hands, defeat 3 (3) C-class aircraft with your cooperation or yourself, and defeat 1 (0) C-class aircraft with your cooperation or yourself."

One battle allowed Xiao Ran to gain a full 4,000 merit points, which made Xiao Ran quite satisfied. The D-level trophies had the same attribute points as the trophies he got last time. This time, the lucky skill showed its power and Xiao Ran got an attribute point. There is one more on the basis, which also increases Xiao Ran's attributes by two points, and the general mecha driving skills also get the last point of increase in this battle, reaching the full value of 100. I don't know if it is. Because of physical attribute constraints, he could not be promoted to C level, or because he needed to return to Prometheus for strengthening before he could advance. Although he did not advance, it still gave Xiao Ran a small surprise.

"Your current attributes are:

Hit 6 (15) affects shooting ability and accuracy

Skill 7 (12) affects fighting ability and strength

Reflection 7 (12) affects response speed and sensitivity

Spirit 5 (13) affects skill consumption and perception

Physique 6 (15) affects physical fitness and endurance

(The values in parentheses represent normal values, and the values outside parentheses represent current body values)

Endurance value 150 (150)

(The values in parentheses represent normal values, and the values outside parentheses represent current body values)

Endurance value 60 (150)

Status: tired


D-level universal mecha driving skills: Can operate D-level mecha normally, with a proficiency of 100/100. (It can be upgraded. If you have met the upgrade requirements and meet the physical attribute requirements, you can return to Prometheus for strengthening and upgrading. With a proficiency of 100, you can perfectly operate the D-class body: when driving the D-class body, you can exert 110% of the body's performance. Basic operations C-level airframe: When driving a C-level airframe, 90% of the airframe's performance can be exerted, and the objective error rate is zero.)

Space warfare proficiency: LV1, D-level skill. Be able to gain some proficiency in fighting in the universe and initially gain a sense of space. Proficiency 45/100. (upgradeable)

Luck: A-level skills, the luck value increases, the possibility of obtaining props is increased by 20%, the probability of obtaining more rewards is increased by 20%, and the quality of rewards is increased by 10%. Not upgradeable.

Waste Recycler: A-level skill, which can consume combat points to dismantle and recycle damaged aircraft and battleships. There is a certain chance that plug-ins, component fragments and complete components can be decomposed and recycled. There is a certain chance that the decomposition will fail. A D-level aircraft consumes 1,000 combat merit points, a C-level aircraft consumes 2,000 combat merit points, a C-level aircraft consumes 5,000 combat merit points, an A-level aircraft consumes 10,000 combat merit points, an S-level aircraft consumes 20,000 combat merit points, and a battleship consumes 20,000 combat merit points. (not upgradeable)

Overall rating: D grade.

Battle points: 9000

Part Fragments: 5

Has the plugin:

Ejection escape cabin: C-level plug-in, which needs to be connected to the body for use. When the body loss exceeds 85%, it will automatically take effect and the pilot will be ejected from the body.

Atomic-level repair robot: A-level plug-in, consumes 50% of energy, repairs 50% of body loss (cannot repair broken limbs of the body), has a cooling time of 24 hours, and can be used 10/10 times. "

Powerful shooting module: A level plug-in, the maximum power of energy is output to the long-range weapon, making the weapon's next attack range increased, its power increased, its time increased, and its cooling time is twenty minutes.

Complete energy deflection armor: It is divided into two pieces: left and right. When used together, they can emit a stance that deflects beam attacks. A single piece of energy deflection armor will make the direction of beam deflection undeterminable. Each use consumes 30 energy. "

Xiao Ran couldn't help but smile after reading his own attributes. In his eyes, the combat points that were about to exceed 10,000 were all attribute points that could enhance his physical attributes, and the D-class universal mecha driving skills reached There are additional effects after one hundred, and the objective error rate is zero. That is to say, as long as Xiao Ran can reflect and does not actively seek death, although the performance of the body cannot be fully exerted, it will still be like the previous situation when he fell into the water. It won't happen anymore.

Although it is only a small improvement, for Xiao Ran, this improvement is simply a huge improvement. As long as he pays attention and does not make mistakes, there will be no problem in driving the C-class body. As for the 10% performance Where did he go? Does it matter

Xiao Ran, who was in a good mood, could be said to be satisfied, but the voice in his head next made him a little surprised.

"Hey, the camp side mission is triggered: Recruit Storm Gundam pilot Diego Elsman, Thunder Gundam pilot Nigel Amalfi to join Orb until the main mission three is completed. Mission success reward: 5000 combat points, Exclusive machine 1. Punishment for mission failure: 5,000 combat merit points will be deducted.”

"A successful mission will reward you with an exclusive machine!?" Xiao Ran was extremely surprised and extremely happy. At the same time, the door of the room where Xiao Ran was resting was suddenly pushed open, and a figure with blond hair and a red vest also appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes.

"Hey, masked man, the pilot of Storm Gundam wants to meet you."