Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 91: Fly into the universe


The more time you scramble for, the faster time seems to pass. After Xiao Ran finished adjusting his body, he returned to the factory again and saw that it was already night. At this time, Baofeng and Xunlei had also undergone tremendous changes.

The repaired fuselage of Storm Gundam is well covered with a layer of green external armor. The upper body is much thicker from the waist up. The original small missile launcher on the shoulder has been enhanced by the external armor and has become There are twelve missile launchers on each side in the front and upper directions. The two previous weapons are hung behind the back and linked by a mechanical arm. This mechanical arm can control the two weapons to attack directly from the shoulder position. The two newly added small beam rifles are placed on both sides of the waist.

Located on the back of the armor is a high-power thruster with a double row of four thrusters. There is a pair of small vertical flying wings that are symmetrical up and down on the left and right sides of the thruster to control the balance of the body when it glides briefly on the ground. . There are also external armors on the legs. There are also small twelve-round suspended missile launchers hanging on the left and right sides of the legs. The position of the feet has been raised a bit, and the raised gaps are preserved. The jet nozzles and suspended air cushion devices of the Storm Gundam that can glide on the ground will open when needed, which in turn causes the Storm Gundam to be more than one meter taller. (The first half is based on the Emerald Green Explosion Gundam. The legs can only rely on YY, and Yizui can’t draw.)

The changes in Thunder Gundam don't seem big, except that the claw anchor on the left arm has been changed into an attack shield system corresponding to the right arm. However, the glue required for the mirage system is too late to be manufactured and cannot be manufactured for the time being, so the current Thunder Gundam cannot use the mirage system. On the back of the machine body, huge black flying wings hang behind it. On both sides of the flying wings is a high-energy beam cannon flashing with a black light (refer to the Misty Thunder Gundam, but there are only two on the back. flying wings).

Nigel was sitting on the fuselage, debugging the flying wing. As he moved, he saw that the main structure of the flying wing that was originally attached to the back began to rotate, changing from a 1-shaped fit to a 1-shaped horizontal position (similar to the Justice Gundam flight backpack, which can be placed vertically or horizontally.)

It wasn't until one o'clock in the night that the technicians in charge of the Thunder Gundam shouted happily. It meant that all the work on the Thunder Gundam had been completed, and Nigel sat down next to Xiao Ran with a tired smile. Half an hour later. All the work on the Storm Gundam was completed, and the entire factory erupted in cheers of joy. Who wouldn't be happy to finally be able to rest? The continuous work for more than twenty-four hours had already made these technicians unable to hold on.

Immediately afterwards, transport personnel immediately sent the three aircraft bodies to the transport spacecraft that had been prepared on the accelerator orbit. Xiao Ran and the other three appeared there after preparing for a while.

Nicol and Diego, wearing Orb's pilot uniforms, took the lead in sitting in the cockpit of the aircraft, while Xiao Ran was stopped by Erica. And took a storage card and handed it to Xiao Ran: "The ship is already waiting in the universe. Here are the coordinates of the ship. After the transport ship enters the universe, you only have one minute to escape. After one minute, the ship will self-destruct. Likewise, Orb will not acknowledge this operation or your existence if any problems arise."

"Understood." Xiao Ran put the card away, nodded to Erica, and then ran towards the Black Heretic. As soon as he got on the Black Heretic, Xiao Ran controlled the body and walked into the transport ship while inserting the card in his hand. From the socket in the cockpit, some information quickly popped up on the screen. It also includes the route forward after entering the universe, and once again reminds you of the important reminder that the spacecraft will self-destruct one minute after entering the designated place in the universe.

He casually forwarded the information to Diego and Nicol, and Diego's voice rang in the dark Heretic's cockpit: "Are you kidding? An unmanned transport spacecraft?"

Nicol's avatar also appeared next to Diego's avatar: "It doesn't matter. The settings of the spacecraft have been adjusted. With an accelerator, unmanned pilots can enter the universe normally, and I can access the operating system of the spacecraft. For auxiliary operations, just make some settings.”

The three aircrafts stood in a row and were fixed in the cabin. The alarm in the cockpit also lit up after the countdown started, and a one-minute countdown also appeared on the screens of the three aircrafts at the same time.

Looking at the rapidly decreasing countdown, Xiao Ran's heart also jumped. He tried to enter the earth from the universe. But this was his first time flying from the earth into the universe, so he felt a little nervous. After taking a deep breath, he said to the two of them: "Are you ready?"

"Aren't you afraid?" Diego heard something seemed wrong with Xiao Ran's voice in the communication, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Ran on the screen with contempt.

Xiao Ran blushed under the mask. After swallowing a gulp of saliva, he pretended to be relaxed and said, "You're overthinking, little one."

Diego smiled disdainfully: "Really, I hope you won't cry and call mom for a while."

"Okay, the last ten seconds." Nigel's serious voice interrupted the conversation between the two, and the three of them began to look forward to the last ten seconds seriously, 10... 9... 8... 5... 3... 2... 1.

The orbital accelerator started instantly, and the three people sitting in the machine were speechless for a moment. Although Diego said that Xiao Ran was nervous, in fact Diego was not so calm in his heart. He had no experience of ascending from the earth into the universe. , and had no experience flying into the universe on an unmanned transport spacecraft. He tightly grasped the operating rod with both hands and closed his eyes.

In comparison, Xiao Ran, who seemed nervous at first, seemed much more relaxed, his eyes wandering around.

Only Nigel stared at the facts displayed on the screen with his eyes, his hands typing on the keyboard. More than a minute later, the transport spacecraft followed the path of the orbital accelerator and drew a huge arc straight into the sky. The next second after it was ejected from the accelerator, Nigel's right hand also hit hard. On the button, all thrusters of the transport spaceship were turned on instantly, and it rushed into the universe with its long tail.

Ashar looked at the getting smaller and smaller light from a distance in his mansion, pressed his hand on the window in front of him, and murmured: "You have sealed that power with one hand, but now you can't Do you want to master that power yourself? Now Orb also needs to make more preparations."

After an arduous process, the transport plane flew smoothly into the universe and entered the predetermined orbit without any surprises. The moment the transport plane entered the predetermined orbit, the self-destruction system of the transport plane also started counting down.

Nigel operated the transport plane's system to unlock the three fixed machines, opened the door of the transport plane, and was the first to fly out of the cabin: "Hurry up, Mr. Masked Man."

"Oh, okay." Xiao Ran shook his head to regain his senses, pulled his hands back, and lightly stepped on the pedal. The black heretic floated out of the transport ship, and then quickly flew far away. Then the Storm Gundam and Thunder Gundam also came out one after another, and the three aircraft reunited and flew towards the known coordinate point.

After more than half an hour, Xiao Ran finally saw the spaceship in the recycling house through the screen, but there was more than one spaceship on the screen, and four aircraft were fighting outside the spacecraft. Soon several aircraft appeared on the screen. Information about the machine body:

"Heretic Red Machine"


"Heretical Golden Machine"

"Unknown organism."

Xiao Ran didn't even need to look at the displayed information, and the surprised voices of Nigel and Diego also rang out at the same time: "Why is Captain Bartfield's body here? And what's going on with the black body? Blue Is that sexy machine also a Gundam?"

"Go and support them. The red aircraft and Baku are friendly forces! Diego protects the spaceship!" Xiao Ran frowned instantly, the speed of the thrusters suddenly increased several times, and he rushed straight towards Lan holding two swords. Colorful body, sword fighting disaster.

Nigel: "Roger that."

"Really, you have to stand still when you first enter the universe." Diego complained, and flew away on the brand-new Storm Gundam. He stretched his arms upward and took off the twin cannons on his shoulders. As the project progressed, He combined the two weapons with his arms in tandem, and a yellow beam instantly spurted out from the muzzle, shooting straight at the heretic golden machine. ()