Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 96: Turn around and play B machine


Xiao Ran, who hung up the communication, turned to the two stunned pilots and said, "Did you hear the coordinates I just mentioned?"

After hearing Xiao Ran's question, the two pilots nodded busy.

"Well, let's go to this coordinate." After Xiao Ran said that, he walked out of the cockpit under the stunned eyes of the two people. When he walked through the passage, he directly took out a space suit from the passage. When he passed by Lux Said: "I'm sorry, maybe you have to go around a little bit."

"It doesn't matter." Lux smiled and shook her head, saying, "My matters are not important."

Xiao Ran took a deep look at Lux and saw the worry and confusion in Lax's eyes. However, Xiao Ran nodded without saying anything and then left the passenger cabin of the transport plane and walked to the cargo cabin with his space suit in his arms, completely The cabin door was sealed, and Xiao Ran slowly began to change his clothes.

During the process of changing clothes, Lux's smiling but worried and confused face popped up in Xiao Ran's mind again, which immediately slowed down the movements of his hands: "No matter what, She is just a teenage girl. Although she knows more than others due to family reasons, she is essentially just a child who hopes for peace and likes to sing. She is burdened with so many things and has paid so much for the hope of peace. Is it worth it? "

Sighing slightly, Xiao Ranjiang slowly put on his spacesuit and sat in a corner of the cargo hold, waiting for Luo Jiang to send the Dark Heretic over. After sitting there for about five minutes, the radio in the cargo hold rang: " We have arrived at the designated location, the cargo door has been aligned with the MS cockpit, please be ready."

As soon as the voice on the radio finished, the door of the cargo hold was slowly opened. For a moment, Xiao Ran felt as if a force was about to suck him out of the cargo hold, and he clung to the handrail in the cargo hold. It took about a second or two to return to normal.

It has to be said that the skills of the two pilots driving the transport plane are indeed good. The opened door is really facing the dark heretic cockpit. Xiao Ran loosened his hands and kicked hard on the wall of the cargo compartment with his legs. He flew directly into the cockpit and conveniently placed Xiaoba, the super AI computer linked to the dark heresy, on the chair on the operation panel.

Close the cockpit door. The transport plane also slowly drove away from the Black Heretic. Xiao Ran took off the spacesuit that was difficult to move and stuffed it directly behind the chair. He stepped on the pedals with both feet and pushed the operating lever to instantly make the Black Heretic take a long stream of light flying. Towards the place where Freedom Gundam, Storm Gundam, Thunder Gundam and Rebirth Gundam fought.

At this time, the two machines of Thunder and Baofeng were surrounded by dozens of Zeins. Diego and Nicol seemed to be constrained in their attacks and could not perform at their normal level. After all, they were facing their compatriots. Every attack had to be careful and could only hit unimportant parts of the machine to avoid causing casualties. , In this way, the true performance of the storm and thunder machines will be completely unable to be exerted, and they will be trapped and unable to escape for a while.

As for the Freedom Gundam, it faced four or five Sigu and Reborn Gundams alone, and the fight was quite uncomfortable, although a dozen Zeon could not pose any threat to the three machines. The Freedom Gundam was able to defeat these Jeans in the shortest time like chopping vegetables and melons, but the four or five Xigu cooperated with the Rebirth Gundam to tightly entangle the Freedom Gundam, and the battle fell into a stalemate for a while.

The Black Heretic is extremely fast. Even if it's only half the speed of the Free Gundam, it's already extremely fast. He arrived at the battle area in just a few dozen seconds. Without stopping, he held the beam sword in both hands and rushed directly to the two Jeans directly in front of him with his back to him. With that lightning-like speed, , before the pilot Jean could react, he cut off the heads of the two machines, turned around and cut off the right arms of the two machines at the same time, and then once again brought a long stream of light towards the other machines. enemy.

"Kira, there is no time. Take the Storm Gundam and leave quickly. Leave it to us." Xiao Ran sent a message to Kira, controlling the machine to basically run rampant in the combat area. It's not like Kira who can perform maneuvers such as dodge. Anyway, all Jean present are using live ammunition weapons. The dark heretic with a three-battery backpack doesn't care about the energy consumption of PS armor at all in terms of energy capacity.

Xiao Ran used his pseudo-C-level driving skills and the C+-level jet-black heretical performance. With the support of Baofeng and Xunlei, he was able to kill six Jeans at an extremely fast speed in just one minute. Xigu’s arms, head, legs and other parts.

"Destroy the enemy camp's D-class aircraft and receive 500 combat merit points as a reward."

"Destroy the enemy camp's D-class aircraft and receive 500 combat merit points as a reward."

… … … …

The voices in Xiao Ran's head sounded one after another. Although there were constant reminders, the strange voice that appeared in his mind did not affect Xiao Ran at all.

After receiving Xiao Ran's message, Kira instantly maneuvered the Freedom Gundam into a spin and kicked the Rebirth Gundam, swung the beam sword down and cut off the long beam rifle of the Rebirth Gundam, and took this opportunity to escape. After the fight with the Reborn Gundam, he rushed towards the Storm Gundam at full speed, and in the process, he cut off all the ZAFT bodies that appeared along the way. The wind of the human stick was fully formed at this time.

Suddenly, ZAFT's remaining intact machines were only a few Jeans and one Xigu.

Freedom Gundam appeared in front of Storm Gundam, and stretched out his hands to clamp the Storm Gundam's arms like a hug. The propellers of the two bodies spurted out at full power, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a small dot with a long stream of light. Disappeared from sight.

"Withdraw." Xiao Ran flew the Black Heretic towards the Thunder Gundam, and finally stopped next to the Thunder Gundam.

Nigel: "Got it."

The two machines came into contact and then quickly separated. The Black Heretic's twin guns fired backwards, and the missile launchers on its right shoulder fired all at once. The two guns merged and fired a high-power electromagnetic beam towards the Reborn Gundam. After seeing that the Thunder Gundam had turned and left, , just turned around and caught up with the Thunder Gundam and started to escape quickly. The two planes separated at an extremely fast speed. Neither Jean nor Xigu could catch up with the speed of the two planes. Only the Reborn Gundam had the ability to catch up.

Although Xiao Ran and Ni Gaoer had retreated, they still did not relax at all from observing behind them. The Reborn Gundam on the screen began to deform in one sprint. The Reborn Gundam in the form of a ma may be faster than the Free Gun. In the universe Although it may not matter that it does not have an air form, the Reborn Gundam, which cannot withstand the transformation into a MA, has one more thruster than the Freedom Gundam, so it naturally exceeds the Freedom Gundam in speed.

After the long beam rifle was chopped off by Kira, the remaining weapons of the Rebirth Gundam were only the large beam saber. It was not impossible to catch up with the Black Heretic and Thunder, not to mention the speed of the Rebirth Gundam. The two machines are so tall that there is no problem at all in entangling the two machines. Moreover, after being loaded with nuclear energy, the output of the machine is several times that of a C-class machine. It is also quite powerful when paired with a large beam saber.

The Black Heretic and Thunder High were chased by the Rebirth Gundam in a short time. The two machines immediately separated, trying to avoid direct contact with the Rebirth Gundam and completely ignoring the Rebirth Gundam. Xiao Ran and Nigel both knew very well that long-range weapons Without the ability to attack from a distance, the destroyed aircraft can only fight them in close combat. As long as the distance between them is maintained, it is basically impossible for the other party to hit them. All they have to do is run anyway. .

The Reborn Gundam rushed to Xunlei's side, and the limbs in its ma form were about to hug the Thunder Gundam, but in the next second a beam of light shot from the Black Heretic immediately caused the Reborn Gundam to change its direction, and it watched the Thunder Gundam fly again. It's a long way out.

The three machines are chasing each other. No matter which machine the Rebirth Gundam is close to, the other machine will shoot continuously at the Rebirth Gundam. In this way, the ZAFT MS following behind will gradually be thrown away. The Gundam also gradually slowed down and finally stopped.

Seeing that the Reborn Gundam was not chasing after him, Xiao Ran was relieved, but a thought that flashed through his mind made Xiao Ran stop. Instead, he turned around and faced the stopped Reborn Gundam. Staring at the Reborn Gundam with shining eyes.

"It's absolutely true that the Reborn Gundam is a B-class machine. As long as this machine is destroyed, the machine's exclusive mission will be completed." Xiao Ran's eyes glowed, thinking to himself: "The body of Shenyi is so bt, Diego will be beaten by me. Not to mention, taking advantage of the fact that this machine has no weapons, I just have the perfect opportunity to hit the drowned dog. If I don’t hit it, I will be sorry for myself!”

"Mr. Masked Man?" Nigel on the Thunder Gundam saw the Black Heretic stop. He also stopped the Thunder Gundam strangely, turned around and faced the Rebirth Gundam and became alert.

"Support me, I will defeat him, and I must not drag Luo and the others down." Xiao Ran said these words in an awe-inspiring manner. He drove the black section and rushed towards the Rebirth Gundam, spraying out dense fire from his two guns. beam. ()

ps: Chapter 5 has been updated for a whole day. I am exhausted. I will continue to rest. The group number for this book is 197703028. Everyone is welcome to join the group for discussion.