Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 97: Explode


Xiao Ran's righteousness made Ni Gao stunned for a moment, but when he thought about it, it seemed to be true. Luo and the others were a group of waste recyclers who were more neutral than Orb. The Black Heretic and Thunder Gundam were simply It is impossible to fly directly to the earth from this position, so Luo's spacecraft is where the two bodies must go back now.

The Reborn Gundam is obviously nuclear energy, so there is no need to worry about energy issues. Secondly, the Reborn Gundam is extremely fast. It is impossible to escape at the speed of the Black Heretic and Thunder Gundam. Once Xiao Ran and Nigel return directly If you get to the spaceship or get close to it, then needless to say, Luo and the others will definitely be implicated. When this happens, the only option is to defeat the Rebirth Gundam.

Nigel sighed helplessly: "In this case, there is nothing we can do. Mr. Masked Man, please be careful. The performance of the opponent's body is at least several times that of ours."

"I know." Xiao Ran replied smoothly. The high-speed shooting of the two beam guns of the Black Heretic caused the Reborn Gundam to make one evasive maneuver after another. The Thunder Gundam was behind the Black Heretic, shooting out cold shots from time to time. The path of attack was always there. Block the path forward of the Reborn Gundam towards the Black Heresy.

But the Dark Heretic's beam rifle also needs to be charged after all, and there are times when the fire blockade is disconnected. He seizes this opportunity to regenerate Gundam. After several consecutive small dodge movements, he finally rushes to the front of the Black Heretic, and transforms directly into After entering the MS form, he instantly pulled out the large beam sword and slashed it at the dark heretic, and the whole process only took a few seconds.

The energy blade of the large beam sword is almost twice as strong as a normal beam sword, and its length is completely beyond the ordinary. A swing of the sword seemed to make Xiao Ran, who was sitting in the dark heretic cockpit, feel tremendous pressure. But under such pressure, Xiao Ran did not make any move to retreat. Instead, he controlled the Dark Heretic to face the Rebirth Gundam.

Pull out the beam saber with both hands at the same time. The cross blocked the attack of the Reborn Gundam, and all the thrusters on the back were opened to resist the power exerted by the Reborn Gundam. When three beam sabers collided together, countless sparks popped up even in the universe. The strong light also shone through the display screen, causing Xiao Ran to squint his eyes slightly.

Two green beams of light suddenly appeared from directly below the two machines, and the hands of the reborn Gundam were seen holding the beam sword and pressing down. It actually suppressed the dark heretic for several meters, followed by a horizontal kick, and the sharp solid dagger instantly caused a series of flashes of light on the dark heretic, leaving a shallow mark.

The Reborn Gundam also took this moment to move back a few positions to avoid the Thunder Gundam's attack from below.

"If the mirage system can be used..." Nicol began to miss the mirage system in his heart as he watched the Reborn Gundam avoid his own attacks while leaving something behind for the Black Heretic. Although the attack failed again, Nigel also saw something from the actions of the Reborn Gundam: "This pilot's driving skills are completely incomparable to Kira Yamato, and he just relied on the performance of the machine to suppress the two of us. Or is it that the weapon you are good at has been destroyed and you cannot use its full performance in close combat?"

He frowned slightly. Also in order to support the Black Heretic who was temporarily out of balance, Nigel drove the Thunder Gundam and the Rebirth Gundam into a head-on collision, buying the Black Heretic time, but he also got into contact with the Rebirth Gundam's beam sword. At the same time, the Black Heretic had also reorganized his body shape. He grabbed the beam sword and rushed over from the side. The Rebirth Gundam was pulled up and out of the way, causing the Black Heretic to swing the beam sword directly into the air.

"So fast, much faster than the Black Heretic." Xiao Ran frowned, pushed the auxiliary operating lever again with his left hand, pulled the operating lever with his right hand and stepped down again with both feet. The Black Heretic changed direction and pushed directly towards the Rebirth Gundam, raising his arms high as if he wanted to use his beam sword to penetrate the Rebirth Gundam directly from below.

The completely unsightly attack of the Black Heretic really caused a little bit of damage to the Reborn Gundam. Unexpectedly, the beam sword cut off a small piece of armor on the opponent's foot. However, the Reborn Gundam is extremely fast and has excellent body performance. Without Xiao Ran being prepared at all, he quickly turned around and swung his sword towards the Black Heretic, completely bringing the Black Heretic within his attack range. .

"Fuck!" Xiao Ran cursed secretly, his eyes burst out with a strange light, and the movements of his hands suddenly became a little faster, and the rapid operation of his fingers almost caused afterimages.

The Jet Black Heretic's flight pack instantly detached itself and crashed directly into the Rebirth Gundam. The jet-black heretic's back propeller also lit up at the same time, causing the jet-black heretic to fly forward several positions. Dangerously, the large beam sword of the Reborn Gundam passed by his back.

Seeing this, Nigel quickly fired a salvo at the Reborn Gundam, and one of the beams even penetrated the jetpack that the Black Heretic had thrown away. The jetpack exploded instantly, and the powerful shock wave also widened the distance between the Reborn Gundam and the Black Heretic again.

Nigel was thinking about ways to defeat the enemy aircraft, but he kept operating the Thunder Gundam and pulled his arms, causing the attack shield systems on the left and right to pop out beam sabers at the same time, spinning towards the Reborn Gundam.

The Thunder and Rebirth aircraft collided with each other again and again and then separated. Several times in a row, each also left something on the other's body. When the two aircraft saw the Thunder Gundam's flying wings lifted up instantly, the two beam energy cannons also It lit up, and the beam sword in his left arm was closed and swung down without any obstruction, which caused the beam sword in his right arm that was not closed and held up to move closer to him. Thunder Gundam's left arm that had already swung out once again popped out the beam saber and slashed upwards. In this direction, Reborn Gundam could no longer block it.

But the reaction of the Reborn Gundam was not slow. The right shoulder suddenly popped out, like a third arm. The sharp solid dagger at the front pierced the elbow joint of the Thunder Gundam's left arm. The left shoulder also popped out like the right shoulder. It directly pierced the energy muzzle of the Thunder Gundam's flying wing. His arms once again increased the power and pressed down. The beam sword almost stuck to the Thunder Gundam's armor and was embedded in the left shoulder. It looked completely the same. It's a strategy of perish together, but in fact, as long as it hits the energy muzzle of the Thunder Gundam's flying wing, it will naturally relieve itself of danger.

But Nigel was not fighting alone. Xiao Ran, who had already exploded with mental power, fully unleashed the performance of the Black Heretic's body. He drove the Black Heretic and appeared on the side of the Thunder Gundam and Rebirth Gundam at a weird speed. , holding the beam sword in both hands and slashing down at the same time.

The speed of the Black Heretic completely exploded, and with a single swing of the sword, the pilots of the other two mechas had no reaction. It even directly cut off the two arms of the Thunder Gundam, and also cut off the two wrists of the Rebirth Gundam. , and two things that look like arms and thighs popping out from the shoulders.

Xiao Ran, whose eyes were shining with light, was expressionless. He felt that everything in the world had been slowed down, and the movements of the Reborn Gundam were also slowed down. The movement of his hands caused the black heretic to turn his wrist half a circle, holding the beam sword, and then inserted it directly. The head and waist of the Reborn Gundam are inserted.

While inserting the two beam sabers into the Rebirth Gundam, the Black Heretic instantly let go of the beam saber and directly pulled the Thunder Gundam. He turned around and turned on the thrusters at full power again, and soon flew far away.

At this moment, Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly returned to their normal appearance, a trace of fatigue also appeared on his face, and he shouted weakly: "Run!"

The two machines only ran out for less than ten seconds. A dazzling light burst out from behind the two machines, causing Xiao Ran and Nigel to quickly close their eyes and cut off the rear monitor.

"Ding, destroy a B-class aircraft in the enemy camp, and you will be rewarded with 4,000 combat points."

"The exclusive mission of the aircraft is completed. The Black Heretic is converted into an exclusive aircraft. Parts and plug-ins can be used on the exclusive aircraft and can be modified in Prometheus."

"Your clearance has been elevated. Your current clearance is, Sergeant." ()

ps: There should be another chapter. I am still typing at this time and I am also drunk.