Unparalleled Conqueror

Chapter 17


To Lu Bu's surprise, after being surprised, Xiang Yu did not get furious at being ignored by his beloved horse. Instead, after suppressing the surprise on his face, he rubbed the neck of the black horse, which was determined to get close to Lu Bu, as if nothing had happened.

His usually stern face softened for the first time, and the corners of his hard lips curved slightly. He spoke in a tone that Lü Bu had never heard before, a tone that could be described as full of interest: "Wuzhui has a very arrogant temper. How did Fengxian tame it?"

It should be noted that Xiang Yu was a man of both arrogance and depression, but he also had the good upbringing that a nobleman must have. Except for occasionally being hurt by his pride and becoming furious, most of the time, he was like an iceberg who loved to keep a straight face and remain silent even more than Han Xin.

Not to mention Lu Bu, who had been with him for a very short time, only about half a month at most, even his uncle Xiang Bo and uncle Fan Zeng had hardly ever seen him smile.

Although Lu Bu didn't know that Xiang Yu's amiable expression was rare in recent years, he had seen this foolish king pretending to be cold and stern on weekdays, and when he suddenly saw his attitude become warm and gentle, he felt as rare as watching an iceberg that had accumulated frost and snow for thousands of years slowly melting with his own eyes.

Seeing that Xiang Yu was magnanimous and had no intention of blaming him, and thinking that he still had the great merit of killing the King of Chu to be rewarded, Lu Bu's guilty conscience and shortness of breath for stealing someone else's favorite horse was immediately overwhelmed by ease and composure.

Lu Bu pinched Wu Zhui's ear and replied shamelessly: "Maybe Wu Zhui is naturally smart and can recognize a hero."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pinched Wuzhui without knowing how much strength of hand, and hurt Wuzhui, who had been trying to please him sincerely. Wuzhui was so angry that he shook his head and broke free, and ran back to Xiang Yu without any reluctance.

Lu Bu's face instantly turned sour.

I just praised it! What a bad temper!

Lu Bu clearly called himself a hero, and Xiang Yu, who had seen his extraordinary martial arts and wisdom, did not think it was exaggerated at all, and even agreed with him: "Not bad."

With the arrival of the groom who brought another horse, the smile on Xiang Yu's lips was fleeting and disappeared without a trace.

With a serious face, he climbed onto the horse's back with great dignity and looked down upon Lu Bu from the tall horse's back.

However, Lu Bu was busy staring at the tall and majestic snow-white horse, and did not notice Xiang Yu's gaze at all.

Xiang Yu looked at Lü Bu, who was unable to conceal his affection, and said sparingly, "I give you the jade lion. Follow me out of the city."

—After the death of the King of Chu, Xiang Yu learned his lesson and naturally would not go to the trouble of appointing another person as king to get in the way. Instead, he simply proclaimed himself the Overlord and took charge of the king's affairs.

Because of this incident, the Chu army was at its strongest and Xiang Yu had the highest prestige, while Liu Bang, who was closest to him, was branded as "power-hungry and lord-killing" and was forced to flee to Bashu. Even though there were many jealous princes, no one dared to be the first to speak out in opposition.

It was not until the day Xiang Yu proclaimed himself Overlord that he began to call himself "this King".

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

Although he spoke little, every word he said was to Lu Bu's liking.

Wonderful! As expected of the King of Western Chu, he is so generous!

Lu Bu happily climbed onto the jade lion he had just obtained, and the jade lion was surprisingly docile and lowered its head to let him ride it, unlike Wuzhui who put up a desperate resistance.

After saying that, Xiang Yu turned his horse around and rode away first.

Although Lu Bu was a step slower and still needed to get used to the Jade Lion, his speed was not very fast, but as Xiang Yu did not move at full speed and Wuzhui kept looking back to see him slowing down, he was still able to easily catch up with the princes and generals in front of him.

Due to frequent changes of ownership and constant wars, people in Xianyang were in panic.

Those who could have gone to seek refuge with relatives elsewhere had already left. Those who were still staying in the city all had reasons to do so, and they all kept their doors closed and would not leave home unless necessary.

Even towards Liu Bang who was willing to show goodwill, they were extremely wary, let alone their mortal enemy Xiang Yu who personally ordered the massacre of 200,000 Qin soldiers in Xin'an

If it were Liu Bang, who valued his life, he would always let other generals with superb martial arts lead the way, so that if they were attacked, there would be someone to block the attack.

But no matter whether it is Xiang Yu or Lu Bu, they are both brave and brave generals who can fight against a hundred people alone and intimidate tens of thousands of people. How could they be afraid of villain assassins

Xianyang City had been completely replaced by the Chu Army, so the two men on two horses headed south and left the city unhindered.

As soon as they arrived outside the city, Lu Bu saw that Xiang Yu, who had just been extremely restrained, had a completely different temperament. He no longer concealed his confusion and anger, and spurred his black horse at full speed. The horse left Lu Bu behind and galloped wildly towards the open space.

After all, he is just a young man in his early twenties, and he is impatient about everything.

Lu Bu sighed, but he was also aroused to show off his skills. After all, he had never planned to hide his skills since he came to the Chu camp, so he kicked his horse's belly and urged the Jade Lion to catch up with him.

Two flashes of lightning, one black and one white, streaked through the green woods, leaving deep marks wherever the horses' hooves trod and billowing white smoke.

Wuzhui ran heartily, raising its head happily and making two "gulp" sounds. As soon as the sound stopped, Xiang Yu, who was looking at the distant mountains and forests in deep thought, heard the sound of horse hooves behind him.

—It’s Lu Bu who has arrived.

This was the first time Xiang Yu met an equestrian master who could keep up with the full speed of Wuzhui, and he couldn't help but be tempted.

Seeing Xiang Yu dismounting from his horse, Lu Bu also took advantage of the situation and did a somersault, landing easily on the ground.

The black horse and the jade lion formed a group and went to find some water to drink. Lu Bu walked towards Xiang Yu, who was standing with his hands folded, thinking about something.

When they were still two steps away, Xiang Yu suddenly turned around, looked at Lu Bu with his deep pupils, and said calmly: "In another half month, I will preside over the event of enthroning the king and dividing the land. Once this is completed, I will lead the army back to the capital Pengcheng."

Lu Bu listened expressionlessly, wiped his face secretly, and felt his face full of bitter tears.

Comparing this person to others is so damn infuriating!

Back then, in order to stay in Luoyang, a place with good feng shui, he even had to hold his nose and endure Wang Yun, that stinky old man who obviously looked down on him, and he was deceived into believing the other party's lies about jointly controlling the government.

As a result, the good days didn't last long for a few days before they were unfortunately driven out by Li Guo's army that came from nowhere, and then they ran around everywhere.

First, he helped the treacherous and cunning Benchu kid so much that he used 800 light cavalrymen to destroy 100,000 Black Mountain troops, but he got nothing in return. If he hadn't been smart, he would have been almost killed by the enemy! Then, he ran to Big Ear Liu's territory in a miserable state and robbed him of his land by cheating and deceiving him, which made that treacherous grandson think of him...

Even so, he didn't get to rest for long as he was drowned by Cao Cao, tied up by his wife's brother-in-law Wei Xu and his ungrateful bastards, and finally killed by a word from Big Ear Liu.

Compared with his wanderings and hardships, Xiang Yu's life was so lucky that it was as if he was born in a honey pot!

There are so many good places for him to choose from, but he refuses to stay in the fertile, easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Guanzhong area, and instead wants to show off in his hometown like a young kid!

Xiang Yu rarely took the initiative to tell his subordinates who were not his staff members about his plans. He was completely unaware that the man in front of him had already criticized him. He explained to himself: "Fengxian has made great contributions, but the reason why Xiong Xin was killed is not good enough to be made public. Just based on the merit of quickly killing four Han generals, he is not worthy of being made a king."

"Fame, wealth and status are but fleeting clouds."

He has already been a marquis, and as for the throne... he really doesn't want to be the one he was three hundred years ago. Moreover, the situation is changing all the time, who knows how many years he can hold the throne

This overlord who looked so majestic and powerful was gone after only being king for a few years.

Lu Bu raised his hand nonchalantly and grinned, "I only hope that the king will appoint me as a general..." It would be best if he could lead the army to fight against Liu Bang.

Xiang Yu had exactly this intention.

He has always valued talents, and several past events have proven Lu Bu's unparalleled bravery. Among the huge Chu army, the person he respects most is Lu Bu.

Seeing that Lu Bu was open-minded and calm, and really did not care about missing out on the throne, and was not arrogant and conceited, he immediately liked him even more.

In his eyes, Lu Bu directly asked for the position of general, which was a natural and reasonable thing to do given his martial arts skills and confidence.

He nodded slightly with satisfaction, and swept away the anxiety caused by Xiang Bo's secret collusion with the Han army, and said the position he had thought of before: "The king wants to appoint Fengxian as the left Sima of the Central Army. What do you think?"

Lu Bu's eyes lit up.

-Compared to that nonsense Lian Ao that he had never heard of, this 'Zuo Sima of the Central Army' has both the word 'Jun' and 'Sima' in it, which means he can definitely lead troops to fight!

Before Lu Bu could ask in detail, Xiang Yu had already remembered that the other party had asked him directly because he knew nothing about military duties, so he simply added: "When the commander-in-chief of the central army is absent or has an order, the left Sima can take command of the army and lead the division into battle alone."

His guess was confirmed, and Lu Bu became even happier.

Don’t worry about those trivial things, as long as you can lead the troops!

Before agreeing outright, he still remembered to ask: "Who is the commander of the central army..."

He only remembered that Xiang Bo, that bastard, was Zuo Yin, and he would definitely not fall into his hands.

I don't know whether it was Zhongli Mei, who was still acceptable in his eyes, or Ying Bu, the fool who was not reliable in his work but talked big...

After all, Lü Bu had only been in the Chu army for a short time, and he had previously thought about killing Liu Bang quickly and then leaving without any hesitation, so he didn't care about who the Chu army's generals were. It was only when he realized that he had to continue to fight with Liu Bang that he asked Han Xin a few questions.

Apart from these two, he only recognized Long Ju, who seemed to be highly regarded by Xiang Yu.

"Commander-in-chief of the Central Army," Xiang Yu said proudly, "I am the king."

The central army is the most important than the left and right armies, and its commander has always been the King of Chu himself.

Now there is no King of Chu, so the Overlord will take over.

Xiang Yu made this arrangement not only out of his love for talent, but also obviously to compensate Lu Bu as much as possible when he could not openly confer the title of king or duke on Lu Bu, who had made great contributions.

Unfortunately, Lu Bu didn't appreciate it at all.

After realizing the meaning of these words, his smile froze on his face instantly.

—Damn it, I knew that God wouldn’t give this thief so many good things!

If he really became this useless post of Left Sima of the Central Army, wouldn't he end up like Gao Fuyi

In fact, in his opinion, his luck was not as good as Gao Fujii's: at least he followed a lord as wise and brave as himself, who did not care about his inability to do anything, but he had to live with a foolish tyrant day and night!

Thinking of the days to come, Lu Bu shuddered.

Not only did he have to run around for the foolish king and work himself to death, but most importantly, he had to go to his broken hometown of Pengcheng with him. There was no way he could stay in Hanzhong and catch Liu Bang's tail!