Unparalleled Conqueror

Chapter 60: Chapter 60


Han Xin was not surprised at all when he heard this.

He did not continue to persuade him. After a brief pause, he said gently and politely, "Sir, you are loyal and unwilling to change your ways and join another master. This is understandable. I just blame you for your abrupt words. I hope you can forgive me. Regarding the matter just now, you are not in a hurry to make a decision. I will ask you again when I have made some progress in this trip."

Go to war

Zhang Liang's mind moved slightly, and his expression became stern. He couldn't help but look at Han Xin, who had a calm expression and clearly said this to him intentionally.

Han Xin obviously had no intention of clearing up his confusion. He just nodded slightly and left calmly.

Zhang Liang's words expressing his ambition and seeking death actually confirmed what he had guessed in his heart: the other party was not loyal to Liu Bang, but purely to his own ambitions.

That being the case, there is still some room for maneuver.

Han Xin thought casually, calculated the time was just right, and rode his horse to the military camp outside the city.

For the first time, as a general, he ordered the other generals to march out.

Although Zhang Han was very sleepy, he woke up spontaneously when the time came for Han Xin to go to the battle.

He did not leave the city to see them off, but rushed to the top of the city wall and looked out at the vast and orderly Guanzhong army from afar, marveling at it.

Who could have imagined that such a powerful army with a murderous aura and strict order was just a ragtag army with scattered morale and no fighting spirit a few months ago

Just based on his ability to turn rotten wood into magical training soldiers, Han Xin must be no ordinary person.

Han Xin led his army on an expedition to the east, traveling during the day and sleeping at night. Although the marching speed was not very fast, he managed to keep the soldiers' energy at all times.

This solid army of 100,000 was targeting Wei. It neither concealed its formation nor took the main route through Hangu Pass. Instead, it marched vigorously around the northeast and approached the territory of Wei.

Such a big commotion naturally could not escape the eyes and ears of Wei's spies.

Upon receiving this military report, Wang Bao of the Western Wei Dynasty, who had been focusing on the main force led by Xiang Yu in Eastern Chu, was caught off guard.

When Liu Bang made the alliance, he kept saying that he would use a strategy to divide the Chu army internally and divide the Guanzhong area with him.

Who would have thought that Liu Bang was actually a rogue who was incapable of accomplishing anything, always causing trouble, and only knew how to talk big!

The Chu capital Xianyang was as safe as a mountain from beginning to end, but the Grand Marshal Zhou Yin died without even making a splash.

Not only did he fail to get a share of the spoils, but he also lost 20,000 troops and the great general Bai Zhi. Now, the unknown former halberd bearer Han Xin came to attack him arrogantly!

At this moment, Wei Bao really hated Liu Bang, the bastard who only talked big.

But the enemy could take advantage of the fact that the two counties of Bashu were located in remote areas and the roads were difficult and the Chu army was temporarily unable to spare the time for a long expedition and could only retreat for the time being.

He occupied Liang and was the first to bear the brunt of Xiang Yu's wrath. There was no way to hide from it, so he had to bite the bullet and clean up the mess himself.

"How did Han Xin become a general?" Wei Bao frowned, then felt a little relieved. "It seems that the best troops of Chu State are all gathered in the East Chu. Apart from Zhang Han, Xianyang can't even find anyone who is worth using."

General Zhou Shu was not as optimistic as him, and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, do not take it lightly! Although Han Xin seems to be of unknown reputation, he once followed Lu Bu to lead the Guanzhong Army to conquer Yandi. He was unstoppable all the way, and within a day, he wiped out tens of thousands of elite soldiers of Zang Tu. Later, he was ordered to divide the troops and march westward, and defeated Peng Yue's army, but he did not blindly pursue the victory, but patiently stayed in Jiyin City. There must be a deep intention to prevent Your Majesty from marching westward and attacking Guanzhong! When he was a deputy general, he had the vision of giving up credit and planning for the overall situation. How could he be an ordinary person?"

—As a general, he only boosted the enemy's morale and destroyed his own prestige! Before the battle even started, he had already prepared an excuse for defeat.

Wei Bao's face was gloomy. On the surface, he remained noncommittal, but in his heart he disagreed with Uncle Zhou's words.

If Bai Zhi had not been captured and his life or death was unknown, he would not have been able to find a general who could lead an army for a while, so why would he let Uncle Zhou talk nonsense here

Although Uncle Zhou was well versed in the art of war and could speak eloquently about military strategies, he had no idea of the importance of flattery and observing people's words and expressions.

He had no idea that the King of Wei was already annoyed by his frank advice, and he kept on chattering with a frown on his face.

Wei Bao listened patiently for a long time, but when Zhou Shu talked about how Han Xin reorganized the army in just one month and took back Hanzhong from Liu Bang's control, and how his ability should not be underestimated, he could no longer bear it and interrupted him harshly, "General, according to your opinion, the hundreds of thousands of brave and skilled soldiers of the Wei Dynasty are destined to be defeated by the ragtag army that Han Xin has hastily trained in a few months with some unorthodox methods? Did I summon you here to discuss a plan to defeat the enemy, or to surrender the enemy as soon as possible?!"

Uncle Zhou was stunned when he heard this.

No matter how slow-witted he was, it was impossible for him not to hear that the king's tone was unfriendly and full of anger.

"I will never do that—"

Wei Bao's words were so hurtful that he didn't know what to do and was about to kneel down and apologize. However, Wei Bao, who was very annoyed, didn't want to listen to any more of his excuses.

He just waved his hand impatiently, drove Uncle Zhou out, and sent someone to invite Sun Chu over.

Uncle Zhou wanted to say something several times but hesitated. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly. He had no choice but to suppress his anxiety and leave as ordered.

The news that Wei Bao decided to abandon Zhou Shu and replace him with Sun Chu as the general soon reached Han Xin through the mouths of spies from the State of Chu.

Even though he was calm and composed, he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard the news: "God is really helping me!"

He originally thought that he would be facing General Zhou Shu, who was proficient in military tactics and good at deploying battle formations, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

But he didn't expect that Wei Bao was so stupid that he would abandon the wise general and entrust his life and property to a mediocre man!

At this time, the 100,000 Chu troops led by Han Xin had arrived in the Linjinjin area.

Looking around, they saw Wei soldiers on the other side of the river, standing ready for battle. They were eyeing them covetously, as if they were ready to rush over if the Chu army dared to cross the river.

Han Xin knew that he couldn't force his way across, so he didn't feel anxious at all.

On the one hand, he ordered his soldiers to find a place to set up camp, and on the other hand, he searched the surrounding areas for ships. He confronted them openly, but secretly focused on sending people to investigate upstream.

Upon learning that Xiayang was poorly defended because there were few trees and it was impossible to cut down trees to make boats, Han Xin immediately came up with an idea.

He summoned Feng Jing and other deputy generals, and ordered one of them to lead the troops to cut wood; another to go back to the market to buy clay pots, which would require thousands of them; he personally led thousands of soldiers to stay here, waving flags and shouting, creating momentum to tie down the Wei army on the opposite bank.

Although the two deputy generals were confused and didn't know what the commander was planning, Han Xin was very powerful in the army, so they didn't ask too many questions and just followed his orders.

At the same time, Xiang Yu, who thought that the army had stayed in Lingbi for too long but had never heard good news from Chen Ping and others who were sent to various countries as envoys, was becoming increasingly impatient.

He simply disdained a battle of wits and only wanted to conquer the world with force and eliminate all those who disobeyed him and had violent tempers.

Being able to endure until now is unprecedented.

In a blink of an eye, it is already February, winter is gone and spring is coming.

Xiang Yu's patience was on the verge of breaking down.

After much thought, he decided that he didn't want to wait aimlessly any longer, nor did he want to disappoint his beloved general's well-intentioned advice, so he decided to summon Lu Bu into the tent to have a talk.

Lu Bu walked into the main tent carelessly. Even if he racked his brains, he could not guess that this foolish king actually had the delusion of persuading him.

—Otherwise I would laugh my teeth off.

He just thought that the situation in Jiujiang had changed. After all, it was related to his plan to help Chu unify the world and catch Liu Haozi, so he would not take it lightly and rushed over immediately.

The guards had received the king's order long ago, so there was no way they would stop him. They went straight to report the move, and when they saw General Lu coming, they immediately gave way.

Lu Bu was used to being the leader of a force, so he didn't think it was anything big and strode into the tent.

But this fool had a mysterious look on his face, sitting upright in the main seat, as if he was thinking about something important.

Catching the figure of his beloved general out of the corner of his eye, Xiang Yu slightly raised his eyelids, looked at him intently, and said without hesitation: "Sit down."

As a matter of course, Lu Bu came to his old seat closest to Xiang Yu and sat down neatly.

Then he looked at Xiang Yu with sharp eyes, obviously waiting for what to say next.

Xiang Yu's face was stern, but he was troubled and didn't know how to start.

When his uncle was alive, he didn't have to make any plans, he just had to follow orders.

Later, he became the commander-in-chief of the State of Chu and a mighty overlord. His advisers would try every means to advise him, and he only needed to listen to one round and decide whether to adopt their advice.

Why would he bother to rack his brains, choose his words carefully, and personally persuade his soldiers to change their minds

He was still thinking, not knowing how to start...

Lu Bu keenly sensed something unusual, and the suspicion in his eyes grew stronger.

He narrowed his tiger eyes slightly, and looked warily at the foolish king who seemed particularly cold and strange today, as if he was worried about something.

—What kind of serious problem had happened that even a simple-minded person like Xiang Hanzi found it difficult to solve and looked so worried? !

Lu Bu's heart skipped a beat and he felt that something terrible was going to happen.

The more he couldn't figure out what could go wrong, the more uneasy he became. How could he let Xiang Yu play dumb with him? He immediately asked, "Your Majesty, did you summon Bu here to discuss something urgent?"

After Lu Bu's urging, Xiang Yu frowned, but finally made up his mind.

—Well, since Fengxian was very similar to him in his hot temper when he was young, he would surely understand if he explained the key points.

So, under Lu Bu's urgent gaze, this majestic and dignified king, after hesitating for a long time, finally moved his thin lips, which had been tightly pursed and exuded a captivating coldness and murderousness.

The next moment, the Overlord slowly spoke: "The battle is stagnant and morale will surely decline. If there is still no victory news after three days, the army must also set out, led by me personally, to attack Qi in the north."

Lu Bu understood instantly: this fool has a quick temper, and is getting anxious because he has been idle for too long, and he really can't wait any longer.

Lu Bu once deeply agreed with the idea of a quick victory in battle, and even highly praised it.

Looking at the hesitant Xiang Yu, he couldn't help but think of himself who once was proud of charging into the battlefield and being invincible.

However, the further one progresses, the more one relies solely on the bravery of individual combat, the more he is destined to suffer the misfortune of being exhausted, captured, and isolated and helpless sooner or later.

If you don't want to fight a protracted war and end up exhausted, you need to spend more time on using strategies to win over the enemy's mind, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

—What a pity.

Lu Bu subconsciously stroked his uninjured neck, and his teeth had been clenched tightly since he didn't know when.

Whenever he thought of the day at the White Gate Tower, he would recall the humiliation and pain of being hanged to death.

His breathing was rapid and his temples were throbbing violently.

—By the time he repented, it was too late.

Perhaps it was because he recalled the tragic past and looked at Xiang Hanzi, who had a fearless and ignorant face but was very similar to himself back then, that Lu Bu miraculously felt calm.

This huge pit is right in front of you. Unless you want to watch the other person fall into it, you still have to persuade him.

As long as he can keep his composure at this critical moment, no matter whether the cunning and wise Fox Eyes can succeed, he is willing to trust his cheap brother Han Xin a thousand times.

Even a master of martial arts and a master of military strategy could be overturned in the gutter of that stupid leopard...

The corner of Lu Bu's mouth twitched slightly.

Not to mention that he no longer had to keep his reputation for recommending the man desperately, it also meant that God was really determined to kill the fool in front of him.

As soon as Xiang Yu said that, he concentrated on observing his beloved general's reaction.

But I saw Lu Bu with an indifferent expression, his eyes were dull and lifeless, as if he was extremely disappointed. He just lowered his head and said nothing... My heart gradually became hanging.

He had a blank expression on his face and waited for a while. Still no response from Lü Bu, he could not help but ask, "What do you think, Fengxian?"

There was a hint of uneasiness in this gentle and gentle questioning, which was both unfamiliar and unfamiliar.

Lu Bu was also worried.

If he put himself in other people's shoes, he would easily imagine that this stubborn, self-righteous, brave and impatient fool in front of him would not wake up for a while even if he really got a bloody head.

Not to mention listening to what outsiders say.

Thinking back to the beginning, whether it was Chen Gongtai, Gao Fujii, or even that young guy Zhang Wenyuan, they all advised him either directly or indirectly.

However, he seemed to be blinded by greed and insisted on having his own way. Even though he was in danger many times, he failed to wake up.

—Damn it, this is really difficult to handle!

When Lu Bu thought about persuading this stubborn and foolish king who was exactly the same as himself in the past, he felt that the road ahead was difficult and dangerous and there was little hope.

Xiang Yu saw his expression change for a while, and finally he became more and more dejected, and his brows could not help but frown deeply.

The two men had different thoughts and remained silent for a long time. It was Lu Bu who cheered up first.

Never mind, just give it a try.

If this fool really refuses to listen and insists on sending troops... the worst that can happen is that Chen Ping will lose his life before he can escape, but the advantage of his cheap brother Han Xin can always be preserved.

As long as the overall situation does not collapse, there is no need to be too harsh on this fool with a not-so-good brain.

As Lu Bu comforted himself in this way, there was a hint of kindness and tolerance in his eyes that he was not aware of.

When he met Xiang Yu's gaze, which was fixed on him without blinking, he cleared his throat slightly, without any expectation, and tentatively said: "In my opinion, this matter cannot be rushed, why not-"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xiang Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly brightened up and interrupted him: "What Fengxian said makes sense."

"Wait a minute—"

Lu Bu was stunned on the spot.

After he digested what Xiang Hanzi said... His tiger eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the man in front of him in disbelief!

Xiang Yu had been watching his expression carefully, and now he was completely calm. He breathed a sigh of relief, but his tone was normal: "Since I have waited for several months, it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer."

Lu Bu had a dull look on his face, and was in a trance, deep in thought.

I couldn't help but mutter silently: How come this fool's brain suddenly became so smart? Could it be that his heavy punch that day really opened up his mind

Otherwise, with Xiang Hanzi's stubborn temper, would he accept advice so easily

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

I’m afraid I took the wrong medicine!

His heart trembled, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Xiang Yu, who looked majestic and dignified, with extreme sharpness.

Their eyes met and they stared at each other in silence.

Lu Bu was aggressive and aggressive, while Xiang Yu had a deep look in his eyes but was confused in his heart.

When Lu Bu was sure that the other party was not speaking in anger, but really believed it, he was overwhelmed by joy and sorrow at once!

— Damn it, Xiang Yu suddenly became wise, which made him look so stupid that he was so stubborn and died in the past. He was even worse than the foolish king!!!

Lu Bu was sad.

Lu Bu was angry.

Lu Bu was both sad and angry.

But as he was getting sad and angry, he suddenly... became happy for no apparent reason.

"That's all."

Lu Bu snorted and curled his lips. Under Xiang Yu's worried gaze, he muttered to himself, "Okay."

He always viewed this fool as similar to himself: both were unparalleled in bravery and good at leading troops, but he trusted the wrong people, and made several mistakes, ending up being attacked by mediocre people and ending up in a desperate situation.

Now that the other party has changed his fate against all odds and made that biased evil old man suffer a terrible death, it is tantamount to avenging him a little... It is not too bad.