Unparalleled Conqueror

Chapter 79: Chapter 79


Zhen Er and his group of more than ten people were all killed in an instant.

As the instigator, Lu Bu, because he dodged intentionally, his body remained clean, without even a drop of blood on it.

He left in a hurry and did not bring many changes of clothes. Although he passed through many cities, he did not enter any of them. Along the way, he had to take good care of his clothes because he had to sleep under the sun and on the ground.

After giving his cheap brother a quick vent for his years of pent-up anger, Lu Bu felt refreshed. He did not even glance at the corpse on the ground, but jumped on his horse and rode the jade lion into the depths of the jungle.

After all, he came here from Xia Pi on a whim and was delayed for a while. Lu Bu looked up at the thick dusk, then randomly chose a place that he liked, tied the jade lion under a big tree, and prepared to camp there.

Unexpectedly, just as he fumbled out the dry food from his arms and was about to take a few bites, his ears suddenly moved and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

This dense forest is six miles away from the Huaiyin city gate. On the way in, apart from the chirping of insects and birds, no human voice could be heard.

But with his extraordinary hearing, he clearly heard a burst of orderly horse hoofbeats at this moment when night was falling!

What's going on

Lu Bu frowned and became alert.

Without thinking, he put the dry food back into his arms, untied the jade lion's reins, and held them tightly in his hand.

—Judging from the ground shaking and horses neighing, there are at least five thousand people!

Moreover, they are well-trained troops, not just a few groups of bandits, road bullies, or vagrant soldiers.

Logically speaking, the world had just been unified by that fool, and those princes who were capable of causing trouble were still in Xianyang, and there were no bandit problems nearby that needed to be eliminated. How could a group of elite soldiers suddenly appear out of nowhere

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more strange it seemed to him.

Although he hadn't figured out the reason yet, he had to make a decision as soon as possible as he heard the army, whether it was an enemy or a friend, getting closer.

Then he tied the reins in his hand into a ball and threw them on the jade lion's back. Then he slapped the horse's buttocks and urged this spiritual divine horse to escape in the opposite direction of the sound.

The jade lion had no idea what was going on and thought its master was joking with it, so it rubbed its big head against Lu Bu's neck affectionately and was reluctant to leave.

Lu Bu: “…”

It's such a critical moment, why is this silly horse still acting like a spoiled child

It was not until Lu Bu became really angry and slapped the jade lion on the buttocks with 50% of his strength that the jade lion was startled and jumped suddenly.

Faced with its master who suddenly turned hostile and ruthless, it felt aggrieved and looked back every few steps, and finally took small steps in the other direction.

It is true that a fool gives a fool horse!

Lu Bu's face darkened. He didn't care how unreasonable the idea was. He cursed the fool viciously in his heart. The next moment, he used his hands and feet without hesitation. With his tall body, he was like a nimble monkey. In just a short while, he climbed to the top of the tree which was five people high.

Taking advantage of the lush branches and leaves on the tree and the deep dusk, his figure could not be seen at all with the illumination of a few torches, so Lu Bu chose a sturdy main branch to sit down, with a solemn face, waiting for the true appearance of the army of unknown origin.

Because they were still some distance away, and there was the rustling sound of horses' hooves stepping on the thick fallen leaves and people pushing aside branches blocking the way, Lu Bu could vaguely hear what they were saying, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

It was not until the thousands of people were divided into countless groups and scattered into the forest that a group of people paced back and forth and finally came under the tree where Lu Bu was, and he was able to see their true faces.

Okay, let me see which bastard is causing trouble again!

Lu Bu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards the fire that was getting closer.

The leader had a stern face, wore shiny silver armor, was extremely tall, and rode a majestic horse that was completely black with only a small tuft of white hair on each of its four hooves...

The murderous intent in Lu Bu's eyes suddenly solidified.

The shock he felt the moment he realized who was coming was so great that his hands and feet suddenly went weak and he almost slipped and fell off the tree!

Damn it, why is this idiot here? !

Lu Bu's heart skipped a beat and he was completely panicked.

Looking at this majestic and imposing fool who came here in person with his troops, he didn't even know what he was cursing in his heart.

As he traveled eastward, he had a rare chance to be idle, and he couldn't help wondering how the Foolish Emperor, his cheap brother and others would react after he left.

He didn't expect Hanzi to wake up and realize how unscrupulous the decision to appoint a military general as prime minister and ask him to work for him all his life was.

But the other party would definitely feel regretful and miss him deeply if he suddenly lost such a wise and capable subordinate who was the best in the world.

After all, those who can get things done are not as good as him in understanding others, and those who understand others are not as good as him in getting things done!

Whenever he thought of this, Lu Bu couldn't help feeling proud.

But he never dreamed that this fool was so stubborn that he actually followed closely behind him. After only half a day, he brought most of his men to chase him!

Lu Bu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although he had been in the Chu camp for nearly two years, he still did not know much about the mysterious and unpredictable behavior of this foolish king who appeared calm on the outside but was honest and ruthless at heart.

He did not seek fame or wealth, and even left behind the Longyuan Sword. He only took away the jade lion that had been given to him earlier and a few worthless gold ornaments for the room.

How come it was just such a small thing that the new emperor was alarmed and came to arrest the person personally

The princes and ministers headed by the old man surnamed Fan are all just there to do nothing. They actually allowed the king of a country to walk around recklessly!

Just when Lu Bu was confused and in a state of panic, the sullen Emperor of Chu, who was standing below, happened to urge his black horse to come under the tree where Lu Bu was.

Under Lu Bu's horrified gaze, Xiang Yu suddenly turned over and dismounted from his horse, leaned his back against a thick tree trunk, and closed his eyes to rest.

Looking at the posture, he is actually planning to wait here for his subordinates to report the situation!

Lu Bu: “…”

He was so shocked and guilty that he didn't dare to move.

When I finally breathed a sigh of relief, I realized that I was covered in cold sweat. Even my palms, which usually didn't sweat, were wet, and the bark felt slightly damp when I touched it.

He had originally chosen a comfortable position and sitting posture, but now he was sitting on top of this fool who was as sharp-eyed and sharp-eared as he was, so he dared not move at all.

I was afraid that if I made the slightest noise, this fool would look up...

Just as Lu Bu's whole body stiffened and turned into a stone sculpture, staring at the fool who had caused him so much trouble, the other soldiers who were searching in the forest came back one after another.

As expected, these were all the Chu Emperor's close troops, faces that he was quite familiar with after these two years.

"Your Majesty, we have found the jade lion that General Lu rides on!"

One of the teams found a jade lion that had not run far and was just wandering aimlessly nearby. They immediately felt like they had found a treasure and quickly brought it to His Majesty.

Xiang Yu, whose face was as gloomy as water, finally opened his eyes at this time, and a little light appeared in his dim pupils.

He followed Lu Bu all the way here, and after hearing someone report that a dozen hooligans who were bullying the locals were killed by a ranger from nowhere outside the dense forest on the outskirts of the city, he rushed here without stopping.

After checking the fatal wounds on the bodies that were still warm, the original 90% certainty became 100% certainty.

Only Fengxian has such beautiful and sharp skills.

Only Fengxian possessed the majestic spirit and compassion to care for the young and eliminate evil wherever he went, and he is still praised by the people of Qi.

Xiang Yu's eyes gradually softened.

In the past, Fengxian was still a lowly person with little influence, but he still dared to personally behead the King of Chu, Xiong Xin, who had humiliated him during the banquet.

Today I dare to ride a thousand miles just to kill the evildoer Zhen Er who humiliated my sworn brother Han Xin in the past.

—As long as the horse is there, the man must not be far away.


Xiang Yu felt relieved and nodded slowly: "Keep looking. Fengxian has done what Yaoli did before, so he must be good at hiding. Don't miss any secret places."

Hearing the determination in His Majesty's words, everyone was startled and responded in unison: "Yes!"

Lu Bu was watching from above, still shaking his head happily, completely unaware that it was the stupid horse that betrayed its master's whereabouts because of its failed escape. He only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

If I had known this, I shouldn’t have ridden this stupid and eye-catching thing!

It was a pity that it was too late to regret. No matter how angry he was at the moment, he could not stop Xiang Hanzi who insisted that he was hiding in the forest and wanted his soldiers to turn the place upside down.

The only hope was that Xiang Yu would be able to find somewhere else before daybreak, which would make his hiding place obvious...

Lu Bu's mind was in a state of confusion, and he dared not move at all.

There was no one around except the two guards and Lu Bu on the tree. Xiang Yu stared at the leisurely jade lion without saying a word, and suddenly asked softly as if talking to himself: "Where is your master?"

The jade lion blinked innocently.

Xiang Yu sighed lightly and said nothing more.

This question naturally fell clearly into Lu Bu's ears.

He frowned and pursed his lips uncomfortably.

He really couldn't ignore the melancholy in his heart, and for the first time in his life he couldn't even call Xiang Yu, who was asking the horse questions, "stupid".

Logically speaking, he had retired after achieving success. Not only did he not owe anything to Emperor Han, but it should be said that he benefited Xiang Yu.

Why does it feel like he owes Xiang Yu a lot now

Just when Lu Bu was puzzled, Wuzhui, who had been nibbling on the tender grass out of boredom, suddenly tilted his head.

The next moment, its black eye happened to meet the gaze of Lu Bu who was hiding among the branches!

Lu Bu's throat tightened inexplicably.

The next moment he laughed at himself silently: Was it because Xiang Yu's sudden action frightened me so much that I lost my mind? It was just a horse that found me, what's the big deal

No matter how human-like Wuzhui is, he cannot speak human words. Could he possibly report him to his master

Little did Lu Bu know that his idea was extremely wrong.

—Wu Zhui is indeed unable to speak, but he has the talent of leaking information.

Xiang Yu had his eyes closed, not knowing what he was thinking about, when he suddenly heard his beloved horse getting restless and nudging him with its head from time to time.

What's wrong

Xiang Yu looked at Wuzhui in confusion, who had suddenly become extremely agitated for some reason.

Wuzhui ignored Lü Bu's glare filled with anger and warnings. He first pawed the ground with his two front hooves, then raised his head and neighed, nodding his head from time to time at his stupid master who had not yet understood his intentions. He was indeed working very hard.

Xiang Yu was completely confused. He looked at the strange behavior of the black horse for a long time, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

Although he was a little slow, he had fought side by side with Wuzhui for many years, and the man and the horse had a tacit understanding between them.

He instinctively looked around, but didn't notice anything. The next moment, he suddenly had an idea and raised his eyes with bated breath.

He saw that his beloved general, whom he had been thinking about and searching for for the past ten days, was lying on the tree like the legendary giant tiger.

A pair of eyes reflected the bright firelight, blazing silently and looking straight at him.