Unparalleled Conqueror

Chapter 9


Lu Bu dragged Han Xin to the tent, but did not rush in.

After eavesdropping openly for a while, he realized that Xiang Bo, a traitor, was also involved and was likely to sabotage him.

Xiang Bo has been haunting Xiang Yu recently, and it is obvious that he is still loyal to the Han army and is thinking about how to deal with Liu Bang.

Lu Bu curled his lips in displeasure.

He thought that Xiang Yu's missing pupil should have grown into his eyeball, otherwise how could he have double pupils

Only then would one be so stupid as to not see the traitor hiding beside him.

Despite his complaints, he decided to wait.

After all, although he came here with the purpose of killing Liu Bang and then escaping after his great revenge, Han Xin still had to continue to stay in the army.

He could have said something rude, or even started a fight in anger, offended the person badly, and then ran away.

But Xiang Bo could continue to be proud by relying on his relationship status, and he couldn't let Han Xin, this cheap brother, down on him.

Lu Bu was kind for once and did not explain his hidden thoughts. He just dragged the confused Han Xin for a stroll nearby. After the envoy of the King of Chu had farted and Xiang Bo went to see him off attentively and spontaneously, he slipped into the tent with Han Xin.

Hearing the sound of them opening the curtain, Xiang Yu, who had already noticed the footsteps of the two men, raised his eyes indifferently and asked impatiently, "What's the matter?"

He was tall and sturdy, wearing a battle robe. His extremely majestic figure was cast into a long shadow by the bright candlelight behind him, making him look even more majestic.

Anyone who has made a military plan and is determined to defeat the enemy who underestimates him, but is then manipulated and stopped by a puppet king who despises him even more, would be in a very bad mood, especially Xiang Yu, who is always arrogant.

Lu Bu was not afraid of his unhappy mood. While Xiang Bo was still not back, he said with full energy: "General, we have a plan to offer!"

"… "

Xiang Yu looked puzzled, but did not attack. He just nodded doubtfully.

He admired Lu Bu's outstanding ability of entering the palace alone and assassinating Ying Ziying, but he did not expect that the other party was also a wise general who was capable of planning

This curiosity really made him more willing to listen attentively.

Unexpectedly, after getting his promise, Lu Bu took a half step back and returned the words to Han Xin: The plan was not his in the first place, and he was not the kind of person who liked to take credit for others' work, so he would not take away Han Xin's plan.

Seeing that it was Han Xin again, who always loved to negotiate on paper and talk seriously, but performed mediocrely in charging into battle and had only ordinary qualifications and was giving advice, Xiang Yu suddenly lost interest.

He drooped his eyelids and absentmindedly watched Han Xin's mouth open and close. After a while, as if he had finished his work, he nodded slightly and said, "I have understood. You can leave now."

This cold reaction has already announced the result of this suggestion.

Even though Han Xin had long given up hope, he still felt depressed.

However, because it happened so many times, he was used to it. After a moment of uncontrollable disappointment, he quickly calmed down and withdrew calmly with Lu Bu.

What surprised Han Xin was Lu Bu's indifferent reaction.

He was absent-minded, not knowing what he was thinking about. When he caught Han Xin's inquiring gaze out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly came back to his senses and looked over.

Those eyes were full of energy and determination. How could there be any discouragement or anger at not being able to offer any advice

Lu Bu misunderstood why Han Xin was staring at him. He held his breath for a moment and tried to comfort him, "Brother Han, don't be discouraged. Even if the general doesn't use any tricks, we won't just sit there and wait for death."

He really didn't take this small defeat seriously.

After all, in his opinion, Xiang Yu had such a smooth start like Yuan Benchu, but ended up committing suicide by slashing his throat at the Wujiang River. Besides being really unlucky, he was probably not very smart.

Now it seems that it is true.

—It’s a pity that despite his superb martial arts skills, he is just a fool.

Tsk tsk.

Lu Bu smiled with pity.

-After all, although he occasionally acts on his own, most of the time he still listens to the opinions of his advisers.

No problem.

Since the King of Western Chu was so foolish as to refuse to follow his advice, he could just do as he pleased.

Whether it was the escape from the Eastern Capital Luoyang or the departure from Yuan Benchu in the middle of the night, what prompted Lu Bu to suddenly abandon everything or change his decision for no reason was a mysterious and wild intuition.

It’s a pity that although this intuition is accurate, it occurs very rarely.

But every time she appears, she can save his life in such a great crisis.

Coincidentally, Lu Bu had a similar, vague intuition at this time... When the King of Chu came to his senses, it would be his chance to "do his own thing".

However, Xiang Bo, who took the initiative to escort the King of Chu out of the camp, was still excluded from the plan of disguising the royal edict by the suspicious other party, even though he was loyal to his yet-to-be-seen relative Liu Bang, and was completely kept in the dark.

He had no idea that this royal envoy was an impostor of the Han army, but he was genuinely happy for their timely arrival: with the King of Chu mediating, even Xiang Yu, who had a explosive temper, could not openly ignore it, and could only follow the edict and keep his troops in place for the time being.

It is not far from Pengcheng to Xinfeng. If the king is on the way now, he should arrive in another four or five days.

Fan Zeng was extremely dissatisfied when he heard about this later, but he also did not expect that the Han army would be so bold as to forge a royal edict to stabilize the momentum of the Chu army in order to save themselves. He thought that the King of Chu, who had always been biased towards the Han army, was repeating the same old trick and forcibly interfering in this matter. He could only hold his anger and watch coldly as Xiang Yu canceled his plan to attack the Han army again under the joy that Xiang Bo could not hide, and waited for the arrival of the King of Chu.

Among the Chu army, except for Lu Bu who intended to take advantage of the situation and use it to carry out his own plan, there were only two people who guessed the true identity of the envoy of the King of Chu.

One was Han Xin, whose advice was not used, and the other was Chen Ping, who was a minister and one of Xiang Yu's aides.

I don't know why, but Chen Ping also remained silent, as if he didn't notice anything. He just lived his life in a low-key manner, and even seemed quite leisurely.

In comparison, Lu Bu was much busier.

He had been observing secretly these days, feeling both curious and envious: Even though Xiang Yu suddenly decided to go on an expedition twice and both times ended in nothing, the Chu army, which had inexplicably managed to have two full meals before the expedition, did not relax in the slightest, and not even a single questioning voice was raised.

It should be noted that the Chu army assembled under Xiang Yu at this time had a total of 400,000 soldiers, and the most elite 100,000 soldiers included the Jiangdong soldiers who followed Xiang Yu across the river to the north. If only they had always maintained strict military discipline, regarded their commander Xiang Yu as their only support, and obeyed him completely, Lu Bu would not find it strange - just like when he heard the rebels' noise, he immediately rushed to the Gao Fuyi camp that he trusted the most.

But it was incredible that the remaining 300,000 soldiers, who were incorporated into the Chu army at a later stage, were convinced and respected Xiang Yu as a military god.

It stands to reason that the more people there are, the more chaotic the situation will be, and the harder it is to maintain military discipline. The King of Western Chu is indeed amazing, but how on earth did he manage to attract so many people to follow him wholeheartedly despite making so many stupid moves

Xiang Yu, who was deeply troubled by the increasingly arrogant King of Chu, had no idea that among the spear-bearing soldiers who occasionally appeared in front of him, there was a man who was concentrating on observing his every move and trying to find out the mystery.

Amid the stupidity among the lower ranks of the Chu army and the subtle strange atmosphere among the upper ranks, King Xin of Chu finally arrived in Xinfeng.

After enduring the first two days in fear and trembling, Liu Bang finally dared to believe that Zhang Liang's plan worked when he saw that the Chu army was still quiet and motionless.

Xiang Ji, that stupid guy, was actually deceived!

He slowly let out the breath he had been holding for two whole days. A few days later, as he watched King Xin of Chu's carriage enter the Chu camp from afar, he knew more clearly that he no longer had to worry about the Chu army launching an attack in the middle of the night or the army overwhelming him. He was truly safe.

He grabbed Zhang Liang's hand and said gratefully, "Thanks to your brilliant plan, you fooled Xiang Ji and saved the lives of 100,000 soldiers of our army from the Chu army's iron attack!"

Zhang Liang's expression was not really relaxed. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly and said, "I don't deserve your thanks, General. Besides, the difficulty I am facing right now cannot be considered resolved yet."

Liu Bang's heart was lifted up again, and he said in dismay, "Why is this happening?"

"The presence of the King of Chu can at most make Xiang Yu a little afraid and he won't kill you." Zhang Liang analyzed slowly, "However, Xiang Yu's military exploits are so great that he has already shocked the lord and the restrictions he has been subject to are already minimal. With these alone, it would be difficult for you to force Xiang Yu to abide by the agreement that 'whoever enters the pass first will be king'. It's better to give up as soon as possible."

Having just experienced the fear of rashly angering Xiang Yu and incurring his wrath, Liu Bang, who felt sympathetic, no longer dared to be so ambitious as to dream of becoming the King of Guanzhong by relying on the agreement with King Huai.

He sighed for a while, and said with pain: "It is just as you said. When King Huai arrives, I will open the Hangu Pass and give up the Guanzhong area."

Since I can't keep it, I might as well hand it over. At least it looks better.

Zhang Liang nodded slightly: "As long as the general makes some concessions and the King of Chu mediates and appeases Xiang Yu, then in the future, the fiefdom you receive will not be as remote as the Bashu area." He can also ask for the fertile land where his family is, seeking a reunion, and perhaps he can get Xiang Yu's approval.

When the Han camp was plotting against Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu was in the Chu camp, facing his so-called lord who looked arrogant and ordered him around as soon as he arrived.

His face showed indifference, but his mind was not as restless as before. Instead, he was filled with a cruel murderous intent after making up his mind.

Although King Chu sat in the main seat and Xiang Yu sat in the second seat, to anyone's eyes, Xiang Yu was the one who held real power and had a momentum that completely surpassed the king.

Xiang Yu indeed never took the so-called King of Chu seriously.

King Xiong Xin of Chu was just an ignorant cowherd at first, but he had great ambitions. Not only was he not satisfied with being a flag used to summon soldiers, he also wanted to be in power and dreamed of abandoning the donkey after it has done its work and destroying the bridge after crossing it.

It's really ridiculous. If there were no Xiang family in the past, who would remember the noble bloodline of a mere cowherd boy, and who would take him seriously

Apart from the ignorant King of Chu, who surrounded him and spoke nonsense to him, which one of them was not appointed by Xiang

The King of Chu felt embarrassed when he gave orders to Xiang Yu but received no response. He also felt that he was in a very dangerous situation as he was alone in the tent with a tiger that had inexplicably become quiet.

So he decisively left the tent after leaving the request of "after entering the pass, I will hold a banquet in the Qin Palace, apologize to Pei Gong, and resolve the grudge", and slowly left surrounded by guards.

Xiang Yu said nothing from beginning to end, until Xiang Bo, who had been waiting outside for a long time and had not received any orders, could no longer bear it and took the initiative to go inside to ask. Then Xiang Yu said indifferently: "Just follow the king's wishes and send an envoy to ask Pei Gong to prepare a banquet."

Even though he was not very politically sensitive, he was very clear that the reason why the King of Chu requested this ridiculous banquet was nothing more than to tear off his face, throw him to the ground and step on him openly, and at the same time show off his power to Liu Bang.

Liu Bang, who had rudely refused him outside Hangu Pass, should have come to the Chu camp for the banquet and explained in person. However, at the request of the King of Chu, it became absurd that Xiang Yu treated his ally arrogantly and needed to "apologize" to the other party.

When you can no longer tolerate it, there is no need to give in anymore.

A hint of bloodthirsty sinisterness flashed in Xuanyi's double pupils.

—Let him be proud of this last time.