Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 28: The most beautiful place in Luodu(3)


This question was obviously meant for Mu Qingge.

The transparent figure smiled dejectedly: "That was only four or five years ago. At that time, I was ignorant, not so domineering and arrogant, and my temper had not become perverse. Because once during the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, I Wandering in the palace, I happened to pass by a flower bed, but I didn't expect that the flowers that were in bud suddenly bloomed in an instant, attracting countless colorful butterflies. This phenomenon naturally attracted the important figures in the palace. At that time, the Queen Mother saw the strange thing from a distance After the elephant, she said with emotion to the people around her: "This palace is full of exotic flowers and plants, treasures in the world. They have not yet reached their full bloom, but they are competing for their beauty because of the little guys from the Mu family. It can be seen that, Our young master from the Mu family is really stunning in the world, the most beautiful in Luodu. Even Hua'er can't help but compete with him!';';After that, this word spread, and every time I went out The mansion will attract a lot of curious peeps."

Mu Ge was dumbfounded. The origin of the most beautiful woman in Luodu was too mysterious. Why did it remind her of the scene when Her Majesty Empress Wu of the Great Zhou Dynasty visited the garden in the middle of winter and ordered the flowers to bloom

Empress Wu at least issued an imperial edict and threatened her. Where does she admire the young lord? You don't have to do anything, just stand there.

"Ahem, will such a vision happen again after that?" Mu Ge asked curiously.

Mu Qingge rolled her eyes at her: "I don't have that free time." As she said that, she smiled self-deprecatingly: "Later, my reputation as a playboy gradually rose, and people forgot my appearance and only remembered me. The number one tyrant in Luodu."

Mo Ge was speechless.

Mu Qingge raised her lips and smiled: "If Prince Rui hadn't accompanied you out today, you would have seen another wonder."

"What?" Mu Ge asked subconsciously.

Mu Qingge raised her chin and said, "Everyone avoids you like a snake and a scorpion, and the main street of Luodu turns into a strange scene of empty alleys."

"..." Mu Ge was depressed.

In the teahouse, Qin Jinhao was in the private room, having already prepared exquisite refreshments for Muge, who came in last. How many young girls can resist such attentiveness

Especially, such a thing was done by a cold-faced prince.

No, Mu Ge, who had just entered, received Bai Xiyue's jealous and resentful eyes.

Bai Xiyue did not take a seat, but took the tea spoon from the tea master in the teahouse and took over the task of making tea.

Muge didn't have much interest in drinking tea.

Sitting across from Qin Jinhao carelessly, playing with the tea cup in his hand, waiting for Qin Jinhao's next words. After playing with him for so long, she didn't believe that this man still had the patience to keep silent.

Sure enough, when Bai Xiyue finished boiling the first pot of tea and poured it for the two of them, Qin Jinhao slowly spoke: "Qing Ge, you were shocked this time. It's all your fault. But, It was an unintentional mistake on his part. He was imprisoned in the Mu Mansion by his father-in-law. His father begged me several times to intercede, but I didn’t bother to pay attention. However, now that you are back safely, it’s better to let him go, so as not to let your husband suffer. It is difficult for me to do this in court."

Have you finally revealed your true purpose

Mu Ge sneered in his heart. Why come to visit her and buy gifts to comfort her? But it was all to get her to let He Cheng go.

"Even if grandpa doesn't let He Cheng be killed, he can't let him go so easily!" Suddenly, a voice filled with hatred came from beside Mu Ge.

Mu Ge was a little surprised. She had thought that Mu Qingge would be soft-hearted if Qin Jinhao spoke in person.

"What's going on..."

"Boss Mu, boss! Are you in there? I heard you were in there, so I came in!"

Before Mu Ge could answer Qin Jinhao, a male voice in the stage of changing his voice interrupted. As the words faded, the door to the elegant room was pushed open. The guard of Prince Rui's Mansion who was guarding the door instantly drew his sword and pointed it at the incoming person.

Qin Jinhao, who was interrupted from his conversation with Mu Ge, frowned unhappily, and the temperature in the private room suddenly dropped a few degrees.

Only Mu Ge, who was unfamiliar with the owner of the voice, looked at Mu Qingge, but only saw her weird expression...

(End of chapter)