Unscrupulous Business Woman

Chapter 28: Lake boating (3)


"Five girls beware." Sagong Yi's warm words made people feel particularly comfortable, especially Murong Xue at this moment.

"Thank you, son." Murong Xue spoke to others in a drowning sweet voice for the first time.

Sikongyi only felt that Murongxue's hands were exceptionally slippery. She didn't pay attention, she had already put her hands back.

"Miss Fifth is really delicate, she almost fell down on the boat. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought Ms. Fifth had done it on purpose!" Si Kongchen felt very uncomfortable when he saw the scene of holding hands just now. , So the words are particularly unpleasant.

"Chen, go in quickly, Miss Wu, don't mind, he is a child's character." Sikongyi glared at Sikongchen on the boat. This younger brother is becoming more and more willful, and he blames himself for pampering him too much.

"It's okay, I don't know the same as children." But if you are an adult, then I must be more accountable, and I also need to calculate the cost and profit together. Murongxue suddenly thought about Si Kongchen's frivolousness that night, and came up with a good idea in her heart. Unexpectedly, today's anger was all out.

Everyone got on the boat and settled down, while Murong Xue was taking a leisurely walk to see the scenery. Si Kongchen was still thinking about the scene just now, and seeing Murongxue alone and no one around him, he stepped forward and grabbed Murongxue's hand.

Murong Xue deliberately turned in front of Si Kongchen, waiting for this moment.

"What do you want to do!" Murongxue pretended to be angry and kept struggling because there was no medicine on the back of her hand, but only in the palm of her hand. She had to let him catch her palm.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing? Don't let Xue'er go." Sikongyi accidentally bumped into him. He saw that it was Sikongchen who suddenly caught Murongxue, and Murongxue was also frightened by his behavior and shouted more than.

"Brother, don't be fooled by this woman." Si Kongchen suddenly roared and let go of Murongxue's hand. Of course, Murongxue also successfully pressed his hand to the palm of his hand.

"Chen'er, you go in!" Si Kongyi was a little angry. This younger brother is really getting more and more disrespectful. Xue'er is his sister-in-law, and he actually grabbed her by the hand when there was no one!

"Brother!" Si Kongchen was a little unconvinced, but there was no way. Who called him his brother? He listened to him most. So I had to go in obediently.

"I just scared you, my brother is young and ignorant, don't care about him." Si Kongyi felt distressed when he saw Murongxue who was still in shock, so he whispered extraordinarily.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, so I'll go back first." Seeing that the goal was achieved, Murongxue didn't need to stay here. She should go back to rest and rest, and wait for a good show.

"When you pass the door, he won't be so ignorant of the rules." When Sikong Yi saw Murong Xue fled away, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but one was a beloved brother and the other was a beloved woman. No, wait. Wait, when did Murongxue become her beloved woman? How can she compare with Sikongchen

Sikongyi didn't say anything, nor did he pursue it, because he was also taken aback by his own thoughts. He needs to calm down. Does he really like her? If you really like it, you must treat her well, but will she really forgive herself if she retires herself? He has to think about it. After all, some things can't be child's play. His heart has changed a bit for her, and he is no longer just the previous matchmaker. This is something he never expected.

"Miss, it's all sorted out. Would you like to sleep for a while?" Huan'er looked at Murongxue with a smile, knowing that she was in a good mood at this time, and she didn't know what happened just now, so she let her home Miss, so happy, it seems that this lake tour is really a good idea.

"Did she wear the exquisite jade hairpin for the fourth sister?" Murongxue reached out and picked a grape and threw it into her mouth. Ah, it's sour and sweet, so refreshing!

"The fourth lady was wearing it at the time. Huan'er really didn't understand, so good and exquisite jade hairpin, how could the lady be so willing, but Baoer specially left it for the lady." Huan'er was a little confused, such a good thing, It's nothing for Miss Fourth.

"There is a saying,'I can't bear the child and can't catch the wolf', hehe, I'm tired, take a break first, you know what to do, tell the four of them to seize the opportunity." Murongxue kindly reminded.

"Oh, Huan'er got it." Huan'er went out dejectedly. Her young lady was so strange that she actually dressed her girl so beautifully to seduce her future mate. Hey, is it going to change.

Sure enough, after a while, there was good news: the second young master Sikong was chaotic after drinking, and kept chasing her maid.

Murong Xue was still lying on the beauty couch, looking like a sick beauty, listening to the story in Huan'er's mouth. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyuan's medicine was really "coming when the medicine came." After thinking about it, Murongxue was happy. How could she miss such a good show? It was time for her to appear.

"Huan'er, let's go out and have a look. After all, the maid is the person next to me." Murong Xue said weakly.

"Okay, I will help you."

When Murongxue walked to the ship hall, what she saw was Sikongchen's slightly red eyes, staring at her maid, but why did Sikongyi not respond

"Young Master Sikong is indeed as the name suggests, very romantic, why don't you even let this little maid like me go!" Murongxue looked at Sikongchen slightly angrily and scolded him fiercely, but she cursed like " Master Sagong".

Was awakened by Murongxue’s voice, Si Kongchen suddenly realized that something was wrong with him, and shook his head violently to keep himself awake, realizing his gaffe, suddenly blushing, no matter how romantic he is, he won’t be so gloomy. , What is going on today, it must be an evil.

Sikongyi always prefers not to be indiscriminate and cleans herself up, so even if Murong Jin sits by her side, she has no chance to get close to herself, of course something like Sikongchen will happen.

"My brother is drunk and lost, sorry, brother brother, don't hurry up to help the second young master go back to sober up!" Sikongyi's cold voice still echoed in the cabin, because of Murongxue's "Master Sagong".

"Yi, don't mind too much. Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by Beauty Pass. What's more, Brother Chen is also romantic and suave. It is common for him to lose his attitude after drinking. It is just a few little girls who don't know the severity. Don't go back! Murong Feng glared at those little girls fiercely, not knowing what Murongxue thought, she made her dress more fancy than herself, and deliberately dangled in front of Young Master Sikong, deliberately seduce them, and just saw Si Kongchen. He was embarrassed to interrupt the rise, but now, the five sisters are here, we must treat them well.

Several little girls were scolded by Murong Feng, shaking with fright. The young master has always been a vigorous and resolute master in the house.

"Brother, what does this mean?" Mu Kongxue was a little dissatisfied. It was obviously consensual. Although Si Kongchen had Chinese medicine, it was consensual, but she always put the blame on women, which is too hateful!