Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 100


The corner of Lu Yiqian's mouth twitched, who was it that seduced her with beauty? !

Caressing their foreheads, the consciousness goes in without hindrance, the contract, the conclusion!

Two gorgeous contract patterns bloom under the feet, and then the promotion pattern flashes!

Hughes is originally a sanctuary. Signing a contract brings extremely abundant magic power. Signing a contract is more like having some kind of rules. Hundreds of stars, or sanctuary, it's all the same, it can bring the magic power needed to advance!

However, what will happen after Sanctuary is promoted

god? !

The storm is surging, the rules of heaven and earth are descending, the aura of Hughes is getting more and more shining, and the green is getting more and more intense!

The rules of heaven and earth descended with great momentum, and the king of elves became a god, attracting attention from all directions!

All the elves watched with wide eyes. This will be the most exciting moment in the history of the elf city. A god will appear among the elves!

The sky and the earth buzzed and trembled, and Huus was wrapped in green leaves.

God-level powerhouses appeared in the elves, and the power of Hughes' promotion was also fed back to Lu Yiqian! Hatchback benefits!

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After a while, the green leaves scattered, and an extremely gentle and handsome man came out!

The same green hair and blue eyes, but more distracted and radiant, with a more elegant and ethereal temperament! There is a pair of slender and transparent wings growing out of his back, which is very beautiful, and there is a lot of energy stored there, which cannot be underestimated!

"This is just the beginning!" Bai said lightly.

Hughes, who became a god, saw the white tiger, and his heart was shocked. The shock was even greater than when he saw the white tiger when he was still in the sanctuary!

He knelt in front of Lu Yiqian on one knee, submitting to his master, to Baihu!

As soon as he knelt, all the elves knelt down one after another, clattering!

He wanted to express his gratitude, thanks to Lu Yiqian and Baihu for saving them from danger, thanks to Lu Yiqian for making a contract with them, thanks... But he couldn't say a word, the feelings he and the elves conveyed unmistakably, on the contrary, it was more moving than saying thanks Heart!

Lu Yiqian helped Hughes up and shook hands with each other. The friendship in his eyes was self-evident!

From now on, the elves belong to the master Lu Yiqian!

"It's still not enough!" Bai was not satisfied, and looked at the main elf tree, maybe...

The main elf tree is huge. It is the oldest tree in the world. It is a magical tree. It is so high that it reaches the sky. The trunk is so thick that you can’t see the edge. The elf king city can be built on the branches. All the trees belong to it. Children of all forests are its families! The main tree of elves even gave birth to elves, and elves were born from its elf fountain!

This is a tree of life!

Without any hesitation, Bai raised his beautiful jade feet and said domineeringly: "Old tree, if you don't show your face again, be careful that I will break your old bones!"

Everyone obviously felt the tree tremble violently, and soon an old voice begged for mercy: "Lord Baihu, please spare me!"

Trees can talk? is it possible

Lu Yiqian's eyes were opened today!

"Don't think that I wouldn't know you after you changed your skin. If it weren't for the love in the past... Huh, you are considered smart to hide in this continent." Bai raised his foot and put it down, and raised his foot and put it down again.

The main elf tree trembled as Bai's feet rose and fell: "Master Baihu, please forgive me!"

"Give you a chance to make a contract with my master, and I will spare you." Baihu threw down a condition.

"Master Baihu's... master?" The poor Elf Master Shu was so frightened that he trembled, and the Elf City trembled like a major earthquake.

"Stop talking nonsense, you old tree is the most cunning, in a word, contract or not?" Baihu wiped his hands: "Although I have been sealed with a lot of power, it is more than enough to deal with you."

The elf master tree secretly complained, would it dare not make a contract

"Yes, I am willing!" Elf Master Shu said immediately.

Then Bai smiled softly over Lu Yiqian: "Little idiot, go make a contract with this old guy."

The main elf tree trembled again, oh my god, Lord Baihu actually laughed, oh my god, it's too scary! However, it is so wronged, why is it so fierce to him

Lu Yiqian looked at the sky speechlessly, "Bai, you are so awesome, you have contracted all the elves, and you still won't let go of the elf master tree... But, she likes it!"

The purple contract pattern lights up under the root of the main tree of the elves. It's big...it's gorgeous...well, to be honest, I can't see anything. The ground is wider, and its roots are extremely deep.

Then, there are two advanced apertures, naturally, I can't see it!

"Ah, I've been promoted, I've been promoted!" The old tree was very excited and surprised, really "twittering", as if he was young... Well, I don't know how many years!

The old tree was surprised, and Lu Yiqian was also surprised. Who could tell her that an old tree can grow to four hundred stars? ! And this old tree... is quite peculiar, it can actually give birth to life! This ability needs to be studied carefully...

The old tree is still in excitement, and the promotion is still going on. It clearly feels that its body is full of majestic power, and four trees grow out of its body, all of which are its clones, namely: the tree of wisdom, the tree of life, The tree of defense, the tree of war, I believe these four trees will grow rapidly in time! This change is very surprising, a bit similar to a genetic mutation, is it because Lu Yiqian has contracted many phantom pets

The elves come from the main elf tree, and with the changes in the main elf tree, the elves have also changed, that is, each elf has a pair of wings growing on its back!

The master tree of the contracted elves fills up the ninety-nine magical power seas in Lu Yiqian's body, and there is still a little bit left to advance! (to be continued)