Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 121


Immediately, Lu Yiqian saw mountain flowers blooming all over the mountains, rainbows hanging high in the sky, stars shining brightly in summer, and snow covering the ground in winter... All descriptions are not enough, and the language is too thin.

Lu Yiqian's face turned red in an instant, he was clearly the god of death, why did he look like this? Is it because death is too lonely to compensate for such a face

Looking at each other, there are invisible emotions spreading.

The god of death suddenly opened Lu Yiqian's clothes!

Crystal... mellow... The snow-capped mountains wash the blue sky, the clear water washes the mountain springs... the red flowers of Shandandan...

The bright red one is the nosebleed of the god of death, one drop, one drop, and when it falls, it becomes a blood lotus, which quickly penetrates into Lu Yiqian's body.

Sometimes, being too exciting is not a good thing, it will hurt your body, if you don't believe me, please look to the god of death!

The Grim Reaper has stayed!

If Wanlei ran wildly in his mind, the electric shocks continued!

Excessive stimulation can result in disability in the slightest and casualties in severe cases. If you don't believe me, please look at the god of death!

Lu Yiqian saw that the god of death did not move for a long time, and his nose was dripping with suspicious liquid, so he couldn't help but reminded: "Why haven't you checked?" Looking at him in a daze, he was a little dissatisfied. Could it be that his body is so poor that both humans and gods are angry, and he didn't respond? . Forget it, doctors are probably so rude and ignorant!

Reminded by the master, the god of death came out of the situation of Wan Lei's violent bombardment a little bit, and his hands involuntarily grabbed Lu Yiqian's chest.

Strange touch!

Catch two more!

Boom boom boom! The body responds faster than the brain, Lei Ben, Lei Bang!

Nosebleeds are flowing into streams!

Improper stimulation can easily lead to madness. If you don't believe me, please watch Death!

Bursts of unbearable heat surged in Death God's body. It was strange for his body to be icy to cold, and it was strange to be able to generate heat. What's more, it was like a tide of heat. This kind of experience has never been experienced for many years!

But checks have to go on!

Xueyin, that damned little colorful bug, is so hateful! Lu Yiqian cursed it incomparably, it was too uncomfortable to be inspected like being stroked, especially facing a face... called Tiandi's pale and colorless face, isn't this a blow to her? !

The Grim Reaper tried his best to ignore the thunderstorms in his body, and was shocked by electric shocks all over his body, carefully...checking...

But that Xueyin is too cunning, running here and there, oops, it's so disgusting, completely disregarding the god of death, now it's a world of ice and fire!

The darkness in the eyes of the god of death changed, he lowered his head suddenly, kissed Lu Yiqian's lips, and immediately, sucked!

No matter how calm Lu Yiqian was, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, with countless question marks in his eyes. Could it be that this is also part of the inspection

Lu Yiqian's eyes are too innocent, his lips are too delicious, the god of death covered Lu Yiqian's eyes, sucked the bug out, ignored the thunder in his mind, and kissed a few times reluctantly, even if his body was about to start a fire, he got up and covered the cloak again , turned around, not daring to look at Lu Yiqian, he was afraid that if he took one more look, he would be unable to hold back...

"Well, are you out?" Lu Yiqian blushed slightly and asked.

The god of death waved his hand, and the bug appeared in his hand, twisting in extreme fear. He wanted to say, little bug, I don't care about it at all, but when the words came to his mouth, he only got a hoarse and low voice: "Um."

Lu Yiqian looked at the colored blood and asked, "What are you going to do with it?"

"I want it to die magnificently!" The voice of the Grim Reaper gritted his teeth.

Xueyin also seemed to feel the tragic fate it was about to face, and twisted its body even more frightened, but no matter how hard it twisted, it couldn't twist the palm of the god of death.

Although I don't know how Reaper dealt with Xueyin, I do know that there were waves of roaring planes flying over the Beastman Kingdom, but it was the sound of Reaper's speeding flight!

Too much stimulation will lead to inappropriate behavior. If you don't believe me, watch Death!

After this ordeal, Lu Yiqian's mental defense skills have greatly improved, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

The red brocade weakly emerged from the space of the phantom beasts. Although the master had cut off the audio-visual just now, the beasts still wanted to know what happened. It asked pitifully: "Master, in the future, I will transform into a human form, can I kiss you too?" Owner?"

Yin Qiang said, "I want it too!"

Shui Se snorted coldly: "It's worthless, at least you have to overwhelm the master!"

Lu Yiqian: "..."

What kind of phantom pets did she have? !

The Beastman Kingdom's seizure of the throne has ended, and Lu Yiqian left more than a hundred magic stones to return to Anping, but when he left, he unexpectedly received a letter from Fu Bo.

"Lu Ningxiang was assassinated, Missy, please return to the capital as soon as possible!"

Lu Yiqian's first reaction was to go to the imperial capital and find out what happened

For love, Lu Ningxiang is her only mother in the Magic Dance Continent. For reason, children have the obligation to serve their parents!

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What's more, the meeting of the head of the Lu family has a great impact on a family and even a country! If it is not handled properly, it may give other countries an opportunity to claim. After all, Lu Ningxiang is a brave general at the border. Once she falls, the border will be like loose sand. If other countries want to attack the city, it will undoubtedly be much easier!

There is also my lovely brother Lu Xianghui, I haven't seen him in half a year, I miss him!

Don't hesitate, start now!

Going fast, traveling through the mountains and forests, and when I went to the hotel to rest, I often heard people mention the most popular mage Ren Woxing recently. It is said that she is unparalleled in beauty and very powerful. She stole the limelight in the orc siege battle. Mention the mysterious man in black and the heavenly man in white! It's just that the man in black and the man in white are described as too bizarre and mysterious, but Ren Woxing, a woman who is clearly a third-level mage but heroically kills the enemy, won the hearts of the people.

After running wildly for a week, Longyang City, the imperial capital, is clearly in sight, straddling the horse and entering the city in one go!

"Hey, stop, isn't this Lu Shiqian, a coward of the Lu family?" The city guard officer stopped her, laughing intentionally.

No way, she is so famous that everyone in Longyang City knows her!

Lan Ruo's pretty eyes glared angrily, are these people blind or something, the master is a wimp? !

"Oh, as expected of a pervert, you actually brought such a small man back!" The city guard officer continued to laugh knowingly. (to be continued)