Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 131


A frantic ruthless light flashed in his eyes, today, today, must destroy her! If there wasn't that dazzling brilliance, he could still get her. At that time, she would still be that wimp who begged him!

Yu Qingchen touched a small bag in his bosom, there was a kind of hallucinogen in it, just spray a little, it can arouse people's lust, no matter how loyal a woman is, if she sticks to this thing, she will beg for help even in public Coitus.

It was originally used by nobles to court prostitutes, but when he became the son-in-law of the prime minister and became a second-rank official, there were naturally more corrupt officials who befriended him, and courting prostitutes was also a common occurrence.

I always carry this thing with me.

As long as the opportunity is found, this woman, she is finished!

When is the best time? It's best to leave the table quickly. When people are about to go back, he doesn't want to take advantage of others. This woman can only be his.

"Master, that person has been looking at you furtively, he must have no good intentions." Hong Jin said angrily, if you want to harm the master, you deserve it

"Do you want me to go..." Yin stretched out his claws and slapped his neck.

Lu Yiqian patted the heads of the two beasts amusedly: "Don't make trouble, just keep an eye on him and see what he wants to do."

The two beasts led the way.

The banquet continued.

A flash of surprise flashed in Qin Feiran's eyes, and he greeted Lu Yiqian, "General Wei Qian, come and sit beside me."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned. The seat next to the monarch is qualified to be the queen and concubine. Could it be...

Qin Xingluo gave his elder brother a displeased look, and pulled Lu Yiqian back: "It's more appropriate for her to sit next to my younger brother."

Lu Yiqian rolled his eyes, it was more comfortable to sit with Qin Xingluo than to sit beside the monarch, and said, "I am willing to sit beside Prince Qin."

Qin Feiran smiled slightly, but felt a little disappointed in his heart, Xing Luo obviously had a crush on her, he couldn't win her love with a knife, this woman was rebellious, unlike ordinary people, his small harem probably couldn't accommodate her.

After the banquet, both the host and the guest were happy, but there were also a few who were unhappy.

One is the prime minister, during this period he has been drinking heavily, Lu Shiqian is in the top position, and the Lu family can toss for a long time.

The second one is Xu Jun Lu Caiyun, naturally it is jealousy of jealousy, jealousy of jealousy, Lu Shiqian's performance in the hall, although it did not spread to the common people, it quickly spread among the officials.

The third is Yu Qingchen, he is the most breathless and resentful!

"Father-in-law, I'll teach her a lesson." Yu Qingchen said bitterly.

"Oh, what can you do?" The prime minister still believed in his son-in-law's ability.

"As long as you distract Prince Xingluo away for a while, I will definitely ruin that bitch's reputation."

The prime minister thought about it, and felt that this would deal a severe blow to the Lu family, so he whispered, "Be clean."

The prime minister raised his wine glass and said: "Prince Xingluo, I have something important to discuss with you, please follow me to the pavilion to discuss it."

Seeing the prime minister leading Qin Xingluo away, Yu Qingchen immediately came to Lu Yiqian's side, took out the hallucinogen, and sprayed it on her.

With a wave of Lu Yiqian's sleeve, the phantom potion didn't fall on her at all, but was sucked up by Yu Qingchen!

Yu Qingchen was afraid that the dose would not be enough, so he increased the dose, shooting himself in the foot, and the thing reacted quickly on him.

He is frivolous on his feet, full of desire, unable to tell the difference between east, west, and north. When he sees a figure, he wants to press it up and take off the other person's clothes. An overwhelmed man.

Lu Yiqian gave an evil smile, and purposely shouted: "Master Yu, what's wrong with you, come help me!"

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With this shout, those who hadn't left in the garden turned back again, and a large number of guards and some doctors also rushed over.

Come over and take a look, everyone is stunned!

I saw that Yu Qingchen had already stripped naked, and was taking off the clothes of an ugly man. The man was protecting himself tightly, shouting no, help, the scene was very shocking!

The prime minister, Qin Xingluo, also rushed over when he heard the voice. When the prime minister saw this scene, he was shaking with anger, and kicked Yu Qingchen aside: "What are you doing, you bastard?" A son-in-law hugging a man would be unbearable.

When Yu Qingchen was kicked, not only did he not feel pain, but he felt strangely comfortable. He hugged his father-in-law, put his lips together, kissed wildly, stripped off his clothes, and was going to force him!

When had the prime minister seen this battle, his eyes were straightened in horror, he punched and kicked, and shouted for help!

Yu Qingchen felt comfortable, let alone let go, desperately wanting to take off his father-in-law's clothes!

Seeing this, the prime minister's daughter couldn't accept it, she yelled, and ran away crying!

What a farce!

Everyone was stunned!

"What are you standing there for, and you still don't pull me away?!" The prime minister yelled frantically, his teeth bared and his guts broken with fright.

The guards came to their senses and made several people hold Yu Qingchen down, and then rescued the prime minister who was stripped of his underpants.

"You...you bastard, bastard!" The prime minister was so angry that he wished he could kill this trash. How can you stay on the official road? ! Looking at that dog again, he still has a flirtatious smile on his face... The more you look at it, the more you hate it, the more you look at it, the more angry you become!

Yu Qingchen's desire was incomprehensible, his strength was astonishing, he broke free from the restraint of the guards, and frantically rushed for someone, everyone was terrified and coaxed them away.

Yu Qingchen didn't distinguish things, just wanted to find something to relieve his desire, and ran forward. The doctors and guards were afraid that something would happen to him, so they all followed him.

But it is said that the palace breeding room is in front of it, and there are some punk pigs that will be slaughtered.

Yu Qingchen rushed forward, and the powerful force pushed the pig down...

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But people know that Yu Qingchen is finished, very sadly finished...

Qin Xingluo poked Lu Yiqian's scalp numbly and said, "Did you do this?"

Lu Shi is absolutely innocent: "I didn't do anything."

Well, indeed, student Crystal Scorpion put a special smell on those pigs, so that Yu Qingchen could smell it, and followed the smell... But she didn't do it, did she? (to be continued)