Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 144


They don't spare children, women and the elderly...

In the city, blood flowed like a river!

Yihe was captured without any surprise, the border town was in a hurry, and the state of Qin was in a hurry!

An urgent message was sent to Longyang City, and Qin Feiran summoned soldiers to deal with the enemy's situation.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is coming fiercely, why don't we pray together." The prime minister said with cupped hands.

Qin Feiran slammed the documents on the prime minister's face that the soldiers of Song Dynasty broke the city and massacred women and children, and said murderously: "I invite you to find a way, not to watch the fun!"

"Your Majesty, I beg you to resist the enemy!" Lu Ningxiang, who was rumored to be dead, walked into the hall wearing a battle armor, followed by Lu Yiqian.

The prime minister looked at her like a ghost, rubbed his eyes, and shouted, "You, you're not dead?!"

Lu Ningxiang glanced at him coldly: "Isn't it what you want if I die?"

The prime minister said angrily, "What do you mean?"

Lu Ningxiang folded her hands and knelt in front of Qin Guojun: "Your Majesty, I was originally poisoned, but after treatment, I recovered. While pretending to be sick, I discovered a big secret!"

Feiran helped Lu Ningxiang up: "Thank you General Lu, can you tell me what you found?"

"The prime minister and the prime minister's daughter, His Majesty's second brother colluded with the state of Song and betrayed the state of Qin. They have already handed over the defense map of our army to the enemy, and they plan to join forces with them to destroy our state of Qin!" Lu Ningxiang said angrily.

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As soon as this remark came out, the court was shocked!

The minister treasoned and gave away military plans, the prince treasoned and prepared to destroy Qin!

Qin Feiran's expression changed several times, he stepped back a few steps, and asked coldly, "Prime Minister, is this true?"

"Wrong, she spitting blood!" The prime minister shouted innocently, with tears streaming down his face, knelt down, and wept endlessly: "How could I do such a thing that deserves to be struck by lightning? I am wronged. Your Majesty must Check it out!"

Lu Yiqian held a bottle of green potion, smiled like a devil, and walked out, saying: "The prime minister is not wronged, just drink this bottle of potion and you will know. If you didn't lie, drinking it will do nothing. If you lied , if you drink it, you will die miserable, dare you drink it?" The medicine is made of water and color, and it is guaranteed not to be fake or shoddy.

"Drink first!" Lu Ningxiang snatched the potion and drank half a bottle. What she said was true, so naturally nothing happened.

"Do you dare to drink it?" Lu Yiqian handed the remaining medicine in front of the prime minister, "If you tell a lie, it will really turn your heart into a puddle of foul-smelling pus."

The prime minister's head was dripping with sweat. If he admitted to lying, His Majesty would definitely not let him go, and his daughter and grandson would be hurt. If he did not admit to lying, he would have to drink the green stuff! Which one to choose

Seeing the undisguised smile on Lu Yiqian's face, he snorted secretly, she was trying to cheat him, and she was a little tender, how could there be such a magical medicine in the world? ! He drank it, he lied, what can he do

What can I do? Lu Yiqian looked at the Prime Minister with pity: "Why bother, if you admit it, maybe His Majesty will understand your previous hard work and not kill you, alas, I can't figure it out."

The medicine had already reacted in the prime minister's body, his skin began to peel off, his body began to dry up, and his liver and intestines were broken!

"You... what you said is true..." Regret, regret, drink that medicine!

"I'm not lying." Lu Yiqian said coldly.

Pfft... After a puff of yellow smoke, the famous prime minister disappeared completely.

Lu Ningxiang shivered: "Qian'er, your medicine...is it real?"

Lu Yiqian spread his hands innocently: "Mother, I won't lie, you know that!"

The matter is already very clear, what Lu Ningxiang said is true!

Qin Feiran didn't hesitate any longer: "Come here, arrest the traitorous concubine Huang Meijiao and traitor Qin An, if you are resisted, shoot and kill!"

After dealing with the family affairs, now it's time to discuss how to deal with the national crisis, Qin Xingluo stood up and said: "My brother please order to fight against the enemy!"

At this time, he was calm and stable, and the family enmity and the country's hardships were imposed on him, but he did not shake him in the slightest. It can be seen that his mind is tenacious. This young man, at this time, looks very cute!

Qin Feiran immediately named him Marshal of the Three Armies and ordered him to lead the whole army to fight against the enemy!

Although Qin State responded properly, but only five million troops were raised. With five million to deal with Song State's long-prepared tens of millions of troops, is the outcome certain

Qin Xingluo said: "Go to the country together, even if you die, you will not surrender!"

The battle has begun on the front line!

The people of Qin are brave and unyielding, resisting the enemy without regret!

When a warrior with his arm cut off is still fighting on the battlefield, when a mage with his stomach pierced stabs his sword into the enemy's body before dying, when a soldier with half of his head cut off spits out blood to blur the enemy When a general whose leg was smashed died and hugged the enemy tightly... the blood of the people of Qin was ignited!

Hatred and determination are intertwined, blood and fire are entangled, this battle is extremely tragic!

Qin Xingluo was commanding from the rear. Seeing the soldiers dying generously one by one, he couldn't help being angry, but he had to keep himself steady. If he also became restless and restless, then the soldiers would definitely die faster! Therefore, he must persist, firmly, persist!

The blood and fire are connected, filled with gunpowder smoke, cries and roars complement each other, roar and farewell, falling down, struggling, and then rising, tragic, is the main theme of Qin soldiers.

The glorious ancestors who fought for the motherland, fought for peace, and fought for ideals, this is a kind of glory, and the people of Qin State pass on this kind of glory!

Teenage boys joined the battle, gray-haired old men joined the battle, and even women were busy in the rear, taking care of the wounded and raising food!

They are all spontaneous, for their own country!

But there are too many soldiers in the Song Dynasty, the preparations are too full, and the equipment is too complete. Moreover, the Song Dynasty is still exporting troops to Qin Guoli in a steady stream!

A few poisonous snake-like eyes also stared at Qin Xingluo!

This is a group of assassins composed of eighth-level guides, who specialize in assassinating generals of the Qin State. So far, many soldiers have died in their hands. Their next target is Qin Xingluo, the God of War of the Qin Kingdom! (to be continued)