Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 148


However, after experiencing Bai's strength, the pressure of these seventy-seven beast kings is nothing to Lu Yiqian. , she is a fearless person, she is calm enough, and has strong analytical skills. Speaking of which, the person who cultivated her temperament and ability is the leader of the dragon team who is the incarnation of Lord Baihu.

The seventy-seven beast king was a little surprised. Under the threat of all the beasts, the woman still had her back straight and her eyes calm, which was really unusual. "You are much better than the previous few humans who came here, but you still have to die!" The black dragon fluttered down its huge fleshy wings, and launched it from its wings with a move of Spinning Dragon Illusion Kill.

And as the skills were used, the green star pattern under the black dragon also appeared, which turned out to be one hundred and twenty stars!

Black Dragon has a total of three skills, Dragon's Wrath and Wave of Death.

Xuanlong Illusion Killing is a group attack technique, which can hit the enemy in a large area. The scorching hot wind is like a hot blade, with great power, it is sent towards Lu Yiqian.

The strength of the 120-star ancient dragon clan should not be underestimated. With Lu Yiqian's current level, he naturally couldn't bear his angry blow.

But in conjunction with the world-shattering decision, Lu Yiqian flew up and down as lightly as a swallow, avoiding the attack with extremely elegant steps and the most suitable foot position.

Unsatisfied with dodging the attack, Lu Yiqian moved towards the dragon with strange dancing steps, jumped up, and rode on the dragon's back!

! ! ! Heihu felt his eyes cramping again. It knew that the man in black was awesome, but he didn't expect this extremely weak woman to be so crazy. She dared to jump on the back of Big Brother Black Dragon... in it In his long life, he never knew who had been on the back of the black dragon.

Lu Yiqian had his own plan, if he was within the range of the black dragon, he would definitely be taken as a target, but jumping on the back of the dragon would make other beast masters who were waiting for an opportunity feel apprehensive, and also prevent the black dragon from being able to use magic beast skills.

The black dragon is even more angry, how can its noble back be trampled by a weak human being

It has a long tail like a javelin, stabs at Lu Yiqian quickly, and shakes its body from side to side. As long as the arrogant woman loses her footing and falls to the ground, it will surely trample her to death! That's right, it's like crushing a bug to death!

While Black Dragon and Lu Yiqian were entangled, the other seventy-six beast kings faced Death.

These angry guys can't wait to tear the god of death into pieces, so they are not polite, and each of them launches the most powerful skills!

All kinds of skills are like bullets, cannons, apertures, water patterns... Rush towards the god of death!

When these skills come together, how amazing will their power be? It is more than enough to destroy a country!

Reaper stood still, all those skills overwhelmed him!

Will the Grim Reaper die

Death's black hair flutters, black clothes flutter, black scythe, lift it up, and then put it down!

Black ripples rippling under the feet, in front of the body, behind the back, on the head, where the ripples passed, everything disappeared, all the skills, the unmatched power... all, dissipated.

"Ants, you are too bad." Reaper didn't even shake his figure.

All the beast kings were shocked, stunned, and didn't know how to react!

The black tiger was shocked by the god of death early on, and has a certain ability to resist blows. At this moment, its eyes are cramped, and it is staring at the god of death speechlessly. How awesome is he? A total of seventy-six beast kings attacked with all their strength, and they blocked them all. Should they be so awesome, or should they be so ruthless? As for the word "ant" in his words, he even called it collapse, ant, has he ever seen such a big ant? Heihu sighed here, on the other side of Heilong, he was also unable to stand steadily! It has been with these beast kings for more than 100,000 years, and it is clear about their abilities. Two beast kings can fight it to a tie, and three beast kings join forces. He didn't even break a piece of his clothes! A huge sense of powerlessness immediately pervaded its whole body!

"Hey, it's not a good habit to be distracted when fighting the enemy!" Lu Yiqian touched its neck, where there were a few tiny scales, which happened to be the thin scales on the black dragon's soft meat. unplug it.

"Oh..." the black dragon let out an unstoppable scream of pain, and couldn't help but feel extremely sad. If you don't want to bully the dragon like this, you will destroy its prestige and pull out its scales. You know, when the scales at that position are pulled out, It hurts like digging flesh out of the heart, how could she do it

"Master, can I eat them?" Death asked Lu Yiqian.

This question caused all the beast kings to shiver. The man in black with such unreasonably strong feelings has pica, and he even wants to eat his soul? Qi Qi took a few steps back, looking at the god of death with fear in his eyes. A powerful opponent is not terrible, what is terrible is that the powerful opponent wants to eat me, but I am still powerless to resist! Sad, sad, thinking that they were originally the kings of the commanding party, and now not only have their bodies taken away, but even their souls have to become food for others, so sad!

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All the beasts were saddened from their hearts, and their heads were all downcast. They just waited for the woman to say yes, and they were ready to obediently treat them as delicacies.

Lu Yiqian walked up to Death God, took his hand, and pressed a kiss on his cold lips: "Hey, they're not very tasty, um, be obedient, give them to me."

The temptation of delicious food or the kiss of the host, which is more important? The Grim Reaper decisively asked for the latter species: "Master, I want more."

Sure enough, the master's lips were more delicious, and the god of death spontaneously embraced Lu Yiqian and took a sip.

Lu Yiqian turned around and said, "Now, your thorn flower army belongs to me, you can make a contract with me."

contract? The black dragon's eyes lit up, so they don't have to die? However, can she contract all the beast kings? But the next moment, its eyes dimmed again.

"You can't make a contract with us, and we can't leave here." The black dragon bowed his head and said.

"Why?" Lu Yiqian wondered.

"Follow me and you will know." The black dragon lowered its head and led Lu Shiqian and Death God forward, and the beasts made way.

Behind this square is a stone with a seal engraved magic circle, and a magic staff is inserted in the middle of the stone. (to be continued)