Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 16


Lu Yiqian personally roasted an elk-like monster until it was fragrant!

When she was a member of the dragon team, she went out to do missions, and she had never encountered any kind of environment, and barbecue was naturally a piece of cake.

But how did the Lu family know this, especially the smell of barbecue in the air, which is even more delicious than the dishes of Yipinju, the best restaurant in Kyoto.

After Lu Yiqian roasted the meat, he cut off a piece with a knife, and handed over the rest to the big head! A group of big men suddenly went crazy, even grabbing and picking, tearing off the meat without fear of the meat being hot, and stuffing it into their mouths, eating with great satisfaction while blowing hotly!

Ha, what a lovely group of men!

Lu Yiqian suddenly felt a sense of arrogance, in life, he was supposed to be proud of the world, and when he looked up, he should have no shame in his heart.

They were eating and drinking, and five people came from a distance!

These five people are an adventure team.

There are countless adventurers in this continent, and there are naturally countless adventure teams. They generally make a living by hunting monsters, selling magic cores and furs, and more capable teams also take over commissions from you, the most prestigious of which are the three mercenary groups For: Canglong, Red Wolf and Agni! Their members are all over the Magic Dance Continent!

These five people are just an ordinary adventure team, and they make a living by hunting low-level monsters and magic cores.

They are composed of two second-level warriors, a third-level mage, an archer, and a female doctor. The first one is a young man in his twenties.

These five people hunted in this forest for three weeks, but they only hunted a few monster furs and did not even get a magic core. Living in groups, or beginning to be intelligent, it is not so easy to catch. They heard that there is a kind of magic rabbit in this forest that is one star and not too hard to catch, so they came here to hunt, but they were unlucky, they didn't even find a rabbit fur for three weeks, at this time they looked depressed and hungry.

"Brother, look there is someone in front of you!" The one who spoke was a simple-looking martial artist, who was the first to smell a very delicious smell of barbecue.

Might be able to ask for something to eat, maybe they've run out of food in three weeks.

Wan Fei looked at the group of people, there were about fifty people, all of them were wearing armor, and they were the generals of a certain big family at a glance. He was reluctant to deal with those big families, but his hunger was no longer enough for him to be proud. He approached the group of people with a harmonious atmosphere, bowed and said: "Wan Feng, the captain of my silver-blue adventure team, because I didn't bring enough food for this adventure, I wonder if you can sell us some dry food."

The fifty people immediately stepped aside, and a stunning woman stepped out from the middle.

I saw her black hair as black as ink without wind, her face was crystal clear like the moon, her face was as delicate and white as the moon, her eyes were as black as the night and her eyes were as deep and beautiful as the night, her figure was slender and her figure was elegant, and she was wearing a blue dress, which could not conceal her peerless elegance!

Wan Feng was almost dumbfounded. He swore that he had never seen anyone prettier than her in his life. This person is naturally Lu Yiqian.

At this time, she looked at the adventure team a few times, showing some interest in her eyes. If she can join the mercenary group to experience adventures in the future, it will be a good life experience.

Seeing Lu Yiqian staring at him, Wan Feng showed a few meaningful smiles on his face, and for some reason, his face turned red first.

"Big head, tell the brothers to prepare some dry food and give it to these few!" Lu Shiqian said.

"No, no, we are willing to buy it." Wan Feng said quickly.

"It's fate to meet each other, it's fate, and it doesn't matter to send a few bags of dry food to relieve everyone's urgent needs, there is no need to shirk!" Lu Yiqian laughed.

As soon as these words came out, the two teams immediately admired them.

The Lu family will think, I never imagined that the young lady is so righteous and loyal, and she can help people who have never met before. It's really admirable. Who said that the young lady is a dandy and incompetent girl before, even if she doesn't know martial arts, can she have such chivalry? The heart is also admirable. Follow the lady, sure enough, I don't know who called injustice a few days ago.

Wan Feng thought, this woman is really different, she can give them help without asking why, this kindness is admirable, and the words also come to the heart, the acquaintance is fate!

Wan Feng took the dry food bag, and suddenly leaned over to put his ear on the ground, and said with a serious expression, "No, we are surrounded!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a howl of wolves in the distance!

One after another, the howling of wolves continued, and the sounds were actually continuous!

The faces of Wan Feng and his teammates changed drastically. They could tell that they were surrounded by a one-star forest wolf. This kind of monster likes to live in groups and eat meat. It is cunning and fierce. It is a kind of monster that is difficult to deal with!

Moreover, there are no less than a thousand people surrounding them now!

Forest wolf, sexual bloodthirsty, quick action, good at cooperation, afraid of fire!

These forest demon wolves are about half a person tall, about two meters long, and gray-black in color. They surround Lu Yiqian and the others from all directions.

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The four servants assigned to Lu Yiqian had never seen such a formation before. Looking at the demonic wolves surrounding them, they felt extremely terrifying. When they thought that they were about to be torn apart by these vicious creatures, they couldn't help but tremble in horror. Eyes wide open, shivering.

Naturally, this group of Lu family generals have never seen so many demon wolves. Although they are the weaker group in the Lu family, they are still soldiers. Come.

Wanfeng swears, he has never seen so many monsters in his life, no wonder the monster rabbits in the forest have disappeared without a trace, it turns out that a group of evil wolves have come! Their silver and blue team was afraid that it was going to be over. Thinking of the unrewarded ambition, he couldn't help feeling very sad. He raised his head and looked at Lu Yiqian. At this moment, she was surrounded by the Lu family army. Although she was just a girl, she didn't show any panic on her face. , his expression was shocked, and he despised himself a little. In the face of despair, she was so calm, so even though Wan Feng couldn't defeat these demon wolves, he still had to show the courage to fight. (to be continued)