Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 166


No wonder he dared to venture into the Forest of Death, it turned out to be backed by him!

The strong think so.

And Song Yan's jealous eyes delivered it without hesitation! How could an ugly girl be worthy of having such a beautiful and powerful phantom beast, this phantom beast should belong to her? !

Lu Yiqian stretched out his hand to pull Wei Mo onto the horse's back, and the two-winged white horse flapped its white wings and soared into the sky!

"You, look, what is that?" A sixth-level adventurer stammered, pointing at the crowd flying in the sky.

"God, who are they, are they Sanctuary?" A seventh-level powerhouse worshiped.

"The sanctuary cannot fly." An eighth-level powerhouse said: "The only ones who can fly... are gods."

Everyone looked at the sky frantically, God, how far away from them...

The closer you get to the death forest, the more oppressive the atmosphere here is. The forest is filled with mist, which adds a bit of horror and weirdness to the forest.

People are still terrified of this ancient and terrible forest.

Who goes in first

Li Bing smiled enchantingly, and walked in with his team first. If you were scared at the beginning, then don't do anything.

Once inside, the light dimmed for a few minutes.

At the same time, thousands of pairs of small eyes have already stared at them.

When they all came in, each came under the surveillance of pairs of small eyes.

Firefox Hongjin jumped onto Lu Yiqian's shoulder: "Master, it's a carnivorous rat."

Carnivorous rats are fond of darkness and are afraid of light. Fist-sized, they usually prey on small birds and insects. When preying, the whole family will move out together. Usually the quality is poor, and occasionally there will be mediocre ones.

The five teams keep a certain distance and move forward.

The forest is very quiet, except for the occasional rustling of leaves.

The god-level powerhouse with a big knife is named Feng Zhongxin, he pointed forward casually, and an ice blade-like shadow of the knife slashed at something that was about to move over, stabbing a fistful of blood and rushing up!

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The forest was silent for a while, and soon, the rustling sound of countless leaves came out.

Swish, Swish, Swish!

A strip of protrusions moved towards people at an extremely fast speed.

"Form a ball, hurry up!" Mu Yiyi ordered decisively.

As expected of a god-level powerhouse, his reaction was quick, and soon a large circle of 300 people surrounded him.

"Squeak..." A carnivorous rat the size of a rabbit jumped out and was shot straight through.

"Ten-star..." The strong men were speechless when they saw the level of the carnivorous rat. They were exploring the forest for the first time, and the one who attacked them was the ten-star monster! Moreover, this thing is catalyzed by something unknown, and its size is much larger than what is known.

"Squeak..." Afterwards, hundreds of carnivorous rats rose from the ground, showing their gleaming teeth, and pounced on them.

No matter what, too much will appear scary. As the saying goes, too many ants can kill an elephant. What's more, the scene of so many carnivorous rats attacking together is really frightening!

How many carnivorous rats are there, hundreds? No, there are thousands of them, maybe more, because there are still a steady stream of rats attacking up, and there are so many jumping up and attacking humans at that moment, no wonder, none of the people who entered the forest of death came out alive Yes, these things are really powerful when attacking a person or a team in a group, and what is even more surprising is that these mice, which have no magical power, can actually spit ice arrows from their mouths!

Carnivorous rats are terrifying, god-level powerhouses are not vegetarians, every reaction is top-notch, and even with three rats shared equally, they can still achieve instant kills! As for Da Dao Feng Zhongxin, the white-haired old man Qi Zhan can hurt rats with vigor, and as for the guy who leaves the country, he is the easiest in the whole team, because there is no rat to provoke him!

In contrast, Lu Yiqian's side was the most strenuous, and the mice kept jumping and attacking her. It seems that they are well versed in the principle of bullying the weak, and they will not let go of Lu Yiqian, who seems to be the weakest.

"If she can't defend anymore, kick her out of the team. We don't want weak people." The Mediterranean old man said sarcastically after killing five mice with his flame fist. That arrogant face is as annoying as it is said to be annoying.

He is also from the royal family of Song Dynasty. His name is Member Song. He has always hated the people of Qin State and is usually defiant. That's right, since he was promoted to the god level, he has very few opponents, and his prestige is so high that even Song Huairen wants to enshrine him like an ancestor.

Song Yan's weapon is called Shan, which is a kind of clutch hook, and its trajectory cannot be recognized when it is fired, so it is called Shan. She deliberately showed off and killed five or six carnivorous rats in a row. "The teacher is right. Some people think that they can survive in this forest by walking through the back door. They are very wrong! If you don't have any strength, you should get out!"

The white-haired old man Qi Zhan leaned over to Lu Yiqian, ready to lend a helping hand, but he quickly stroked his beard and smiled, this little guy is still hiding something.

Lu Yiqian fought with a dagger in his hand, and it seemed that every time he was in extreme danger, he couldn't handle it every time, but every time, she was able to hold her own gap. She never wastes energy, let alone moves. Every time she swings the dagger, she must find the best point to achieve the greatest effect. There are only three mice, and every time she attacks, she goes straight to the vital point, and her evasion and attack are even more integrated. She seems to be in a mess, but she can deal with eight mice in an instant without losing. How can an ordinary fourth-level mage do this

Lu Yiqian is also testing herself, or embarrassing herself. She doesn't use red brocade or spells. She is exploring the limits of what her body can possibly reach. She is gradually proficient in the world-shattering technique, and she is about to break through the third wind and rain and enter the first stage. Four types of wind and rain.

She used this place as a testing ground!

Soon, other god-level powerhouses also noticed this. This woman with a bloated figure has extraordinary skills.

"Tch, is it something to be proud of defeating a few mice?" Song Yan said disdainfully.

A carnivorous rat jumped up and bit her thigh, and she became the first person to be injured with great "honour".

Impatient with the pain, she screamed in horror, her formation was slightly scattered! (to be continued)