Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 175


The strong people first looked at Lu Yiqian's tone and demeanor, thinking that she was going to summon some powerful phantom beast. They were surprised that Lu Yiqian had a white horse with 29 stars and two wings. Then they saw a red fox, a mighty silver wolf, and a An extremely rare crystal scorpion, when she heard her call again, she thought it would be an extremely vigorous phantom pet, but it turned out to be a puppy!

A slap-sized puppy!

The powerhouses were beaten. What use is such a puppy other than acting coquettish and wagging its tail

But that's right, the powerful pet contracted by this fourth-level mage is already the most powerful pet in history. Let her contract another powerful pet, will she still have to live? Think about it, among the god-level powerhouses, there are still many people who haven't found a satisfactory phantom pet!

Wangcai doesn't care what everyone thinks, it...began to change!

The night sky is misty and seems distant. The stars hang on the curtain of the night, like sparkling diamonds. Whose neck will this brilliant diamond embellish? The forest of death under the night is quiet, as quiet as a beauty, but I have never seen how sharp the fangs of the beauty after turning around.

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How long has the forest of death existed

Slightly mentioned in the oldest texts: Black waved his hand and made the forest of death.

What does black refer to, what does waving a finger mean? According to the literature, it is possible for the Forest of Death to miraculously appear in a very short period of time

The strange thing is that there are so many high-star monsters in the Forest of Death, but none of them go out to kill humans. Otherwise, the literature on the star-level types of monsters on the Magic Dance Continent will inevitably be greatly rewritten.

There are many unknown areas on the Magic Dance Continent, among which there are two most dangerous areas that are regarded as dead areas, namely the Forest of Death and the Sea of Illusion.

Even at night, the Forest of Death is still fighting constantly. Compared with the human world, this place is obviously more dangerous, more focused on strength, and more dangerous. Even at night, the fighting is still unabated.

But today, there was a different kind of sound in the fight, the "click" sound of metal colliding.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka." It was very slight, but it could be heard clearly.

I heard it clearly, but it was far less shocking than watching it!

I saw a palm-sized puppy quickly grow into a 30-meter-high and 60-meter-long dog, with charming light shining on its body, with beautiful lines, sharp blades of hair, metal wings on its back, and two sniper attacks on its shoulders. Strange creatures with cannons.

That's right, after the transformation of the fire of creation, Wangcai's ability has been greatly improved!

The strong men were shocked, and looked at Lu Yiqian with the eyes of a monster, is this woman so scary? ! Does her Eudemons have to be so perverted? !

Li Bing smiled very charmingly, very enchantingly, very seductively, the lake of heart that had been silent for a long time was rippling, this woman was a little more interesting than imagined, and she couldn't let it go. Otherwise, wouldn't his long life be boring.

Peach blossoms fluttered and scattered around him. Let's see, it's not too late to take action when necessary.

Wangcai picked it up nimbly, and slightly pulled it down with his sharp claws, the rhizome of the piranha was cut off like tofu. Adhering to the principle of bullying the weak, he first bit the piranha that was severely injured by the departure, and pulled the piranha's style with his big claws. The petals of the poor man-eating flower have been cut off, and it can't protect its vitals at all, so bite it with your teeth, I'm sorry, Wangcai is made of the best growable metal, and it can't bite at all. Cut off the style, this piranha is also dying, about to die.

After biting off one piranha, Wangcai tried his best to deal with the other one. First, the sniper artillery bombarded the piranha flower indiscriminately, and then jumped up, biting off the piranha flower's rhizome.

Ready to bombard again, the piranha neighed for a while, and moved the remaining rhizomes extremely quickly, and ran away.

Everyone was stunned, this phantom beast really is extraordinary.

Wangcai was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but was stopped by Lu Yiqian: "Wangcai, come back."

Wangcai shook his body, turned into a puppy that could be slapped again, rummaged through the pile of piranhas for a while, found a green magic core, picked it up, and jumped onto the palm of the owner, his tail wagging, wet The eyes are blinking and blinking, so cute.

"Take an X, pretend to be cute, shameless!" Yin said disdainfully. Well, it also wants to pretend to be cute, but it has a big body, so it can only pretend to be cute. It was about to walk up to its master to kick its master's legs, but Hong Jin beat him to it, and jumped onto his master's shoulder cleverly, wiping his face and wiping his face. "Pretending to be cute, shameless!" Yin said angrily.

The powerhouses looked at the giant beast again and turned into a puppy. Their eyes widened and they didn't blame them for making a fuss. The scene was really exciting.

Lu Yiqian touched Wangcai, Hongjin, and Yin rewardingly, and praised: "You are awesome."

Ever since, Wangcai rubbed Lu Yiqian's hand cutely, Hongjin's two tails were going crazy, and Yin's anger disappeared completely. Beasts all want to be recognized by their masters, and for them, getting recognized by their masters is the happiest thing.

"Master, this is for you." Wangcai put the magic core in Lu Shiqian's hand.

The forty-star magic core is crystal clear and very beautiful.

There are many magic cores in Lu Yiqian's space bracelet, all of which are hundreds of stars, and he has been suffering from being unable to absorb them. The god of forging has a way to use the magic core left behind. Just absorbing its magic power is a return of pearls. This thing can completely promote the evolution of the magic pet and enhance the quality of the magic pet. For example, if it is also a fire-type Eudemons, the dragon's dragon flame is much better than the fire fox's fire rain technique. If a piece of the dragon's magic core is used to evolve the fire fox, then the fire fox's fire rain technique will definitely Much more powerful!

It's just that although the 100-star magic core can be refined by the fire of creation, it is not easy to grasp. The 40-star magic core can be used to try it out.

There are countless plant phantom beasts with five stars and above in the Forest of Death. Yinpa took a ten-star vine that was almost trampled to death by piranhas and carried it to Lu Yiqian's tent.

After defeating the piranhas, the strong will rest and heal their wounds, ready for another adventure. With Lu Yiqian in the team, the confidence of the strong people doubled, and no one bothered her ignorantly when looking at the blue cloak. (to be continued)