Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 178


Everything is in the blink of an eye!

"Ah" Song Yan couldn't help screaming.

When people turned their heads, they were horrified to see round mouths full of sharp teeth protruding from Song Yan's side, swallowing the Sanctuaries around Song Yan one by one at an unstoppable speed!

"Old...teacher, help!" Song Yan felt that she was about to pee her pants, and she tremblingly asked for help from members of Song not far away.

How dare Member Song go to the rescue? That unknown monster can swallow even the sanctuary one by one. He frowned and shouted, "Come here quickly."

Song Yan was in despair, she could feel the chilly air around her.

"Tick-tick." She was incontinent, with feces and urine, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

The huge mouth that was about to swallow her obviously also disliked the taste, and they all turned around and attacked the others.

Whoever carries the most gold will be the target of priority attack!

Soon, a few more people were buried in the mouth, which is a matter of one sheet and one sheet, which is extremely fast! And people don't know what is attacking them except seeing the big black mouth and sharp teeth.

The more unknown something is, the more terrifying it is, isn't it

"Silver, Hongjin, Wangcai, come back first!" Lu Yiqian made a decisive decision and summoned back the three phantom pets, ensuring the safety of the beasts first. Leap lightly onto a tree branch, condescendingly observe the enemy's situation.

There are also those in the team who react very quickly, and can stab the monster with the sword at the moment of the attack, but when they hear a "boom", the sword body breaks! It can be seen that the monster's skin is hard!

Some mages froze the ground, but they still couldn't resist the monster's attack, which shows how powerful they are!

"Jump up the tree!" Lu Yiqian said loudly.

Everyone woke up like a dream and climbed the tree one after another.

However, when everyone climbed the tree, giant round shadows also chased them up!

But seeing the ground worms more than four meters thick and more than ten meters long also jumped up, their speed and agility, how could it be possible for a bloated body? Not only that, these worms can swallow powerful and corrosive sulfuric acid, and if it is contaminated with people, it will inevitably corrode a hole in its body.

These insects are ground insects found in ordinary forests, and are generally only the size of a human thumb.

Seeing that the flowers can grow so abnormally, it is not surprising that the earth worms can grow to such a huge size!

The earth worms are generally more than 30 stars, and their skin is firm and fleshy. They cannot be cut to death, burned to rot, or pierced. The sulfuric acid they spit out of their mouths is also extremely powerful. It is really tricky to injure and kill people when they touch it!

Plants and insects can still grow to this extent, needless to say more advanced monsters, they must be abnormally powerful!

"Be careful not to let the acid spray, avoid them jumping up and attacking, we should be able to deal with this bug!" Mu Yili must have more experience than others to sit on the position of Lord of Twilight City, and his observation and judgment are also sharper and stronger some.

The powerhouses nodded and opened their domains one after another.

Indeed, being beaten is too passive. God-level powerhouses should also show their prestige in the forest. Wouldn't it be more wronged

To release the domain, it takes a lot of magic power in the body. Generally, a god-level powerhouse can release it five times in a week, but the sanctuary can only release it twice, and then the magic power will be exhausted. Of course, the power of the domain is unquestionable, and it is the bottom-line method for god-level or sanctuary powerhouses to kill enemies and save their lives.

The release of the domain does not require spells, but is controlled by the rules of comprehension. There are thousands of rules, and it depends on which one you comprehend. Using the power of rules to attack is naturally more than one notch higher than using spells to attack!

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Comprehending the rules requires savvy and hundreds of times of accumulated combat experience, both of which are indispensable. The savvy is excellent, and he understands the mountains, rivers and earth, the sun, the moon and the stars. Ascend, progress, and surpass yourself in battle. Both are needed!

However...the world is so vast, looking at the universe and looking beyond this plane, one can feel the magic of creation, the vastness of the world, the things that can be comprehended, the directions that can be comprehended, even if it is only a subtle emotional touch, there are countless! All living beings have different comprehension points, which makes that field full of strange things!

Some people's fields are like a fire, others are wind like knives, some are like walls of earth, some are like water droplets... There are also those like swords, like fans, some can be invisible, some can be accelerated...

"These are relatively low-level rules, but you don't have to watch and learn from them." Leaving the border flashed to Lu Yiqian's side, and said instructively. At this time, he still had a slight smile on his face, and the gorgeous robe with the maple leaf pattern on the breast was still free from dust. This guy really knows how to enjoy it, changing clothes a day without repeating the same!

Lu Yiqian watched intently, his thoughts moving with the domain cast by everyone, as if violent storms, earthquakes and mountains, volcanic eruptions, lightning and thunder flashed through his mind... Two lives, various encounters, and the fire of creation Inspired by massive amounts of information, she seems to be above everything else, watching the world change and change with a cold eye. Suddenly, a flash of thunder flashed, and traces of life appeared on the ground... a small sprout took root in her heart.

After waking up, she was a little surprised at her state just now, but she quickly set her sights on the battlefield. She didn't know that when the sprout was born, her body was filled with a faint golden light.

The departure next to her was clearly seen.

Lu Yiqian soon discovered that among the crowd, there were four people who were relatively strong in the field.

One is Seven Slashes, his domain is surrounded by raging fire, the venom of the earth worms can't hurt him at all, the flame temperature is extremely high, regardless of the thick skin and flesh of the earth worms, wherever the domain passes, the earth worms are burned to death one after another. So much so that the ground worms didn't dare to get close to him, and burrowed into the ground one after another.

The second is Feng Zhongxin. His domain is composed of more than a hundred swords.

The third is Mu Yili, his domain is called One Sword Pointing to the Sky, he is indescribably strong, brave, arrogant, pointing his sword, killing insects like pulling Chinese cabbage.

Among the strong men, the one who understands the rules the most is Wei Mo.

His domain is a huge lotus flower, which is crystal clear and soft, indescribably white and elegant, stepping on the lotus flower, Wei Mo is like a lotus fairy, pure, translucent, and extremely beautiful. He was originally born with a pair of fox eyes, hair like ink, red lips, face like jade, naturally romantic, even with a disguise mask, at this moment he is amazingly beautiful. His expression was persistent and pure. The white lotus, the guardian lotus, he comprehended his love and protection for Lu Yiqian into rules, and transformed into such a beautiful domain ability! (to be continued)