Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 184


Bai scratched Lu Yiqian's nose: "As you wish."

With a slight wave of the hand, there was a wave of turmoil, and more than two hundred people were sent to the other side in the blink of an eye.

"Little idiot, I am not by your side to help you solve your troubles. I am only responsible for saving your life at the last moment, even if you are beaten to death, understand?" Kissing Lu Yiqian's red lips with a white kiss, the wild and domineering momentum of the sky is fully contained in the body.

Lu Yiqian nodded, as if he had returned to the moment when he first met Bai. At that time, he was the leader of the dragon team. Although he loved her very much, he would also be ruthless to teach her survival skills, learning fighting skills, and teaching her to be a A firm and resilient person!

It seems that since then, his eyes have been following her, paying attention to her, and never left.

Childhood, youth, youth, the love he gave to his parents, teacher, brother, and friends, but he didn't give her the love between lovers, but, God knows, he wanted to give her this kind of love the most, every patience was like a knife scrape It's like a dull pain, just because he knows that his little idiot will go to another world.

Now, he can finally pamper and love her in an upright manner, and he can also hug her and kiss her, how happy he is!

Love her, pet her, but never hinder her growth, he wants her to grow extremely radiant...

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He still has a lot of things to give her, for example, kisses and the like. His girl, his little idiot, he's put up with it for so long... Of course, it's all going to be slow.

Put away the overwhelming momentum, Bai looks like an extremely handsome, enchanting and invincible fairy-like figure, but he dare not look at his eyes, otherwise, he is like an ordinary person, no matter how hard you search, you can't detect the magic in him. force fluctuations.

As soon as the strong momentum was withdrawn, the monsters in the forest of death were ready to move.

Across the hollow lake, you will step into the sphere of influence of the macaw.

Macaw, a thirty-nine-star flying monster, is good at breathing fire, and its wings are extremely sharp!

These parrots are pretty good, and they are much more beautiful than those piranhas, ground worms, and magic spiders.

The macaw is a green parrot with jewel-like feathers, very beautiful and lovable. They have unique hobbies, that is, they like to collect gems and precious herbs, so entering their territory is more like entering a gem garden.

I have to say that the monsters in the Forest of Death are very powerful, but they are also very rich!

As soon as more than two hundred and fifty people entered their sphere of influence, they were stared at by them.

"Does anyone in our team want to contract those parrots? As long as you catch them, I will domesticate them into contractable phantom beasts." Lu Yiqian smiled wickedly: "Only my team can do that. "

Lu Yiqian's words caused two completely different effects. The people who belonged to Lu Yiqian's team cheered and were extremely excited, while the people who did not belong to Lu Yiqian's team shook their heads and sighed with regret, especially those who disliked Lu Yiqian's low level and changed out of the team. Even the intestines are regretful.

They believed what Lu Yiqian said, believed that she had reached the realm of a master-level animal trainer, and even more believed that she could tame thirty or forty macaws in one day, although even a master-level animal trainer might not be able to successfully tame a three-year-old macaw in a month. Nineteen star Warcraft. They just believed it, who wouldn't believe it after seeing Bai kissing her? Even the most unlikely thing has happened, so domestication is not worth making a fuss about.

This is a thirty-nine-star macaw, is it going to be theirs soon? Everyone in Lu Yiqian's team was fanatical. They stared at the parrot with excited expressions. Qi Zhan, Feng Zhongxin, Mu Yiyi, and Xifeng were the first to strike, and the others followed closely behind, launching a battle to capture the parrot.

To be honest, catching these parrots alive is much more difficult than killing them. Their wings, claws, and the flames they spit out are really enough for people to bear, but people's eyes like wolves preying on them make them tremble for no reason.

This team was catching parrots, and the people in other teams also started to snatch the gems collected by the parrots in order to comfort their wounded hearts.

They heard what Bai said clearly, and they also knew that their abilities were limited, and reaching the lake was already the limit. Before leaving, it is also necessary to get some loot. They should be rejoicing, if there is no Bai, they are probably already dead by now.

Qi Zhan was the first person to capture the parrot back. He had always hoped to have a high-quality phantom beast, and today he finally got his wish.

After contracting the macaw, the old man was refreshed, and he threw himself into the battle of catching the parrot again. He tried the armor fit and the soul fit, and his face was full of joy.

Soon, everyone contracted the parrot, that look, that was one excited!

After contracting the parrot, it's time to discuss whether to stay or not. Whoever wants to leave and who insists on staying will be decided immediately.

Wei Mo refused to leave, he looked at Lu Yiqian innocently, but the belief expressed in his eyes was persistent. He stayed, and when he left the country, he insisted on staying in the name of taking care of the students.

Shuang Ruyue is still smiling, but if you feel carefully, you will feel how stiff his smile is. He decides to leave, he wants to find a way to make himself stronger. Only when she is strong can she protect or snatch the person she wants, and she is qualified to stand by her side! There is a flame called paranoia flowing in him, and he will do whatever it takes!

The strong men did not dare to disobey Bai Bai, and decided to leave one after another. They tried their best, and they also saw the power of the Forest of Death. With their current strength, they could not go deeper into the forest. They also got great benefits. , is not too greedy. Of course, when they left, they also deeply remembered the name Ren Woxing, and they also remembered Bai, but even if they remembered Bai, an existence that people dare not look up to, they did not dare to recall it.

"Girl, come on!" Qi Zhan was very glad that he was on the right team at the beginning, he believed that the girl in front of him would be like a flying phoenix, with an unlimited future!

"Pig, don't die here." Xifeng said pretentiously. He knew that after this farewell, they might never see each other again, but there was such a unique woman in his life, so it was no regret. .

Shuang Ruyue wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word. He looked at Lu Yiqian closely and deeply. (to be continued)