Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 228


When Tianjue opened his eyes just after learning Jingshi, he saw Shang standing in front of her and staring at her coolly.

Lu Yiqian immediately remembered the matter of touching his ears, and let out a wailed cry, what a pity, now she, relying on little Zilong Junzun and the kitten, can barely block his attack within a hundred moves, if Shang makes a unique move, she will still I can't stop it.

The difference in strength is huge!

But don't forget that Lu Yiqian is the type who becomes more courageous as he gets frustrated, pulling Junzun and Kitten together, he is about to enter the battlefield arranged by Shang.

"They can't, it can only be you." Shang coldly kept the kitten and the little Zilong out.

"...Ah," Lu Yiqian finally couldn't help asking, "Is that why you don't want to marry me?"

It was Shang who answered her with a punch in the face.

Lu Yiqian didn't even think about it, a donkey rolled on the spot. Then, within eight hours, Lu Yiqian used the trick of rolling the donkey with great proficiency. Without the blessing of phantom beasts, without the support of phantom beasts, she was able to fight against Shang with only her own strength. It can be seen that Shang tried to lower his strength as much as possible, but Lu Yiqian was still beaten to the bone frequently. But soon, she fell in love with this way of fighting. Using only personal strength, spells and domains together, her brain moved faster and her calculations were more precise.

"Shang, how about this, if I dodge ten tricks of yours, how about letting me touch my ears?" Fighting, there must be some rewards to be passionate, right? His ears are so cute, so soft, so nice to touch. Anyway, she can't beat him, and she doesn't have to worry about marrying him one day, hahahahaha. But she forgot that when a person wants to lose, it's actually very easy... Ahem, of course, that's another story.

Shang said stiffly, "You dodge it."

Next, Lu Yiqian tried every means to evade the attack, using all kinds of tricks, but he couldn't do so. Shang didn't make her despair, he always knocked her into the air just one or two moves away.

After fighting for a long time, Lu Yiqian was exhausted, and she was one move away. She had missed one move many times, what should I do

Lu Yiqian suddenly pulled down his tattered clothes, slightly exposed his snowy shoulders, and smiled at Shang Shang.

And the move that could have hit Lu Yiqian accurately was delayed for a second because of this smile.

Lu Yiqian quickly dodged at the right time, and laughed happily. She used a crooked trick, a beauty trick, but a beauty trick is also a trick, as long as it achieves the effect.

"Little Shang'er, obediently, stretch out your ears!" Lu Yiqian was very proud.

Bing Cuangshang strangled his neck, very unwilling, very unhappy, and just stood there motionless.

Mountains don't move, water moves, you don't move, I move. Lu Yiqian happily walked over, wanting to touch his ears. Helplessly, Shang Chu looked like a pillar there, and he was nearly 1.9 meters tall, so it was inconvenient to touch.

Lu Shiqian naturally couldn't trouble her with such a small problem. She jumped up slightly, hooked her legs around someone's waist, hung on him like a koala, and quickly touched his ears with her hands, one hand was not enough , come two.

Soft and warm, it will shake when you touch it, it's so enjoyable!

A certain person's face was as black as carbon, but Lu Shiqian turned a blind eye to it and touched it with great joy. The result of eight hours of fighting is not easy.

"Tomorrow, avoid eleven tricks." Someone said coldly.


"Eleven tricks to touch." Someone endured it, damn it, how long is she going to touch? ! Also, why do I tolerate her so much, damn it! There was a great pleasure coming from the ears one after another, and someone finally couldn't help it, and pulled Lu Yiqian down: "Next time, only touch five times."

Lu Yiqian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, five strokes, yes, he didn't specify how long to touch, haha.

The next day, Lu Yiqian used another beauty trick at the last moment, this time she showed her thighs.

"Tomorrow, twelve strokes." Ice Cube said stiffly.

On the third day, Lu Yiqian shamelessly exposed his entire back and won again.

"Tomorrow, thirteen strokes." A certain ice cube said coldly.

On the fourth day, his fingers touched her lips, victory.

"Tomorrow, fourteen tricks." A certain ice cube made up his mind not to be tempted.

On the fifth day, Lu Yiqian was defeated, and on the sixth day, so, for a week, the ice cube man stopped doing her tricks. Lu Yiqian also became serious and tried his best.

She didn't know how great her progress was, it was a thousand miles a day.

And Shang is also an excellent teacher, knowing how to stimulate her, knowing when to hit her, and how to throw a bait when she is depressed.

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Just the day before the auction started, Lu Shiqian touched his ear again as he wished.

"Tomorrow, fifteen moves, you must attack me." The ice cube man said with a deep face.

"Little Shang'er, you are really getting more and more harsh." Lu Yiqian was slightly dissatisfied, and attacked him, just kidding.

Shang snorted coldly and didn't say a word.

Lu Yiqian had no choice but to accept his fate silently.

"Have you touched enough?" Ice Cube couldn't bear it anymore, and if he touched it again, his body would go limp.

Lu Yiqian was in high spirits, just imagine, the next time he touches his ears is still far away, how can he do it if he doesn't touch enough this time

Touching her ears, Lu Yiqian discovered for the first time that the devil's horn on Shang's head was very beautifully shaped. Driven by curiosity, she touched his horn.

Boom... There was a boom in Shang's head, and the pleasure spread all over his body.

The devil's horn is where the essence of the devil is, and it is also the contact point of the high-level devil. It is more sensitive than the ears. When touched by Lu Yiqian's soft hand, it immediately reveals an indescribable feeling.

The poor devil's son, who killed the world with ease and fearlessness, commanded thousands of demons with high spirits, laid down millions of corpses, killed like hemp, and had his horns touched for the first time in his life, and his ears were touched for the first time in his life a few days ago. I think he is a peerless genius of the demon family, a hybrid of the king of the demon plane and the king of the Shura plane... (Millions of words are omitted below) Well, he admits that he doesn't know how to deal with the current situation at all.

Lu Yi Qianjianshang didn't express anything (actually, someone was still in shock) and touched his horn again.

Hard, warm, with a unique touch, just enough for the hand to hold and stroke back and forth. (to be continued)