Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 231


Qi Wanru shouted: "Two million!"

Leaving the border cheerfully, the higher the auction price, the happier he is, and he is not at all worried that his favorite item will be auctioned by others.

Lu Yiqian glanced at Lijing: "Ten million!"

People were even more surprised, it really was a prodigal son!

Qi Wanru was waiting to bid, Qi Tianxiong stopped his sister: "When you reach this price, you can stop playing around."

Ten million, that's not a small amount, even the royal family can't take out ten million casually, let alone they still have important tasks.

Qi Wanru was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do. He stared hard at Lu Yiqian's box, and stopped shouting.

The auctioneer was very excited, and the last lot lived up to expectations and was sold at the highest price of the day: "One time for ten million, two times for ten million, three times for ten million, it's a deal!" A tree branch, at this moment, I can't wait to give Lu Yiqian a big hug.

Leaving the border was very happy, picked up the branch, kissed Lu Yiqian quickly, and deliberately said to the bidding microphone: "Little Qianer, you are awesome, tonight I am yours!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, what a prodigal, not only a prodigal, but also lewd, willing to throw ten thousand dollars to win a smile from a beautiful man! People looked at Lu Yiqian's box with incomparable contempt.

The corner of Lu Yiqian's mouth twitched. She was sure that the people below would think of her, but she didn't mind. It didn't matter what others thought of her. She was still her. She wasn't angry either.

She wasn't angry, but Qi Wanru was. She had also met before leaving the country, a man who was so enchanting and dangerous! She is really unwilling, it's fine that a handsome but pure man belongs to that ugly woman, but even that enchanting and charming man belongs to her, I really can't bear it! Thinking of her as a dignified princess, the appearance and temperament of the male pets around her are not one-tenth of her, it's abominable!

However, that abominable woman won't be good for a few days, and today, someone wants her life!

Qi Tianxiong unfolded his figure, and gracefully embraced a beautiful woman, his lower body was moving rhythmically in her body. "Do things cleanly." What is the younger sister's plan, how could he, the older brother, not know? As for that woman, if she can survive, then he will consider pursuing her. A wealthy lady who spends a lot of money, he is interested in taking advantage of it.

"Brother, how could you do such a thing in front of your sister?" Qi Wanru gave Qi Tianxiong a reproachful look.

As soon as she finished speaking, a pair of male hands were stretched out behind her to cover her.

Qi Tianxiong raised his eyebrows: "My good sister, you are not bad."

At that time, Lu Yiqian and his party walked out of the auction house and drove to the hotel in a caravan.

Halfway through the car, there was the sound of an explosion, but the car only jolted slightly.

Lu Yiqian's RV is resistant to earthquakes, explosions, fire, water, and thunder, and ordinary people can't break through its defenses.

Seeing that a single blow failed to attack a few people secretly, they were brewing again and decided to make a big move.

But at this moment, the sky darkened suddenly, the clouds were throbbing, black thunder and lightning rushed down, a large crack opened in the air for no reason, and a certain black figure floated out slowly.

"Ants, how dare you sneak up on your master!" It was like the cold voice from the Nine Nether Hell, frightening the nerves of the sneak attacker.

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The person who attacked Lu Yiqian was not an ordinary person.

Qi State has a long history, and its talent pool is unmatched by any other country. Therefore, the six people who made a surprise attack were the assassins trained by the royal family to carry out assassination missions. Generally, any disobedient officials or enemies who are difficult to deal with will be sent to assassinate them.

It's just that they never looked at the almanac when they went out today, and they didn't notice that today is not a good day to travel.

A few bolts of black lightning struck down, and before the poor ghosts figured out what happened, they were struck by lightning until there was nothing left.

Black cloak, black sickle, black hair fluttering in the wind, black lightning flashing around, black cracks in the space filled with light, black aura highlighting the feet!

God of death, do you want to be more exaggerated and gorgeous? !

The powerful coercion permeated the entire Qi country, and people felt their hairs suddenly explode and their backs felt cold, and those who got close even fainted and fell to the ground. Lu Yiqian has been promoted twice, and the strength of Death God has risen several steps. Forgive him for seeing Lu Yiqian too excited, showing a little bit of strength.

The god of death restrained and leaked power, and the world regained peace again.

After dealing with the affairs of the death world, those nagging third-level gods of death were no longer ink-stained, and he was able to return to his master.

Mood, can't wait!

At this time, the hundreds of third-level death gods in the death world all looked at each other speechlessly, and their heads were not as tough as usual! Are you dissatisfied with those monsters who are always tearing up the space to make trouble, and actually ran to kill people? The gap, sure enough, the gap is not so big!

Of course, the god of death doesn't care what his subordinates think of him. At this moment, waves of happiness flowed from his body, and he walked towards Lu Yiqian firmly and persistently, step by step.

"Master, I'm back."

Lu Yiqian felt the suddenness, but she couldn't care much about the surprise brought by the return of the god of death, so she got out of the car. For more than a year, she has tried her best not to think about the god of death. Maybe she is greedy. When the people around her are gone, she always thinks that they will come back. Since they will come back, then there is no need to think about it.

"Welcome back." Lu Yiqian took Death's hand.

The god of death looked at Lu Yiqian deeply, and let the electric current from his hand swallow him up. The cloak covered his face, and no one could see his expression. Over the past year, his longing was overwhelming, and he couldn't bear to meet again. Zhu Zhu asked Lu Yiqian very seriously: "Master, do you have any experience now?"

Lu Yiqian immediately petrified gorgeously!

The Grim Reaper was very persistent: "Master, do you have experience now?"

Lu Yiqian blushed, and felt embarrassing for the first time in the playful eyes of Li Bing, Wei Mo's probing eyes, Si Kong Yun's curious eyes, and the direct and intense death's persistent eyes: "This matter... Experienced... "(to be continued)