Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 242


Enough running, tired running, human beings are so ugly...

Give it up, give it up, no one will come to redeem...

So, soak in dirt forever...

But, why, I really want to cry...

I can't move my hands and feet, and I want to catch the sun, but what I see is always an ugly face...

don't want to struggle anymore...

Already struggling...

His name is Yaohong, he has a face that makes people crazy, and he has a secret that makes people crazy!

But God knows how much he hates this face, and how much he doesn't want to inherit that secret. However, the half of the blood belonging to the monster has passed the secret down to him from generation to generation. He doesn't know how many years have passed. What's more, he didn't know if that secret was a nightmare that came back in his dream at midnight. That secret is too scary and incredible! How many times has he cut his own face, whether it was cut by a knife, burned by fire or even smashed with a stone, the face will still recover the next day, and the disgusting smell that disgusts him will still appear!

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He hates it so much, hates himself for having this face, for letting him see people's ugliness!

He hates it so much, he hates the secret he carries, which makes people keep trapping and chasing him!

Generation after generation, generation after generation... and on, and on and on... until he was the only one left.

He is 200 years old this year, maybe in the near future, he will be tortured to death...

But it doesn't matter, this way, it's a relief...

Even if you are not reconciled, you are relieved...

Lu Yiqian turned around and said to Sikong Yun: "If I smashed up the venue and prevented your psychic weapon from being sold, would you blame me?"

Sikong Yun first slightly widened his beautiful eyes, and then said like a miser, "You have to compensate me."

Lu Yiqian nodded, and said to Sikong Yun: "Go away, go back to the country." He called out Lan Ruolai to protect him.

"You have to remember, grab more things, I like lot 59 and lot 63 the most..." Sikong Yun muttered.

Lu Yiqian glared: "Get out!"

Xiao Junzun is gearing up, and his master is about to go crazy, which makes him so happy!

There was a lot of voices and endless noise.

Lu Yiqian's hair moved slightly, and he flew downstairs.

Death is always with us.

Wei Mo never gave up.

Xiao Junzun followed closely behind.

"Hey, you, do you want to escape?" Lu Yiqian asked while walking towards Yaohong.

Her voice was not loud, but it inexplicably overwhelmed all the noise in the venue, and it was transmitted directly into Yaohong's ears.

Hey, you, want to escape

Yao Hong was stunned for a moment, but then he shook his head, hallucination, it must be hallucination.

Lu Yiqian came to meet him, and he refused to let go: "Do you want to escape, escape from this cage..."

Yaohong still doesn't believe it, he has been disappointed too many times, and he doesn't want to be disappointed this time.

"Do you want to escape? If you want to, just nod."

Lu Yiqian was too arrogant, her voice overwhelmed everyone. People were in a daze for a moment, she asked, maybe she wanted to rob people away

This is a once-in-a-century auction venue, and no one has ever dared to grab things at this venue.

There are nobles from the Three Kingdoms, and there are so many masters, who would dare to be so bold as to rob people in a blatant manner

Yao Hong's eyes were slightly out of focus, he saw a woman with flying long hair, and he saw a clean expression on her face that was different from anyone else's, and there was sincerity on her face, which he had never seen before. sincere.

Under the strange circumstances, he nodded.

He didn't believe that woman could save him, he just, he just felt grateful for that look...

It turns out that my heart has not died yet...


As soon as he nodded his head, a red sword slashed down wildly, splitting the iron cage and breaking the chains, and the weak man was supported by Wei Mo.

Lu Yiqian's actions were too fast, too arrogant and too crazy, she actually did it!

"You, you, you, you..." the auctioneer pointed at Lu Yiqian, speechless.

At this time, the seven-level wizards and six-level great mages who were in charge of the protection poured into the venue one after another, and even the army of Qi State also rushed in.

The auction hall suddenly became chaotic, and the rich and nobles on the first, second, and third floors left the venue one after another under the protection of their own guards.

Lu Yiqian didn't care, these people couldn't stop her, what he cared about was the hidden power in the venue.


Lu Yiqian rushed out of the venue!

At this time, several beams of light surpassed Lu Yiqian and came over!

Lu Yiqian tilted his body slightly and blocked the beam of light with his backhand.

An eight-winged angel soared in the sky, and behind him, there were nearly a hundred seraphs!

They look so holy that those around them can't help but bow down.

The descendant of the Temple of Light!

Is the Temple of Light involved in this matter? Moreover, they also sent eight-winged high-ranking angels!

The eight-winged angel had a faint halo of light on his body, and his eight wings were pure white. He carried the unique arrogance of angels: "Small, stupid and pitiful human beings, I order you to hand over that half-orc!"

Lu Yiqian looked at Yaohong, smiled inexplicably, and said, "You really have a lot of face!"

Yaohong felt suffocated in her heart. Did she say that to give up on herself

Lu Yiqian spread his hands: "You want someone? Yes."

Yaohong's heart sank...

The eight-winged angel gave Lu Yiqian an arrogant snort, these damn human beings are so lowly!

Lu Yiqian stared straight at the eight-winged angel: "But I don't like the prefixes you speak, you are the poor, small, stupid birdman!"

Yao Hong suddenly raised her head, what did she just say... Does she mean to protect him with all her strength

With the fusion of Zilong's soul and the kitten's weaponization, Lu Yiqian rose from the ground, surrounded by the War Realm, and slashed straight with a sword that opened up the world.

The eight-winged angel didn't expect that Lu Yiqian would dare to attack him, let alone that she, who looked weak, would be so strong that she didn't dare to resist that attack, and retreated to the side. However, it was a bit slow after all, and half of one wing was chopped off!

The eight-winged angel immediately let go of his contempt, and shouted in great surprise and anger: "You..." (to be continued)