Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 260


When more than two hundred star Eudemons started fighting, it was naturally much more powerful. Playing to the fullest, the moves couldn't help but be a little bigger, so the bombing and bombing made the mud fly.


But hearing a long cry from something, the island began to shake more and more violently, and the trees on the island broke off one after another, as if an earthquake had occurred.

All the beasts looked at each other.

Seeing that the small island was sinking very quickly, Lu Shiqian calmly called everyone to board the boat, and called back the beasts by the way.

After five people boarded the boat, the island sank. Immediately afterwards, a huge monster emerged from the water.

It's impossible to describe how big that behemoth was, it took over the view!

Seeing it, Lu Yiqian understood that the so-called small island was just its back. Maybe it is sleeping, maybe it is meditating, in short, it has been floating quietly on the water for more than 50 years, until lush plants grow on its back, supporting a bird paradise. If the beasts hadn't woken it up by fighting, it might have fallen asleep again.

Lu Yiqian looked at it with respect. Anyone who sees such a giant fish must have respect.

The giant fish's giant eyes with a radius of five meters looked at Lu Yiqian's cruise ship, as if it was very interested, and it was disturbed to wake up, but it did not attack rashly.

Lu Yiqian was a little embarrassed, no matter what, he was the one who disturbed the giant fish.

She started the cruise ship, preparing to leave quietly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the boat sailed, the giant fish followed up gracefully.

Seeing that the giant fish had no intention of attacking, Lu Yiqian let it go.

Yaohong and Xiao Jinlong point to the same place, but Yaohong's guidance is more accurate. Lu Yiqian set the route according to the guidance, and without accident, he should be able to arrive soon. But this sea is dangerous and unpredictable, and no one can tell what will happen.

Lu Yiqian went to the deck and saw the big fish swimming side by side on the right side of the cruise ship. Seeing Lu Yiqian coming out, he swung his huge eyes over.

To be honest, seeing the huge eyes with a radius of five meters is still very frightening.

Fortunately, Lu Yiqian was indifferent by nature, seeing this big guy was gentle, he calmly did what he should do.

The big eyes looked at Lu Yiqian, and Lu Yiqian also looked at this big guy, but it was too big, and now it was its big eyes that caught the eye. There is a film on the eyes, looking thin, but in fact invulnerable!

They looked at each other very strangely!

Lu Yi paused for a moment, and then leaped onto his forehead like a big fish and a hill.

The big fish seems to be very happy, as soon as the speed is increased, it rushes out like an arrow from the string, very fast. The big fish swim happily, but they all swim around the cruise ship like little urchins.

Wei Mo looked at Lu Yiqian on the fish gently, how lucky he is to fall in love with such a woman!

Shang glanced at the big fish, and continued to practice his sword calmly.

The god of death stared at the man on the fish obsessively, and couldn't help it anymore, flew to the big fish, and stood together with the man in his heart.

After playing enough, I sent Lu Yiqian Death God back, and the big fish swam by the side of the boat again.

Perhaps with this big fish in charge, no sharks or whales without long eyes came to make trouble, and even storms at sea were not encountered.

According to the guidance, he sailed at sea for a full month before arriving at the place where the guidance was located.

Lu Yiqian parked the boat on the water, looked at the vast sea in all directions, and asked Yaohong again: "Are you sure it's here?"

There was a slight blush on Yaohong's face, but he asked with certainty: "Yes, it's here." He paused: "There should have been three circular islands here."

The sea is vast, and there is not even a crease to go to the sea. Could this be the place it refers to

Lu Yiqian also took out the map, looked at it again and again, and there were three nearby islands marked on the map.

The map is right, the place is right, but there are no islands, so what's going on

"You... don't believe me?" Yao Hong's voice trembled a little, and she was suddenly afraid of hearing words of denial from her mouth.

"No, I'm thinking, things may have changed." Lu Yiqian raised his head and glanced at Yaohong: "I believe in you."

Sitting on the deck watching the sea, a bold idea suddenly hit Lu Yiqian's mind.

Could it be, at the bottom of the sea? !

The sea is calm, and this sea area looks no different from other places.

But Lu Yiqian has already started to prepare, she tinkered for a while, and made a submarine!

The fire of creation, this miraculous flame, as long as one can think of it, there is almost nothing that it cannot do.

The submarine, more than 20 meters long, more than ten meters wide, and six meters high, floated on the surface of the sea, and the outside was bare.

All the beasts looked at this strange guy with question marks in their eyes.

Lu Yiqian laughed and walked down first.

Death God followed closely, Shang walked in coldly, even Hell Guard Mo would follow, Yao Hong walked in last.

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Starting with Xiao Junzun, the beasts also filed in.

Take the cruise ship back, close the hatch door, and sink to the bottom.

The giant fish also sank into the water.

Seen from the water, this giant fish is bigger, with a length of 10,000 meters and a width of 1,000 meters. This fish is comparable to Everest.

Hong Jin patted her small chest, and quickly turned around to look at the scenery in the sea against the glass of the submarine.

All kinds of fish, crabs, seaweed, molluscs... colorful and dazzling, more beautiful than land. Especially schools of marine fish hovering like clouds to catch plankton.

The types of creatures in the Sea of Illusion are even more diverse and innumerable!

All the beasts were amazed and shouted again and again!

Following the master is really an eye-opener!

After lurking for a while, the beasts saw all kinds of jellyfish, shimmering, like weird dancers, dancing a dance that no one could understand.

Continuing to dive, all kinds of large and small corals, various strange-shaped sea anemones, various sea plants, and sea monsters are displayed in front of everyone, forming an extremely beautiful, resource-rich, and extremely magical sea forest world.

Submarines and big fish swim in it, it feels like flying over a huge forest, or entering another world, the visual impact is huge, and the spiritual shock is also huge. (to be continued)