Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 277


Anyone who understands his methods, especially the spirits of the Death God Realm, will have a deep understanding of what kind of existence this lord is like! The world of death gathers undead from all planes, and there are many vicious people, but after hearing the name of the fourth-level Lord Death, all of them are submissive, which shows its strength. Too strong, too powerful, is a god, a god among gods! But the world of death does not believe in gods, it only believes in the number one person in the world of death... Lord Death of the fourth level!

Now, this lord is looking at this woman with a full face, really, really...

It's too scary!

When a god of death was staring at Lu Yiqian obsessively, a fire fox wagged its tail and climbed onto his shoulder.

"Are you looking at the master?" A certain fox asked, stroking its little paw.

"Yeah." Reaper answered honestly.

Firefox patted Reaper on the shoulder: "Brother, I stand in the united front with you." It swept away Sao Shang and Wei Mo: "We, as phantom beasts, should swear to the death to defend the innocence of our master, do you understand?"

grim Reaper:"?"

Hongjin has an unteachable expression of a donkey (not a typo), it's really hard to imagine that it can make such difficult movements on its fox face: "Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields!"

grim Reaper:"?"

Hong Jin stroked her forehead, and asked in a different way: "Do you know what women like?"

grim Reaper:"??"

Hong Jin sighed: "This question is too difficult, let me ask it briefly, do you know what the master likes?"

The Grim Reaper finally turned his head and accepted the lesson with humility.

"Romantic, women like romance, and so does the master."

"What is romance?" asked Death.

"The flowers are under the moonlight, you and me; the rain in Bashan at night, so passionate; the mountains are full of beauty, and you grow old together; you live and die at the same hole, and you will never change until you die..." the fire fox said a lot, Like a master of love.

Except for the first sentence, the god of death probably knows what it means, and the rest, he doesn't know what it is.

"Women love flowers, you know? Although our master is very strong, she must also love flowers. You give her flowers, then praise her, and then give her a tender hug, and the master will let you do whatever you want, understand? "Firefox said leisurely.

"Flowers? Compliments? Hugs? Do whatever you want?" Reaper thought carefully: "Romantic..." He thought, he should understand what it means.

The panda came over, grabbed Hong Jin's neck and threw it on his round head, sat aside, and continued to gnaw on its bamboo.

But at this moment, Huo Qilin was tripped and took a heavy blow from Lu Yiqian. Although he was not injured, he still admired Lu Yiqian.

"You can't beat me, you can replace it with someone else!" Huo Qilin said, it can't beat it, but it can survive its heavy blows without being injured or defeated, this kind of ability is probably difficult for few people to possess.

However, if you want to pass the level, you have to defeat it first.

Lu Yiqian didn't show his strength, she knew it was telling the truth.

Shang stepped forward with his sword: "I'll do it." After finishing speaking coldly, he unceremoniously slashed away with his sword.

Lu Yiqian didn't have a precise understanding of Shang's strength before, and he fought her more to teach her and train her. Now when she confronts Qilin, she realizes that his strength is far above Qilin. He is proficient with the sword, without any fancy sword moves, but every sword is ingenious, this is the result of hard work!

Obviously, he confronted Qilin just to practice his skills, and Qilin was knocked to the ground before he could make a hundred moves.

Huo Qilin raised its head proudly, with a hint of relief, but also a hint of heaviness: "You guys kill me." It can't even protect the seal of its master, damn it!

"Brother!" Fenghuang panicked and untied the fit.

The other four beasts all warned: "Brother, why are you doing this?"

Huo Qilin said: "I've made up my mind!"

Lu Yiqian frowned slightly, and was about to start cursing, but Bai's voice came from the spiritual platform: "Let me do it, the little idiot just needs to put his hand on its head."

Lu Yi followed his words a thousand times.

"Huo Qilin, stand up." Bai only said one word.

However, the effect of this sentence was really astonishing. The fire unicorn widened its eyes at first, then knelt down in front of Lu Yiqian with a thud, and said reverently: "Master!" It didn't say a single complaint, because its master has returned!

After Bai finished speaking, he retreated into the Eudemons space again. The restrictions on it here are too great, it is completely set up for him, just to suppress his seal!

Lu Yiqian couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, Bai, Bai, what kind of person are you to make all the beasts loyal to this point.

After the fire unicorn was contracted, it soared to 4,800 stars.

It is still immersed in the shock of sharing a master with Lord Baihu. It also knows that the current Lord Bai's strength has been greatly reduced, but he still respects him as before. From this point of view, Bai's way of controlling his subordinates is really powerful, which is really admirable. Bai, there is indeed a trait that makes people want to bow down when they see it!

This last hurdle has passed, and the next step is to go to the place of the white seal.

As in the fairy tale, the princess finally passed many tests and rescued the prince. Lu Yiqian is the princess who came to save Bai!

"Master, although Lord God Master's power is sealed, it is still extremely dangerous. Lord Bai's power is too great!" Huo Qilin reminded.

"Well, I will be careful." Lu Yiqian walked forward immediately.

Following Yaohong's guidance, Lu Yiqian and the others walked all the way down. In the deepest part of the ground, the power of the seal is poured out more obviously, extremely depressing, and another overbearing force is confronting it. Even if the domineering power poured out just a little bit, Lu Yiqian could tell that it was white!

The last hall is huge, almost as large as a large city. Strange seal patterns are carved everywhere in the hall, on the pillars, on the dome, and on the ground.

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Such a place is definitely not a good place to go.

Even a god-level powerhouse would be immobilized by the remaining power of the seal.

As soon as I went down, a gust of wind blew head-on, mixed with the sound of electromagnetic crackling, and the pressure increased sharply. (to be continued)